Do you watch anime with other people?

Do you watch anime with other people?

Total Votes : 4,271
alot of my friends dont watch anime, so its mainly alone T^T but depending on what it is ill watch some with my little brothers :D
I watch alone
i do have diff world xD LELZ
I feel sorry for you guys, pretty much all of my friends watch anime. If we're not watching it together we're watching the same animes. =D
it's creepy to watch anime alone with a bunch of guys, i rarely find other girls that watch it too so i tend to sit and watch it alone, then agian because i watch it alone i can finish a whole anime in a day or two if i don't have school.
If its with friends I watch anime with them, even my nephew and i watch anime, h-anime is different due to the fact that the boy is still to young to comprehend it. Either way my nephew and my brother watch anime together, I have a bunch of friends who loves watching anime. h-anime and other immoral types are the "ALONE TIME". If you know what I mean that is.
Most of the time I watch it alone, but when I hang with friends we occasionally end up watching some anime.
Sometimes i watch it with my sister, only happens when she saw me watching (i always try to hide it from them) and she liked it. Anyway i prefer to watch "Moe" type anime (even though if a guy) so then well she would definitely ike it :P.
I mostly watch anime by myself but I’d love to find other people in my town that love anime like i do i just got done watching a funny anime called demon king daimao it was alright but i wish there was a second season
I'm almost always watching with at least one friend but I do watch alone every now and then... when hentai is requested its usually my friends that suggest it. I find it tends to get a little "hot" in the room especially if I'm watching with another person...
Since it is rare (almost none) that anime movies would be played at cinema, why I should watch them with somebody?
The point is to discuss them with your pals.
Very few of my friends are in to anime and the ones that are, don't like the ones I watch so I'm stuck watching them alone.
I almost always watch it alone. My sisters will occasionally see what I'm watching, but they have different views of what anime is good or crappy, so I can't say they watch it with me.
I'm usually watching alone, occasionally a friend will come over and he will watch the latest episode of something while we eat food.
Forever alone.
majority of the time i watch anime alone cause its kinda hard to watch with other people talking and stuff........... but some times i just watch it with one other person
I am also forever alone :
i watch whith another person sometimes.
Always with a friend of mine, so much more fun
regulary i watch anime alone or with my girlfriend but the most of my friends do not watching anime
Alone is better. by myself. door closed. no friends. tissue at reaching distance. I think its quite cool but people think i'm weird.
Monster Girl
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