Friends you hate?

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Cormac wrote...
I love all my friends.

ITT: People who don't understand what the word hate means.
Know a few of those, don't think of them as friends.
I would not say hate but annoyed

I need my me time...
My friends are awesome. Sure, we get into fights and such, but it never escalates too far. We're just that close.
My friends are fine and I never had a feeling of hatred towards them
my friends are great. wait... i dont have friends IRL. LOL
Fortunately, all person I consider as friends are cool guys.
Anguis Maestus wrote...
elfen lied wrote...
friends.... what is this concept you speak of... i know not of friends

Elfen Lied was stupid BTW.

a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter
a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile

-_-... sarcasam goes right over your head obviously, ok a more honest awnser would be, i have friends but i do not have friends i hate
Friends are advantageous to us ... I really need my best friend in my crucial moment and that moment occurred when I didn't have much money to pay for my food in school
There's a gangbang friend thing. We find someone we can barely tolerate and keep them around so we can bitch at them, thus unifying the core.

In the end though, we have a lot of fun and will back up our bitch if someone tries to cross onto our budturf.
elfen lied wrote...
Anguis Maestus wrote...
elfen lied wrote...
friends.... what is this concept you speak of... i know not of friends

Elfen Lied was stupid BTW.

a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter
a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile

-_-... sarcasam goes right over your head obviously, ok a more honest awnser would be, i have friends but i do not have friends i hate

Seeing as you misspelled sarcasm... are you dense? You're choice of insulting me is just retarded, although now I'm genuinely curious (And this might make me a dumbass), do you actually think I was being serious?
i got only one who really pisses me off sometimes because she is just to much in her religion and doesn't want to try new things and she is afraid to go swimming 0-o because she thinks that boys will look at her.. but believe me you guys wont. >.
Anguis Maestus wrote...
Drag0nf0rce wrote...
Aye i got a m8 thats an absolute dick,
but i know that if we're ever in trouble we would help each other xD
Some of your best m8s tend to be like that i suppose xd
my best m8 and I cant stand each other xD

I just can't stand this guy though! It's liek, you think they're a cool person and then they just... shit all over that idea...

Well at least your friends just think their cool. for me my friends backstab me in facebook. one of my friends made a anonymous account just to ruin me saying I'm a stealing whore and lying bitch. well. my bestfriend is cool she's just a camwhore in cosplay conventions.
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