Moments You Live For

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After I watched Usagi Drops.

I kinda envisioned my future, seeing myself being contented with life having a cute daughter and a fine woman as my wife.
There's a bull-headed, feisty girl and a gentle, quiet boy that I'm destined to have one day. I spend my every moment preparing myself to be worthy of being their mother, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure they have a better life than I did.
For me, I dream of the day when I will be that relaxed, really mellow guy with a headstrong wife who's strict in the caring sort of way and I would have an adorable daughter who would be the most curious little girl that would occasionally be too smart for her own good. It would be Christmas Eve and the three of us would go see the giant tree set up in the center of the shopping district. It would be cold that night and my wife and I would be cuddled closely together while my daughter would be wriggling around sandwiched between us see the giant christmas tree. Anything after that is just gravy.
Taking a walk during summer when it's slightly dark and taking a walk during winter when it's pitch dark.
Being renowned in a profession and with a nice family.
search for identity , purpose to life and to whom I lived .. LOL
I hope that i can have a nice family of 5, my wife, 2 daughters, a son, and i. My son would be good at sports unlike me and also not be a dumb ass and my daughters would be beautiful but not like the bitches at my old highschool.
bGoZt wrote...
search for identity , purpose to life and to whom I lived .. LOL

Lol indeed. I do not have any moment I live for, but live my life out fully as I deem.
no specific ones,i just lived,moved along,and put up with problems until now,without aim or purposes,maybe the moment for me will never come,i don't have big hopes or dreams either

am i lifeless?
That was really sweet. ^_^ I'm already married to someone that I love, and even though sometimes we come across problems and misunderstandings, I still think my life with him is perfect. He's really sweet in many ways, and he's always willing to better himself to become a better husband. I don't ever try to change him, and I let him know that, but he still tries to, anyways. He told me recently that the reason he does that is because he wants to be a man who's worthy of me. I don't normally blush easily, but that definitely did it. x3 Our life together is exactly what I wanted... It's a life full of love, adventures, surprises, fun, and happiness. ^/////^
Lying down in the grass on a hot summer day looking at the clouds.
I thinks it is rather sweet that so many people wish to find happiness in another. In my perfect moment I would be 45, in a town that is not my own, staring at a midnight sun hovering above a lake. This place would be a single stop on my journey across the planet.
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