Guilty Crown

bobing wrote...
I thought this series would end after gai's death, seems like that i was wrong.

till ep 22
So I was wondering,Ayase got her 'legs' back now that Shu can extract people's void without them fainting,BUT! what happens when Ayase turns 18? that's gonna suck yo >.>
End Card Illustration of Tsumugi in ep 14....

Finally!! I waited 13 eps to see Shu act like a boss.

rowanatkinson23 wrote...
End Card Illustration of Tsumugi in ep 14....


Agreed. I was not ready.
Shu finally going badass! and now yahiro's going nazi, o dont you just love teenagers
But that wasn't enough... every dude who placed their hands on Ayase should have been KOed by Shu...
- EP 14 -

Shu finally acts like a boss.
"Didn't I tell you to calm down? Don't make me angry." <--- That was badass right there.

Inori is . . . scary. Well, I think I'd do the same if 3 guys with the intention to rape me had just cornered me.

Tsugumi's explanation for her "Hand Scanner" Void is so HHHHGGGGGGGGNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!
Also, I was not ready for the End Card Illustration. I almost had a heart attack.

Yahiro is officially the evil team-mate dude. "Void Ranking System", a heiarchy based on your Void's usefulness to Shu? That sounds evil.
Im afraid I majored in Physics.
i saw that this was coming out.
darponz wrote...
Shu finally going badass! and now yahiro's going nazi, o dont you just love teenagers
m4px0r wrote...
So I was wondering,Ayase got her 'legs' back now that Shu can extract people's void without them fainting,BUT! what happens when Ayase turns 18? that's gonna suck yo >.>



Yahiro-> bad guy? That's kinda evil, grading evryone from A to F laik that. Hopefully Shu not only grow some backbone but also keep his common sense.
Anyone's hopping on the Ayase/Tsugumi bandwagon?

Feels like Arisa's gonna get an ep focused on her soon..hmm
Episode 14:
A good episode of Guilty Crown? Ho-How is that even possible!?

Scarface's trolling skills are constantly evolving. I'm amazed. Oh hey, we have a Void Scouter. Inori's level is OVER 2000!!! I was surprised that Inori just straight up killed those guys. I am happy that the show hasn't forgotten that Tsumugi and Ayase are still capable of fighting back to an extent. Glasses Guy points his gun at Shu. Then Shu just pulls out Ponytail's Void with just a glance and flings it at Glasses without even knowing what the Void was. Then he just starts walking away like a boss. Yahiro is, as always, the one most willing to do whatever is necessary. I appreciate him for that.

What is the point of having Endlaves on scene if you're just going have the wall crush everything anyway? Rather, how did they manage to create such a wall so quickly in the first place?!
Room101 Waifu Collector

This. Was. Awesome.

I'm still upset about how we know jack shit, but screw that, the episode is awesome.

Scarface~kun is once again proving why he is my favorite character of all time by combining skill, hax trolling skill, suave voice and history knowledge. And all those gambit pileups.

Shuu is finally picking up where we left him off after the whole mini-PSTD track, and is finally showing those school bitches who is the boss, with Evil Chancellor Yahiro there to give that extra push. I admit I like it how they're able to make him work with Shuu and co. and yet still make him enough of a bastard to make Gai proud.


I liked the riot scene, though I'm kind of surprised that Inori killed off those guys and nobody noticed it so far. I also wonder what's it gonna mean for the coming episodes.

Now that those two other guys are out there, I eagerly await the day Undertakers are back at it, and Shuu can finally become the ice-cold King we're all rooting for him to become.

Also, is it just me, or was that Haruka working for the government?

As for the wall, I'm guessing it was build sometime just after Lost Christmas, when Tokyo was still largely in ruins and nobody would notice a little construction work here and there...or GHQ just used their troll skills to make people forget or think it was a new subway line.
Buff_Daddy_Dizzle The True Buff Bizzle
shin609 wrote...
Finally!! I waited 13 eps to see Shu act like a boss.

rowanatkinson23 wrote...
End Card Illustration of Tsumugi in ep 14....


Agreed. I was not ready.

I almost passed out from the overload
Shu's Void : XXXX. Well, dat's confusing
Also, where did the Void detector thingy come from? I'm thinking it detects how susceptible you are to the Apocalypse Virus since the "virus" acts like the Voids.

castor212 wrote...
Shu's Void : XXXX. Well, dat's confusing

Maybe that means Shu does not have a Void because he is the King?
Room101 Waifu Collector
Well, it would actually make sense for it to not be classified, seeing as it's not exactly a Void in regular sense of what Guilty Crown shows us.

My theory is that the Void Genome removed whatever Void Shuu might have originally had, but in return granted him the ability to use all of the other Voids like they were his own (which also explains why he's always so damn good in using them).

It's also very symbolic, in a way.


[spoil] I can't believe Hare dies! I liked her more than Inori too....especially on this ep. On the bright side, it seems like Shu has finally started getting serious.
Episode 15: Looks like they broke the cutie! Now Shu just got a whole lot more badass.
Monster Girl
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