Megaupload, shut down by FBI.

Damoz ~Not A User~
This is getting as bad as the KS threads. Can people just move on already.

BTW Old new news is old y'know~
Well then. I sincerely apologize for the upset I've caused you all. This is a fault on my behalf. I'll go atone for my act of dishonor and submit to the highest level of punishment.

Now where did I leave that tanto...
Kouchou wrote...
, Lishy1, and other users that make use of the legitimate side of MU, against the DoJ for loss of earnings etc etc, might be a way to put pressure on them to back off.

Unfortunately, even the truth wont let us win in court. They have an army of lawyers who just dodge around the question 1000 times, and somehow it makes them look like we have a case above us.

There is only one truth, but one thousand lies.
I seriously propose backing up as much of the archives as possible to systems that can't be shutdown so easily. Tahoe-LAFS, a darknet-only accessible server, etc. The downloads will be slower, but much more persistent in the long run.
Well anyone know of a good alternative for uploading files? Preferably one that doesn't delete them after a certain period of inactivity. I know megaupload didn't as it had some stuff that was years old and hadn't been touched in a long while.
I think it's retarded. Most evidence vs megaupload is really lose and weak. They did however do a bad job in removing copyrighted content in some cases. But as everyone knows who uses megaupload for "illegal" purposes, stuff generally get's taken down pretty fast.

But that's not what's so retarded. This is all done by the groups preaching about the importance of Intellectual property rights. And what do they do? they get all the property of the legal users of megaupload confiscated and possibly destroyed for ever. What is this I don't even....
Okay, the big question here is how legal is all the items on THIS site? Are we going to get burned by downloading a translated dohjin? Will we be arrested because of this? This is a major issue that thus far has been avoided, and frankly I'd like an answer before hand.
Hence, why I mentioned a Class Action Suit, as the monetary costs for that are taken out of the damages. And the amount of damages awarded, depends on the number of participants*. It would still take a certain amount for a retainer, especially for the bigger and more experienced law firms, but the possibility of scoring it big due to such a judgment would definitely be enticing to them.

Also see this, as for further thoughts about the use of Cloud systems to back-up files. The whole Safe Harbour aspect also plays a role.

EFF also seems to have some interest in this issue.

*: Hence why I mentioned trying to find as many legit users of the place as possible.

Course it's your dime, so you decide if you think it worth it or not.

Just pointing out that this could be a viable option as well.
No different from a bunch of websites going dark, negatively impacting SOPA/PIPA.
Or even how one site (Reddit) gathering funds for the opposition of one of the politicians involved, had him scrambling for the mea culpa.
even this is by sopa

Extensive U.S. bills against piracy concerns now general commotion, not just hackers and Internet companies are concerned. But antipiraterijwet SOPA has also positive effects.

Wikipedia last week went black in protest at SOPA. At least, this action only served on the American version of that gecrowdsourcete online encyclopedia. But that is well stocked and worldwide used variant. The Dutch version just stayed online while crossing off what scanty.

Several other major sites have also carried out this protest, including search giant, Wordpress blog network, Firefox maker Mozilla, Pirate Bay, TOR anonymizing service and digital civil rights movement EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation). Outside the United States has participated, such as Green in the Netherlands.

While hackers, Internet fathers and called digirati of SOPA already knew , is now much broader sense penetrated. The protest is the most Internet users already have noticed, but the attention by the mainstream media has again ensured awareness of ordinary citizens. The average Internet user who just go and will automatically missed the protest could hebben.Veel people now know what Bill is on the table and that this far-reaching consequences.

United opposition
A problem in the defense of freedom and Internet is that its proponents generally not a clear front. There are several reasons, including conflicting interests but also over time, shifting interests. Google has acquired YouTube video service to be great to pirate content, for it eventually to make license payments and an automatic control system effortlessly.

Still, Google is definitely against SOPA, along with many other Internet companies and organizations. They join now clearly against "the enemy". Those opponents in this battle are not always clearly identifiable. Of course, the active censureerders as dictatorships are so designated. China, Iran, Syria, Libya, countries in this regard are mentioned.

But the defenders of copyright and the crime fighters to ever cross the line in their actions. And become so opposed to the open, free, international internet. European countries such as France and Italy , but also essentially Netherlands . A seemingly simple blockade of a repeatedly convicted site represents a fundamental limitation of online freedom. Filtering is an inclined plane.

European (in) dependence
The computer experts and historians already know: the Internet is an American invention and in the year 2012 is still largely in the hands of the United States. The software world is much more dependent on America, but the Internet world is really not that open and free as it seems. The cross-border impact of proposed legislation as SOPA not only put U.S. companies and organizations to protest. It also puts others to think.

The most controversial element is the SOPA DNS feature (domain name system) that gives companies the power to use a simple complaint websites . com,. net and. org domain names to put on black. The management of domain names that is in fact in American hands. It put on black is done by blocking the translation of domain names to actual IP addresses. Visiting from abroad, either through a VPN, it is no longer on the desired site.

SOPA also means furthermore prohibits DNS bypass blockages. While cloud providers by the U.S. Patriot Act essentially no longer safe for foreign consumption, SOPA is far more ICT facilities at risk. . Com,. Net and. Org should perhaps be avoided. Not because of deliberate piracy, but because of the risk that a website suddenly black is because someone with a legitimate complaint or not has come about content, whether or not the site owner put yourself online.

The European Parliament is long been concerned about SOPA, and dictate pronounced . Like several other non-American organizations and agencies. Is not it time to add words to deeds? For European Internet services, management agencies, software developers, etc. more incentive, opportunity and ultimately empower? Perhaps accompanied by a European Declaration of Independence .

Piracy Problem on the map
The problem of piracy is now a lot better on the map. This is all too often dismissed as just a concern of money-hungry media dinosaurs. The big bad music and film companies that the Internet does not understand and have missed the boat.

Piracy is just next to copyright music and movies also have other rights, including trademarks. SOPA to combat content theft in addition to the sale of counterfeit goods. This ranges from faux fur boots and imitated bags and counterfeit medicines to nepapparatuur. Also there are large companies with money back, but that does not alter the fact that there are laws and rules are broken.

And for fakes, there are arguments of lost revenue, for the right parties, and lost jobs for workers in expensive Western countries. Additional loss is for consumers who discover that their bargains - consciously or not fake - are of lower quality, so they quickly can break or side effects.

Reasonable alternative
Much of the fuss about SOPA because of the impending blockade DNS, DNSSEC and indirect sabotage of the Internet to protect against such phishers. SOPA has many more features for right infringement, counterfeiting and Internet piracy. Some bad, some cunning, some good.

As the appeal - and liability - from Internet sites and content providers in terms of their customers. As the exclusion of accused pirate sites, ad networks and payment terms, from U.S. companies like PayPal, Visa or Mastercard. The latter has been carried out against whistleblower site Wikileaks. A blockage in search results found on the SOPA-weapon list. What in the ground again amounts to Internet censorship.

Yet the problem of piracy is something that governments bend over, they must under current laws and regulations. So let the controversial SOPA itself a political blockade or encounter and introduction are a reasonable alternative. No, not the bill submitted by SOPA all PROTECT-IP , now doubly abbreviated PIPA. But rather as a proposal OPEN , which enjoys the support of Google and Facebook. Or public good, and in good condition through the political process is, it remains to be seen . A good start but better than a draconian doorduwwet or lawless continue muddling. Yet?

The OPEN Act as compared to SOPA and PIPA, according to proponents of OPEN than:

Web Page Name

Five section builds on its way to current developments in the Web world, where a tough stance has not been excluded. The topics vary widely, the number 5 is the only constant.

when will it stop

luckily there is also anonymous that is similar to they against sopa and other anti piracy companies
The only thing left to do is to wait for Anonymous to do their stuff.
jesternario wrote...
Okay, the big question here is how legal is all the items on THIS site? Are we going to get burned by downloading a translated dohjin? Will we be arrested because of this? This is a major issue that thus far has been avoided, and frankly I'd like an answer before hand.
say what! wrote...
jesternario wrote...
Okay, the big question here is how legal is all the items on THIS site? Are we going to get burned by downloading a translated dohjin? Will we be arrested because of this? This is a major issue that thus far has been avoided, and frankly I'd like an answer before hand.

No you won't get hunted. There's hardly anyone who would earn money by getting fakku to close down so it's fairly safe. And even if someone wanted to close Fakku down they'd only go after Jacob and a few other key players. Unless hentai is illegal per se in your country you're perfectly safe.
They cant. because most of the content here hasnt a license. that mean they are not a economical loss. licensed products are the only reason to raid or to accuse.

ohh yeah, I have being around in the important sites of TV anime series, and a lot are planing to block IPS USA and others are even planning more extreme. Some are even telling to their people to stop buying anything from USA since movies until cars or buy from a mall asociated with USA.

In the other hand, the most sounded thing is "Torrent", they cant block torrents no even can block another ways of file sharing that are more slow and there are not reason to have a high speed internet.

Sowwy for my english Im kinda emotional and show it in my writing. For example Im mad right now.
Bad news, *alot* of file sharing services are getting eliminated off each providers. Google for further info, I seriously think it's stupid.
After examinating the case on my own, I found out that MegaUpload is not an american firm. And there's one thing I don't understand: HOW THE FUCK CAN AN AMERICAN JURY SEIZE AN UN-AMERICAN SITE?
Akishiro wrote...
After examinating the case on my own, I found out that MegaUpload is not an american firm. And there's one thing I don't understand: HOW THE FUCK CAN AN AMERICAN JURY SEIZE AN UN-AMERICAN SITE?

They had a server in america, so they got in that way.
Hey, I'm a socialist, and our government hardly represents the ideology. They make me look as right-wing as Uncle Sam!
It appears Mediafire is the upload service of choice for now.
needmofur wrote...
Lishy1 wrote...
Hey, I'm a socialist, and our government hardly represents the ideology. They make me look as right-wing as Uncle Sam!

Now that is a typical Socialist response.

The constrictive (Right-wing) idea is for every one to rise or fail on their own merits not to take from those who achieve and give to those who are to lazy to get their own. Witch is the Socialist (Left-wing) way.

To clarify, I meant to say the United States is a welfare state. Socialism is equality through WORKING together!

The difference between the two is the United States makes us dependent on the government to get everything done. Socialism requires us to work.

In other words, the United States federal government is way too huge, that it has created a restricted environment.

I think they're much closer to Soviet ideology than communism or socialism.
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