Who's your favorite girl from Katawa Shoujo?

Who's your favorite girl from Katawa Shoujo?

Total Votes : 7,222
section8magnet Pervert for Life.
I choose to comfort misha in a second playthrough of shizune and now i feel like a total douche.
Lily hands down. I played all routes, all endings, and I still want to play her path again.

Lilly was my first play through so Hanako and Emi, my runner ups, didn't stand a chance.
Only completed two paths so far (Emi by accident and Hanako). Criticisms aside, I think Hanako is still my favorite followed by Rin.
awnshpooka wrote...
Mines would be Hanako because I wanna EMBRACE HER and tell her everything is gonna be alright, but it's a little too short. Lilly's arc seems complete. :D <3
I was seriouly between Rin and Hanako, but the Hanako route is so cute... *o*
Played through twice so far, Emi first time and Hanako the second...

Gotta say, Hanako's got everything to hit my soft spot @_@ Scars or not =3
Played through more of the other routes and Emi's is still my favorite and feels like the most natural progression of a relationship.
finally went through all routes. hanako, rin, and lilly tie for 1st, emi 2nd and shizune last....didnt really like shizune
hanako chan suki

beautiful story made me cry a bit.
Played it through one route so far. On my way of trying another route.

But just from reading the little descriptions on the website, Emi is my favorite.
I went Lily, surprised that more people didn't gag vote Kenji.
Voted for Misha! But cmon, no Akira? :(
Anyhow, to reiterate xD.

Shizune. Regardless of how pushy she is, her intentions are good. And hell, she does not know when to give up, love that fierceness in a girl(woman). Not really into Hanako, too weak for me. I understand the whole caring for somebody thing, but that falls more so under the father category, so could never really "love" her in that sense.

Interestingly enough, in my first playthrough, I got Shizune (when Act 1 was first released.) And fell for her character then. She is also very playful, which is awesome. I love competition. Haha.

Rambling over, Shizune rules =3
vote for Lilly most romantic and depressing ever.
Shizune & Rin, first time around I got Emi
Y u no Yuuko !!! lol
RIN FTW man.

Signed up just to vote for her.

Btw, this poll seems to be attracting more members! +1
Just finished Emi's route (bad and good endings) and all I can say is this: Forum Image: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxmmi6of8Y1qh1x0oo1_500.png

P.S She's a big douche as well.
the rin route pissed me off a little
I really wasn't able to understand what rin was thinking until the end
I am downloading now. I am always impressed to see that regular anime subs that I download have 50-200 peers and when I come here, everything has at least 1000 peers. :)
Monster Girl
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