Do girls want Sensitive guys, or "Alpha Males" ?

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Hey guys, Im new here so its nice to meet all of you and I was just curious what you guys thought about this--I know that every girl has a different opinion im sure, But in general I'm curious about this--If there was already a thread about this I didn't see it and apologize in advance.
An odd way to phrase it...haha!
But I do generally lean toward males with more dominant personalities. I like to feel like he can keep a level head and take care of me. He needs to have some sensitivity, of course. But its not as appealing as the latter.
It's the whole caring douche vs asshole male debate all over again...
It depend because not all girls are the same because some prefer a dominant guy or some prefer a sensitive guy
You can say that Women usually go for the dominant guys but when they want to settle down they go for the sensitive guys.

It may not be fair.. but some women are like that, men are the same way
It's simple biology, the more tough, strong and dominate... the better chance that his offspring will survive.
Brology said bitches just want to be submissive to a man or in the words of my father: ' Don't give your woman all your money, time and love because she will want more'... he on his fifth marriage.
Some girls want a protective guy. That would go to "Alpha Males"

And some girls want a guy which is sensitive. Showing feelings. Like crying or something like that.

It depends, you can´t say all girls like aplha males or sensitive guys.

But it tends more to the alpha males.
Just to reply to what one of the people said, and im sorry if I misportrayed what I was asking, I never really intended that the "Alpha male" was an asshole--He could very well be a good guy, but anyways back to the discussion.

Thanks for the rpelies I've gotten so far--Its good to see what other people think. And yes, Of course its different from woman to woman, but anyways yeah thanks for the replies guys :D
Why not both? Real men know when to take charge and when to be supportive.
Agreed. A good man should be both. If a guy has to fall back on one quality it's because the rest are too weak.

The Alpha Male would be, by definition, the better choice. He wants to be the best, and that would entail having an arsenal of qualities to appeal to as many as possible.

I've met many more alpha males who are sensitive than sensitive alpha males, if you'll excuse the foggy word choice.

EDIT: Haters gonna hate? Yes they are.
I think you oughta be the sensitive guy for HER, and still be able to take lead and be Alpha!
I'm more of a sensitive guy myself, my girlfriend doesn't seem to mind that much. I think the most important thing to remember is that, one day a girl may want a man who will take charge and protect her and another day she may want a man who will support her emotionally and care for her.

So basically I think most woman desire a prince. There's always exceptions of course.
Thanks for all the replies and feedback so far guys! I was expecting a whole lot more trolling, Good to see the Fakku community isn't that low :)
I think I have confused "alpha" for strong in my youth, but what I really noticed was "outgoing". My man now is dandere, but very much a strong man. He is just introverted and confident enough to let me take the lead- but will take the lead back when he wants it, too. Now that I am older, I do not confuse Alpha for outgoing anymore. I've redefined strong- I think it all has to do with confidence- and that is what makes a guy Alpha.
If people call themselves by either of those labels, I won't be interested.

Don't try to define your dating style just due to machismo. It's not becoming.
There needs to be a balance. But. Confidence is key. You can be a little vulnerable and open and soft, but if you have no confidence, it's worthless. I like a guy whose sensitive and strong.
As famous rapper Ludacris states: "I want lady in the streets, but a freak in the bed."

For me I think girls love having a sensitive man, but would also want an Alpha-Male when they are alone together. :)
You definitely need both. You can have a tilt towards one extreme as far as a personality is concerned, but a deficiency is generally unacceptable.

You need to be alpha enough to garner the respect that most men absolutely need, but have to be sensitive enough to truly and earnestly love.

However, I feel like this question is asking about the aesthetic applied to the two types. In that case, it is a touch of a coin flip and I don't think you can approach it with a generalization. Just have to know how to read the girl you're pining for.
It should be kind of a mix of he is an "Alpha Male" but knows how to treat a girl right and be sensitive with her. Generally...I don't go for super sensitive guys..sometimes they come on a little too strong. Meh, that's an opinion coming from a chick xD
I like balance. Sensitive = cuteness for me and Alpha has some kinda sexiness to it that I love too. both would be wonderful
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