Boy Trouble

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To be honest, he must of come a realization of the worth of your relationship. It seems as though he deemed it an artificial relationship, the friendship that is. Since you two are no longer together he may have thought: 'No point talking her anymore, on to the next one.'

I'm really surprised that people tried to give such in-depth reasons with such little to go on. Truthfully, we can't give you a definitive answer without it being steeped in supposition.
infrequentuser wrote...
To be honest, he must of come a realization of the worth of your relationship. It seems as though he deemed it an artificial relationship, the friendship that is. Since you two are no longer together he may have thought: 'No point talking her anymore, on to the next one.'

I'm really surprised that people tried to give such in-depth reasons with such little to go on. Truthfully, we can't give you a definitive answer without it being steeped in supposition.

What you described is just what I did with a girl I liked and I am friend with, but I still hang out with her, even if I am not attracted by her, we are just friends, still I'm trying to find another girl I like.

Anyway, 4 months is a lot of time, at this point, if you really care about having him as a friend, you should just point out that this is not how you should carry on a genuine friendship, if he keeps ignoring you, have his definitive answer :(
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