[ENG]Yume Miru Kusuri : A Drug That Makes You Dream

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I am just an average student, living an average, colorless life. I study, I work my part-time job, I get through my day just like everyone else, trying not to stand out from the crowd. But suddenly, almost before I realize it, the winds of change have blown into my life. They come in the form of three girls, girls who have been around me for some time, but who I never noticed in this way before. They are most definitely not living a colorless life like everyone else in postmodern Japan. They seem to float above society, strangely unaffected by it. Instinctively I know I should avoid getting involved with them, and yet before I know it, my destiny is bound with theirs. Where will it all lead?

With art from the accomplished pen of Haimura Kiyotaka and story by veteran scenario writer Tanaka Romeo, the bittersweet tale of three heroines unfolds. Will you choose to defend Aeka from becoming the victim of classroom aggression, and save her from the petty viciousness and hatred that afflicts her? Or will you help Mizuki with the burden of her work as student council president, helping each other find the path toward your uncertain futures? Perhaps you will accompany the cat girl Nekoko on her quest for the mystical fairyland that only she can see. Their fate, and your own, lie in your hands.

YUME MIRU KUSURI :: A Drug That Makes You Dream is an interactive multi-scenario dating-sim game for adults that explores life, love and growing up in modern Japan. Full of teenage angst, confusion, frustration, wonder, and beautiful artwork that draws the player in, this is a game like no other!

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T25I5G44 part 1
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IAH3BXE9 part 2
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RY9FRQ8E part 3
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K8NADXBQ part 4
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WQIO0WL6 part 5
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LUMXM9TZ part 6
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WPA7CXNN part 7

Size: 600 Mb+
Language: English
Wow, i was 100% sure that this had already been posted, but now when i look i can't find it, sum weird shit :?

Well anyways, nice upload dude :)
thanks alot for the game hehehehe i just downloaded about 50gig worth of hentai ...and im deleting what ive watched to make room for more games
KLoWn wrote...
Wow, i was 100% sure that this had already been posted, but now when i look i can't find it, sum weird shit :?

Well anyways, nice upload dude :)

yeah,at first i wasnt sure if i'll post this or not,because maybe someone would tell me that this was posted by someone else or something. :)
Klown, what do you mean nice upload? He simply copy pasted and stole these links!

Faceless, can you credit the people when you steal their links?!
mechgouki wrote...
Klown, what do you mean nice upload? He simply copy pasted and stole these links!

Faceless, can you credit the people when you steal their links?!

Uhm, well actually i totally missed that :?

faceless, have you gotten permission to post these uploads?
is this a ripped version? bcoz in the torrent it has 2GB size. Anyway i'll be downloading this. thnx for the uploadz.
1.3 Gig of the 2GB version is extra content, including voices, wallpapers, etc. The 700MB version is the game itself.

Personally, I use the full version. The size difference does not matter to me, since I burn on DVDs anyway.

Why are you thanking him? He stole the links!
oops sorry i didnt notice it. btw thnx for the info.
yep,i've gotten permission from my friend nyu.. :roll:
lol... i was about to upload this game... looks like i dont have to now...
I already finish the game this 2 days......
nice game man....

thks for upload.... :D
As for the game itself, I feel it's pretty solid. Especially the BGM and voice acting. best in a H game EVER :D . I found myself just listening to it while in other games I had to turn off BGM to spare myself from the suffering lol
Got it, just took a while, thanks.
Great game, thanks for the sharing.
um, is there something wrong with this game or did I do something wrong? because i just started a new game to play one of the other branches then went to the cg section only to find that all my cg's from the previous one were gone XP
So does this version have any voice or BG? If not can someone give me the link to the torrent?
iam having a problem here...........
i accidently del the game folder(well i formatted the drive.....)
anyway, when i try to reinstall the game, it just say that the game have already been installed :(
can anyone help me how to reinstall again :?:
i want to see the other branch........... :cry:
i got some problem with this game..
is there i have to extract it from 1-7??
please help me..
Two Words "Damn Good"

I cry at all the good endings, thought getting the bad end fell like a rock drop on my head and sinking into the abyss, still, this one game i really enjoy, the story line, the BGM and the artwork was most pleasing and pleasant. especially the BGM it was very the touching.
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