What Made You Pick Your Fakku Username... And Its Origins

From the song Count Choculitis ._. very simple amirite?
Normally my username is FeralSnake, Anguis Maestus is Latin for Feral Serpent
I wanted something memorable. IRL I am a much more tough, kickass kind of girl, but I wanted something more feminine and I more of a submissive. So I thought of Damsel in Distress, and just dropped the in distress. :$
Its the name of my rogue that i played for 4 years on WoW. go crushridge!
My name is zach and I like wolves.... and this is my username for just about everything
I'm really into astronomy, and astrophysics. Deimos happens to be one of Mars' two moons, and the XII is for the day it was found.
I occasionally take this name on MMOs for recognition.

I figured I would try it in a place where it was likely to be taken. Got lucky.
My name has a pretty interesting story behind it actually...

A few years back I was dating this girl who was into some really weird stuff in bed. Well one day she asked me "What do you call it when you get a hand job by someone with a sock puppet?" Well after she showed me, I coined the phrase Sockjob.

Been using it ever since.
[i]At the time I created my account I was really into the anime "Reborn!" and my favorite character was Rokudou pupil Fran! '-'

Pretty lame actually! ¬¬
I read it somewhere and it looked cute, lol.
my name got an big story but i only tell what happend. My brothers called me mummel when i was 6,the grond for it was an pillow... so from 6 to yet every one in intanetz know me as mummel :3
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
In any MMO for the PC that any one of my RL friends suggests I play that I actually end up playing for a while, I have used BlinkXPoke. Why? Well, we like to play "torture", and pokes hurt me the most. What happens when I get poked? Well, I get hurt, of course, and it makes me blink rapidly. The X refers to my eyes when they're closed for that split second.

It's only been used for MMOs I've played when I was younger, so I brought back Blinkx for Fakku. A name from my gaming childhood in an adult site... Maybe I may have did this (now that I think of it) to prove, yeah, I'm legal, but I'm still a kid inside.
My username has no special meaning, just a row of ordinary letter that has no meaning
When I was signing up I wanted a new username, so I put together Green, cause it's my favorite color, and Zero because I love Zero from Code Geass. Now I've stuck with it and use it for pretty much everything.
my real name is Sarah, which means Princess, so I chose Hime and I just kinda pulled Takamura out of my ass. I probably shouldn't use it on such deviant sites since I use it on all my other sites too. It's like a pen name for me now.
this one came in a random name generator when i put my real name in and it just stuck so i pretty use this name for anything usernames emails or passwords
this is the first time ive gone with a dif username on a site , sort of ,i say sort of because its more or less a combination of my other usernames , in almost any RPG or MMORPG ill have a toon named Suro or Surosuki , which goes all the way back to when i used to do online bleach type of roleplay and that was the name of one of my swords [i think it means light moon or white moon in Japanese dont quote me on that though] Gate comes from my fascination with a story idea of like gate keepers , boring fantasy stuff now , and then when you add a extra r to surro and add gate you get surrogate which the movies surrogates was one of my all time fav. Thus my user name was born and ive had a habit to use it in places where its not already taken
i like wandering around aimlessly like firefly.
everybody feel comfort if they saw a firefly.
hotaru mean firefly..
i misheard while watching outlaw star, but still love my username

edit: green zero plz tell me where you got your avi
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
oooh goodie. i actually have a story for this. First of all, i now use echoeagle3 for everything on the internet. now matter what site it is thats my name. now as for where it came from. I had joined the army and after i was getting a medical discharge i was going to email my parents to tell them so i needed a email account (i didn't have one till then) i thought and thought and then finally came up with something. i had been in echo company 3rd platoon, and our mascot was the eagle. put them all together and viola! echoeagle3. It sounds cool, always serves as a reminder of my time in the army and nobody on any site i've been to has ever taken it. its always me thats named that.
Monster Girl
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