Furries Vs. Kemonomimi

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Furries Vs. Kemonomimi

Total Votes : 78
Needs a both option but i catch myself viewing furry more since Kemonomimi is basically your standard guy or girl just little wild.
kemonomimi,at leastwith a hat they look human
Like kemonomimi way more than furries.
Furries are just a turn off. I see no appeal in them.
"A cat is fine too..."
This poll is pretty skewed towards kemonomimi and it's not hard to see why.

To me it probably is because of all the negative consequences with furries like being called a furfag, general hate by everyone, and just easy trolling.

That or people have just not seen "good" furry. In the same way that you introduce a newcomer to anime by showing them a terrible anime that makes them think all anime is terrible, if a person sees bad furry art (which there is a LOT of), then they'll hate furries in general.

I don't mind furry if it's done well and I like kemonomimi too, but then again, I for one have learned to broaden my tastes. If you asked me if I liked furries a year ago, my response would probably be very similar to the majority of responses on here, yet within the last year I've found myself to like or at least tolerate many other fetishes.
I don't mind either, sex is sex is sex. Though on the other hand, I find more doujins with kemonomimi than furries.
I Enjoy Kemonomimi a bit more then I do furries.
I dont like Furry, and Kemonomimi is ok, but then again its just my opinion, I have seen some Furry that I liked, but wouldnt fap to it.
Both blew. /thread.
pretty obvious that furries is my choice...
I'd rather have an animal that acts and somewhat looks like a human rather
then have a human act like a animal and sometimes try look like one
personally I don't see any upside to this reply so I'm gonna shut up and just say furries
In real life I prefer Kemonomimi, but I have to say furry artwork isn't bad.
I'm in for kemonomimi no particular reason though.
Kemonomimi Kemonomimi Kemonomimi
Mod Note: Topic has been moved from Random to the Anime General section, at the request of the thread starter.
I gotta say i love both.
i will take anything really as long as it is fappable
I used to be down on furries until I realized that you actually have to have your artistic shit together to pull off anything decent, whereas kemonomimi is largely taking standard anime style and adding small accessories.

Fappingwise, kemonomimi is the superior feminine-male fix, whereas furry does really good at just being meaty and raw.
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