Love versus Profession

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Can you ever love a whore?

Total Votes : 30
To put more mildly, if you learned that your girlfriend engaged from simple compensated dating to paid gang-bang orgies, or let's say that you learned it at some point while ignorantly dating, would you still be interested in him/her romantically... that is having that info, and an indication that your affair is not going to stop him/her from their profession?
It's dependent on how she handles it and if she can separate work from everything else. Plenty of people can't disassociate the sex and the money.

As for whether I'd tolerate it. It'd depend on the level of protection she uses, and if it conflicts with the relationship. Normal work does it enough, I wouldn't know what kind of hours and detrimental effect that kind of job would entail.
Problems are going to come up. If she sexually services men as a profession, chances are that she will want to avoid it at certain times with you.

She won't be up for anything after a gangbang or even after a busy day. It will be fine for a while, but eventually negative thoughts will creep into your mind. "If she does it professionally for money all the time, why can't she do it for me at home, when I want it?" It's one of those things that can wear you down.
Sorry, for the double option, but the forum's javascript had hiccups when I made the poll. I reported the problem already. Anyway, on topic...

AvatarEnd wrote...
It's dependent on how she handles it and if she can separate work from everything else. Plenty of people can't disassociate the sex and the money.

Dunno, in my book prostitution is more moral and honest, compared to... let's say a lawyer or a banker, who are trained to lie and manipulate... at least, prostitutes do not pretend unless you ask them to do so.

AvatarEnd wrote...
As for whether I'd tolerate it. It'd depend on the level of protection she uses,

Prostitutes not using condoms, that's suicidal! I don't think it happens, unless it's someone just starting by herself, which I also find extremely strange.

AvatarEnd wrote...
and if it conflicts with the relationship. Normal work does it enough, I wouldn't know what kind of hours and detrimental effect that kind of job would entail.

hightide wrote...
Problems are going to come up. If she sexually services men as a profession, chances are that she will want to avoid it at certain times with you.

She won't be up for anything after a gangbang or even after a busy day.

Well, I have also zero motivation to do anything after a hard day at work. OK granted I spend my time designing multi-layered distributed systems, implementing prototypes, and refactoring the production code, instead of getting banged by a group of old geezers for 8 hours, but even that is no different than a construction worker, or a clerk at some retail store, probably those are even more tiring, and definitely have no potential to enjoy your job.

hightide wrote...
It will be fine for a while, but eventually negative thoughts will creep into your mind. "If she does it professionally for money all the time, why can't she do it for me at home, when I want it?" It's one of those things that can wear you down.

Why I prioritize fixing software at work, but when a friend asks to do the same for him, I do it at my leisure? The first is your work, and people pay you to do it, while the second is on your own volition, without having anything to gain. Plus, I am pretty sure you can not get a prostitute whenever you want, she can be busy with other clients or her personal life ;)
I'd say no.
That is the kind of thing that'd tip me over the edge... I can't say i'd handle it well.. I'd probably end up saying no, if i didn't give it a shot... but the thought of douzens of other men plowing her at any time.. I just wouldn't like it. NTR but with her still loving you :|
Like i said on the other one.
animefreak_usa wrote...
I love whores.. Te Quiero Punta!.
No fucking way. I would quit her right away.
Malkuth wrote...

hightide wrote...
Problems are going to come up. If she sexually services men as a profession, chances are that she will want to avoid it at certain times with you.

She won't be up for anything after a gangbang or even after a busy day.

Well, I have also zero motivation to do anything after a hard day at work. OK granted I spend my time designing multi-layered distributed systems, implementing prototypes, and refactoring the production code, instead of getting banged by a group of old geezers for 8 hours, but even that is no different than a construction worker, or a clerk at some retail store, probably those are even more tiring, and definitely have no potential to enjoy your job.

hightide wrote...
It will be fine for a while, but eventually negative thoughts will creep into your mind. "If she does it professionally for money all the time, why can't she do it for me at home, when I want it?" It's one of those things that can wear you down.

Why I prioritize fixing software at work, but when a friend asks to do the same for him, I do it at my leisure? The first is your work, and people pay you to do it, while the second is on your own volition, without having anything to gain. Plus, I am pretty sure you can not get a prostitute whenever you want, she can be busy with other clients or her personal life ;)

I guess my opinion is coloured by my own experiences. If she meets your needs and it makes you happy, then really...nothing else matters.

I'm very sexually demanding, I need a girl that is as insatiable as me. I remember seeing this one girl. It started out great, but then she got hired to be a 'girlfriend/mistress' by some rich dude. The scenario I talked about came up. She could no longer fulfill my needs and things had to end. I met another guy who has dated strippers and he had the same problems. Congruency is very important to me and it seems that girls that work in sex related industries can't be sexually congruent and consistent.
In between, I am not in the situation, just wondering since I was looking for a pro to compare with a girl who was into masochism. But yeah, I guess it sucks more if it happens or you find out during a relationship.
The jealousy would be too much to bare, I would be hurt and most likely cut off the romance. There would only be a chance of it continuing if they really pursued me after quitting.
Aki-chan wrote...
The jealousy would be too much to bare, I would be hurt and most likely cut off the romance. There would only be a chance of it continuing if they really pursued me after quitting.

That and she promised to stop :/
Yes, as long as she quits

No harm done less she got aids. I'd take charlie sheens spot any day.
Standards are fer yellabellies.
It really depends on the situation in my opinion.
Depends on how much the profession kills her soul on a daily basis.

I'm guessing that most classic professionals aren't in it for the job perks. White knight that shit up and get her out of there.
That's a no, man I want my GF to be only with me when we're in a relationship. When we break up she can go fuck the pope if she wants.
i am a very jealous person. if my gf was a prostitute, i would find all of her clients,put then i my basement, bleed them into large empty tubbs and sacrifice their blood at an alter made from their skulls dedicated to the blood god Korn. then i shall take the bones smash them into bone meal and flush them down the toilet. the organs will be put into meat pies that the public would eat.

yes, Korn will be pleased with me, he will give me gifts! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THROWN!
Depends on the reason for even getting involved in prostitution in the first place. If she's a prostitute just for the sake of having sex with other men, fuck that. If she's a prostitute because of a more legitimate reason (i.e financial problems, being forced into prostitution against her will) I'd work tooth and nail for her to get that girl out of prostitution.
it depends on the reason she had that job but if she has aids or something then no
Id say depends, thats it no other adition to the word. If she would change for the better, i dont see anything wrong.
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