Should I grow out my hair, or keep it the same length it is?

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I've been contemplating that I want to do something a little different with my hair, and so I've been thinking about growing it out about a couple of inches or so past my shoulders, and I've come across a couple of long hairstyles I kind of like:

Forum Image:

and this one

Forum Image:

If I land up with either of these styles, I still plan on keeping my bangs the same, covering my left eye, but I don't know if I should go through with it or not since I am used to my hair being a bit shorter (like in my avi). Also, I don't know if long hair would actually look good on me. >.>; I've got thick hair and a small round face shape, so I don't know if it'll be too overwhelming or not. Soo what do you think? Stick with my usual haircut or go longer? And if I go longer, which of the two should I go for?
To me girls look more attractive with there hair down and past there shoulders, kind of like the first picture.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Long. Longer. LonglonglonglonglonglongLONGLONGLONGLONGLONG!!!


My apologies. I'm what some people (READ: myself only) call a long-hair advocate. I will support longer over shorter hair any day of the week. v///v

As for which one would be better, I'd say the first. The second style makes the hair in front look too straight and horizontal. At least the first makes room for a bang to be let down, since you want to keep that part constant at least.

I feel like a poll would have suited such a thread more.
the 1st one seems more casual something you could wear daily and still look nice i don't get the same feeling with the 2nd one
I'm a fan of long hair.
I like the look of the ponytail + the two side longhairs down the front of the shoulder.
Do what you want. Its kind of difficult to get a good opinion from a forum like this that has people with so many different opinions and favorite styles of hair. In the end it comes down to what YOU want.

If you want to try long...why not try to grow it out?
Getting through that is always a pain in the ass. And if you can get through that, and don't like the long style as much...chop it off again.
I like short hair (I say as I am growing mine out) I think it is cute


I had hair down to my ass and cut it to my ear so I do miss my long hair and am planning to grow it back BUT I go for girls with short hair myself
artcellrox wrote...
Long. Longer. LonglonglonglonglonglongLONGLONGLONGLONGLONG!!!
I like the first one. But it's your decision, and like Aki-chan said, its kinda difficult to get a good opinion out of so many different tastes and fetisheslikes.

I have long hair and i love it.
I'd go with the first look! Personally, I think that'll look really cute on you. And as someone who not so long ago grew out their hair, stick with it... the beginning is really annoying to deal with as you're waiting for it to reach the length you want. You kind of get stuck in an "awkward stage" for awhile, but trust me - it'll look wonderful once you're past that!
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
HappyDia01 wrote...
I'd go with the first look! Personally, I think that'll look really cute on you. And as someone who not so long ago grew out their hair, stick with it... the beginning is really annoying to deal with as you're waiting for it to reach the length you want. You kind of get stuck in an "awkward stage" for awhile, but trust me - it'll look wonderful once you're past that!

Kind of curious, is it really that big a hassle to maintain hair that long? As in, past the middle of one's back.
I really dig bangs. I'd die of cuteness if you were to go for the usual lolita look, and have either short ringlets with straight bangs, or really REALLY long straight hair with straight bangs.
artcellrox wrote...
HappyDia01 wrote...
I'd go with the first look! Personally, I think that'll look really cute on you. And as someone who not so long ago grew out their hair, stick with it... the beginning is really annoying to deal with as you're waiting for it to reach the length you want. You kind of get stuck in an "awkward stage" for awhile, but trust me - it'll look wonderful once you're past that!

Kind of curious, is it really that big a hassle to maintain hair that long? As in, past the middle of one's back.

It can be mine is really curly so its hard I have friends the have no problem tho
artcellrox wrote...

Kind of curious, is it really that big a hassle to maintain hair that long? As in, past the middle of one's back.

For me, it very much is. I have latin blood in me, which means THICK-as-FUCK hair. It's also pretty curly, though the curls become waves when it reaches a certain length. When I was a kid I let it grow to about.. the small of my back. I didn't like it. The first time I got a short haircut [just under my chin], I felt so liberated! It was so easy to manage and never tangled. I didn't have to sit forever in the bath just to get it cleaned and conditioned.

Short hair, to me, means FREEDOM. SWEET FREEEDOMMMM.

But James is obsessed with long hair, so I'm growing it out. =_=; It's about.. well, the only marker I can use are my breasts. It's breast length. That sounds creepy, but I have no better way of describing. ; n ;
Judging from the picture in your avatar, i would say that the first pic would be the best choice, since you still want your bangs to cover one of your eyes. Because then that leaves room for a switch in styles.
[font=segoe print bold]I like long hair aswell. So much, that I grew my hair out too. It's well past my shoulder blades now, and I don't plan on getting rid of it, no matter how pain in the ass is to take care of it.

Khm, on topic. I say it's your call, but the 1st style looks better in my opinion.
loooooooong desu. :D

Yeah, just keep them long.
Tegumi "im always cute"
artcellrox wrote...
Kind of curious, is it really that big a hassle to maintain hair that long? As in, past the middle of one's back.

Past mid-back? Yes.
When in doubt, grow it out.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Grow it out longer as you wanted.
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