We, has a species of stupidity

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Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to dictatorship


Now I wish I could be has good on the subject like my teacher, because there's some pretty good thing that is said in the class that I wish I could remember. So I'm going to try to bring up the topic the best I can. I'm actually not allowed to take any notes in class because my teacher says it doesn't allow us to communicate...so yeah, i'll try my best to bring out a discussion that actually works.

I am currently watching a documentary called Manufacturing Consent.(Consent as a term of jurisprudence is a possible defense [an excuse or justification] against civil or criminal liability. Defendants who use this defense are arguing that they should not be held liable for a tort or a crime, since the actions in question were taken with the plaintiff or "victim's" consent and permission.) The documentary follows Noam Chomsky, The greatest mind in the 20th century.

We are the first in human history to be Proud of our Ignorance. We always give an opinion of things from our guts, what FEELS right. That's what most common people would say. But often that opinion is attached to a political stand point or ideology that we have gained. But where do we gain this knowledge? the mass media. Even though 95% of the media are control my corporation billionaires, we trully trust what we are told.

Have you ever looked at Palestinian news? or Chinese news? Probably not. Your excuse would be '' It doesn't bother me, or I don't understand they're language''. While it doesn't bother you, most media we see, creates them has villains. They are the evil that must be killed. That what our media tells us. While they focus on the world and not us, the world laugh at our innocence.

Because we are innocent right? 9/11. It wasn't our fault. Vietnam war, wasn't our fault. We are innocent. Little do you know the trouble we cause outside of our country our continent.

What are we Ignorant of?human history. You look at the past, the French revolution, English revolution. Young adult, fighting, dying for change. Now we hardly lift our fingers. We are controlled by our education, by the society we decided was perfect. You want to be a doctor? Then you are controlled, to only learn about medicine and nothing else. Your not intelligent, you know your field, but that's it, nothing more. And if you want to learn other things outside your field? It will cost you a lot!

That perfect society that we thought we created! Well all recently we are finally seeing how broken down it actually is. Economic recession anyone? DO you know how many jobs will be lost by the end of 2009? 500 million jobs. And we trully believe our studies will give us a decent job. Out of the millions students in the world, and the 500 million people in the world that lost they're jobs. Are going to fight to the death for a little bit of money.

Because if you don't follow the flow of life that everyone does your : A loser, A fuck up or a terrorist.

North American has just ended its worst 8 years in history, Bush. while so many people say they don't have anything to do with politics, little to they know the actually meaning of the word. Politics comes for the word Polis, a Greek word meaning - a body of citizens - citizenship, putting things simply .

He was elected by using one of the world most idiotic voting system. 38 millions out of 300 voted for him. And what do we call this? Rule of Majority. There is a saying that goes : '' We always get the politician we deserve''. And clearly we freaking did, to show our ignorance our stupidity, we elected someone just has dumb. And what did we do to try to improve the situation? no revolution, nothing. You look at history, hundreds of events cause by corrupted politicians.And here we are, rolling our thumbs, waiting. While intelligent people, are often criticized, sent in jail or seen has terrorist. Just like Noam Chomsky was.

Now I'm going to end this like that. Yeah i know HUGE wall of text.Hopefully this helps you bring out ideas. And i also hope you can understand wtf I wrote! I just had so much shit running through my head...kinda hard to sort things out. Anyway, I hope to see some good reply`s

The Stupidity of men, make them to reason with faith, and this faith created from an illusion.
No shit.
Hence the reason I'm misanthropic.
Yushi wrote...
T DO you know how many jobs will be lost by the end of 2009? 500 million jobs.

Nacy Pelosi said that in a news conference about two/three weeks ago but, she said we'd lose 500 million jobs a month. The problem with this little bit. That 200 million more jobs than people within the country (305,825,000).


Note* I don't actually read this site. I just googled it and couldn't find an article on CNN.

Anyways, there are a few of us who search for the grain of truth in a desert of lies (propaganda). This world is populated by idiots who can't think for themselves. Can't or won't formulate their own opinions based on facts and back them up with a solid point driven argument.

I never looked around, never second-guessed
Then I read some Howard Zinn now I'm always depressed
And now I can't sleep from years of apathy
All because I read a little Noam Chomsky

Also, I'm seriously thinking about picking up a Noam Chomsky book.
I very much agree with whats been said, ive had a discussion about this with my lecturers and a couple of friends a while back, but it was so long ago, i need to rack my brain again >.<

But then again i dont think i have much to say without possibly offending people =/ so i wont start.
While the stupidity of her not knowing the count of people in the states, does fuck up that statement,my teacher has told us that number on our first class, long before the video. That 500 million job is worldwide.
When are people going to learn? Democracy doesn't work!

+rep to anyone who knows the reference

But it's really true. The majority of people aren't highly educated on politics, yet we let the majority decide on how politics work. Politicians spend their time and money campaigning so that the majority will like them, instead of working to make the country better.

I like Plato's idea, of Philosopher-Kings in charge of everything, taking turns being in charge, and no one who wants to do it is allowed to do it (because if you want the trouble of running a country, something has to be wrong with you; not counting people who begrudgingly accept the duty). Of course, philosophy isn't that big in our country right now, unfortunately, and we'd have to essentially tear down our government and rebuild it in order to make Philosopher-Kings actually powerful. I'm all for checks and balances, but if there was only one Philosopher-King, and he was President, nothing would happen, because the Senate and Congress would still be filled with corrupt politicians.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
When are people going to learn? Democracy doesn't work!

+rep to anyone who knows the reference

Homer quote. I think from the episode with Apu almost getting deported. ....I have nothing else constructive to add.
I totally agree with you, that the world is controlled by corporate and frankly meglamaniac bastards. With all the shit going on in the world, economy, war and the ever increasing threat of recession (i live in australia and we are pretty close to it)and depression, we all just sit there and be ignorant of all of this. The concept of philospher-kings appeals to me, for if we are ruled by a state which are based on morals and ethics we wouldnt be this knee deep in this shit right now. I certainly dont believe in god but i do believe in the devil...nuff said
tsuyoshiro wrote...
ShaggyJebus wrote...
When are people going to learn? Democracy doesn't work!

+rep to anyone who knows the reference

Homer quote. I think from the episode with Apu almost getting deported. ....I have nothing else constructive to add.

Yep. You even named the episode it was from. Cool. 8)

Though I'm sure I've heard Kent Brockman say something similar before, possibly even the same exact quote. A lot of Springfield residents seem to hate democracy, lol.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
why would one of knowing about a simpsons episode be out of the question? If it were a football reference or something to do with the fashion industry I would understand but something as nerdrific as the simpsons... You say a lot of weird things sometimes...
ShaggyJebus wrote...
When are people going to learn? Democracy doesn't work!

+rep to anyone who knows the reference

But it's really true. The majority of people aren't highly educated on politics, yet we let the majority decide on how politics work. Politicians spend their time and money campaigning so that the majority will like them, instead of working to make the country better.

I like Plato's idea, of Philosopher-Kings in charge of everything, taking turns being in charge, and no one who wants to do it is allowed to do it (because if you want the trouble of running a country, something has to be wrong with you; not counting people who begrudgingly accept the duty). Of course, philosophy isn't that big in our country right now, unfortunately, and we'd have to essentially tear down our government and rebuild it in order to make Philosopher-Kings actually powerful. I'm all for checks and balances, but if there was only one Philosopher-King, and he was President, nothing would happen, because the Senate and Congress would still be filled with corrupt politicians.

Because we have already turned to democracy, it's pretty much permanent, people would not like the idea of just a couple of rulers making the shots.The chosen government (democracy); it's idea is to make every civilian feel special, like they have an opinion that counts, and taking that away from them will cause quite a scene. Democracy is as good as it get now.
Waar wrote...
why would one of knowing about a simpsons episode be out of the question? If it were a football reference or something to do with the fashion industry I would understand but something as nerdrific as the simpsons... You say a lot of weird things sometimes...

I've found that despite the popularity of The Simpsons, a lot of people online don't know everything about the show, especially in places like Fakku, which is filled with a lot of people who probably don't watch The Simpsons.

Or, if you're asking about why I'm surprised someone could name the episode in which the quote appeared (I'm not exactly sure what you're saying because of the seemingly random "of" at the start of the sentence), that's because I personally know a lot of Simpsons quotes but aren't sure of the specific episodes, and I'm a huge Simpsons fan. Can't expect a person to remember every detail.

But this really has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. :)

zero7525 wrote...
Because we have already turned to democracy, it's pretty much permanent, people would not like the idea of just a couple of rulers making the shots.The chosen government (democracy); it's idea is to make every civilian feel special, like they have an opinion that counts, and taking that away from them will cause quite a scene. Democracy is as good as it get now.

The problem is, we already have a couple of people calling the shots. Yeah, they are elected by a democratic vote (sort of)), but all that means is the people who won the elections were more popular with the public than the people who lost. The majority of people who voted wanted Bush, but they didn't necessarily agree with all the things he did. If this was true democracy, where the people have the power, there would be a ton of elections, where the public decided what actions to take.

I'm not saying that's bad. As I said before, the majority of people don't need to make the decisions. But it's funny that people feel that democracy allows them to have power when really, they have very little power.
zero7525 wrote...
Because we have already turned to democracy, it's pretty much permanent, people would not like the idea of just a couple of rulers making the shots.The chosen government (democracy); it's idea is to make every civilian feel special, like they have an opinion that counts, and taking that away from them will cause quite a scene. Democracy is as good as it get now.

America was originally a Republic (still technically is but, in name only). I believe the founding fathers of America knew the problem with letting everybody vote. Make every man free but, don't let everybody vote. If you allow the uneducated to vote then you don't have a broken system since as NOFX puts it

there's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated
political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred

Note: When they (The colonies) declared independence a small group of overeager militia attacked a British fort and that caused England to send troops. Pressed for time the founding fathers just left out abolishing slavery since the southern colonies were so dead set on keeping their "property" and moved on to more pressing matters).
rbz123 wrote...
No shit.
Hence the reason I'm misanthropic.

You're not the only one, humans are too stupid and selfish to live up to my ideals. They are a failure as a species imo.
Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
rbz123 wrote...
No shit.
Hence the reason I'm misanthropic.

You're not the only one, humans are too stupid and selfish to live up to my ideals. They are a failure as a species imo.

You are human, too. Your ideals are probably arbitrary anyway.

Don't get me wrong, people suck, in general. But some have the capacity to be better.
Dante1214 wrote...
Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
rbz123 wrote...
No shit.
Hence the reason I'm misanthropic.

You're not the only one, humans are too stupid and selfish to live up to my ideals. They are a failure as a species imo.

You are human, too. Your ideals are probably arbitrary anyway.

Don't get me wrong, people suck, in general. But some have the capacity to be better.

Yeah I'm human, but not your average human.... to the extent that all idealistic concepts that are conceived by one man's experiences are, then yes arbitrary would be an accurate description. Yeah some have the capacity to be better....time will tell whether people will continue to fall short of my expectations. What I do know is that the world is in a shitty state atm, humans are to blame and so I voice my chagrin.
Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
Dante1214 wrote...
Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
rbz123 wrote...
No shit.
Hence the reason I'm misanthropic.

You're not the only one, humans are too stupid and selfish to live up to my ideals. They are a failure as a species imo.

You are human, too. Your ideals are probably arbitrary anyway.

Don't get me wrong, people suck, in general. But some have the capacity to be better.

Yeah I'm human, but not your average human.... to the extent that all idealistic concepts that are conceived by one man's experiences are, then yes arbitrary would be an accurate description. Yeah some have the capacity to be better....time will tell whether people will continue to fall short of my expectations. What I do know is that the world is in a shitty state atm, humans are to blame and so I voice my chagrin.

wow thats a rather self-centered statement if i do say so myself =P

you do realise that all humans are flawed, exceptional or not, thus, the expections you might have are flawed too.

Our form of "selfishness" in terms of human society, which is probably what you are getting at, is bad and stuff for sure, but without these selfish people or idiots, generous people or intelligent people wont stand out as much anymore =P without idiocy, there is no intelligence, and without selfishness, there is no generousity.

Not to forget, not only humans are selfish, all living things are. If you are not selfish, you will NOT survive in this world. We kill to live, kill or be killed. Its literally a dog-eat-dog world whether or not humans are involved. (everything we eat was either once alive, or made from something that was once alive, plants, animals or whatever)

If anything, i believe humans right now are doing great, they are doing too good for themselves, but we as humans are selfish to our desires and kept it to ourselves. All wildlife and the earth itself is suffering from our selfishness. The thing is, if we surpass the earth, it wont survive, and in the end we will die out too.

On the flip side, if humans were not as selfish as they are, other species would probably rule the world and technology might not even exist =X
Some humans are doing great, some are starving to death as I type this. Boundaries of class, oppression of the poor. These things are unacceptable to me. I don't care if I die, I will continue to oppose this "dog-eat-dog" world until my dying breath. It does not have to be this way, humanity needs to evolve past it's selfish roots. I am a flawed person, perfection is boring anyway, but that does not mean that my ideal is wrong.

If more people followed my example, the world would be a better place, sure they may die while doing so. But they would be dying for something good. Dying for the principles or freedom, the idea that every child born in this world should have an opportunity to succeed and be free of harm from it's own kind.

It is the people who are ready to succumb to the "natural order of things" that propagate this illness. There are those who are intelligent, capable people, who know what they are doing with their lives cannot be considered morally or ethically right. It's not enough to go as far as not harming another person, you must go out of your way to help your fellow man. If you help him by handing him a knife and he stabs you with it......then so be it.

I feel that a lot of environmentalists and animal-rights activists are stupid, they ignore the major issues and focus on little victories. Though I do think that there are serious environmental and animal-rights issues; they are far down my priority list compared to humanity's own plight. May I just say that I don't believe in some wide cull of all the idiots, as you seem to think, I understand that people have their own traits and idiosyncrasies, got no problems with that, people can even be selfish. As long as they do not allow others to come to harm as a by-product of this.

Barring changing human nature, the most effective course of action would be to adjust the scenario so that it is in everyone's best interests to be altruistic.
Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
Some humans are doing great, some are starving to death as I type this. Boundaries of class, oppression of the poor. These things are unacceptable to me. I don't care if I die, I will continue to oppose this "dog-eat-dog" world until my dying breath. It does not have to be this way, humanity needs to evolve past it's selfish roots. I am a flawed person, perfection is boring anyway, but that does not mean that my ideal is wrong.

If more people followed my example, the world would be a better place, sure they may die while doing so. But they would be dying for something good. Dying for the principles or freedom, the idea that every child born in this world should have an opportunity to succeed and be free of harm from it's own kind.

It is the people who are ready to succumb to the "natural order of things" that propagate this illness. There are those who are intelligent, capable people, who know what they are doing with their lives cannot be considered morally or ethically right. It's not enough to go as far as not harming another person, you must go out of your way to help your fellow man. If you help him by handing him a knife and he stabs you with it......then so be it.

I feel that a lot of environmentalists and animal-rights activists are stupid, they ignore the major issues and focus on little victories. Though I do think that there are serious environmental and animal-rights issues; they are far down my priority list compared to humanity's own plight. May I just say that I don't believe in some wide cull of all the idiots, as you seem to think, I understand that people have their own traits and idiosyncrasies, got no problems with that, people can even be selfish. As long as they do not allow others to come to harm as a by-product of this.

Barring changing human nature, the most effective course of action would be to adjust the scenario so that it is in everyone's best interests to be altruistic.

Though you may think you are generous in alot of ways, do not forget that humans are bound to nature no matter how we see it.Without nature, we would not have been born, we would not have strived, we would not EVER have gotten to where we are. We owe EVERYTHING to nature. Metal, food, materials, all these come from nature itself, technology is nothing without its materials, it would be nothing but a bunch of ideas some insane guy thought up of.

Having that said, if you are who you say you are really a very generous and kind person and someone lots of people should look up to... however, that view of generosity is only limited to society's view.

It is a very selfish ideal when you look at it from outside humanity's perception. How can you not care about animals when you care about humans? humans are animals too, we are all mammals. Your ideal is something that benefits only humans, thus, its a selfish ideal to help the survival of humanity strive.

But i do have to tell you, i am no environmentalist or animal-rights activist. I believe in both sides, and am selfishly glad to be born as a superior or race in this current world and time. But I'm just pointing out that your ideals are technically "selfish" in a way too =X so its not so right to spout about the selfishness of other people.

Humans lead too comfortable a life. Animals had to risk their lives just to get food in their stomache everyday. If you are talking about starving humans, what about starving animals? what about farm animals? Dont you think that the more humanity develops, the more the world gets hurt? The world needs a form of a balance. So far the balance in this current time is skewed for sure, but its not extremely skewed on either side.
Onime-no-Enishi wrote...
Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
Some humans are doing great, some are starving to death as I type this. Boundaries of class, oppression of the poor. These things are unacceptable to me. I don't care if I die, I will continue to oppose this "dog-eat-dog" world until my dying breath. It does not have to be this way, humanity needs to evolve past it's selfish roots. I am a flawed person, perfection is boring anyway, but that does not mean that my ideal is wrong.

If more people followed my example, the world would be a better place, sure they may die while doing so. But they would be dying for something good. Dying for the principles or freedom, the idea that every child born in this world should have an opportunity to succeed and be free of harm from it's own kind.

It is the people who are ready to succumb to the "natural order of things" that propagate this illness. There are those who are intelligent, capable people, who know what they are doing with their lives cannot be considered morally or ethically right. It's not enough to go as far as not harming another person, you must go out of your way to help your fellow man. If you help him by handing him a knife and he stabs you with it......then so be it.

I feel that a lot of environmentalists and animal-rights activists are stupid, they ignore the major issues and focus on little victories. Though I do think that there are serious environmental and animal-rights issues; they are far down my priority list compared to humanity's own plight. May I just say that I don't believe in some wide cull of all the idiots, as you seem to think, I understand that people have their own traits and idiosyncrasies, got no problems with that, people can even be selfish. As long as they do not allow others to come to harm as a by-product of this.

Barring changing human nature, the most effective course of action would be to adjust the scenario so that it is in everyone's best interests to be altruistic.

Though you may think you are generous in alot of ways, do not forget that humans are bound to nature no matter how we see it.Without nature, we would not have been born, we would not have strived, we would not EVER have gotten to where we are. We owe EVERYTHING to nature. Metal, food, materials, all these come from nature itself, technology is nothing without its materials, it would be nothing but a bunch of ideas some insane guy thought up of.

Having that said, if you are who you say you are really a very generous and kind person and someone lots of people should look up to... however, that view of generosity is only limited to society's view.

It is a very selfish ideal when you look at it from outside humanity's perception. How can you not care about animals when you care about humans? humans are animals too, we are all mammals. Your ideal is something that benefits only humans, thus, its a selfish ideal to help the survival of humanity strive.

But i do have to tell you, i am no environmentalist or animal-rights activist. I believe in both sides, and am selfishly glad to be born as a superior or race in this current world and time. But I'm just pointing out that your ideals are technically "selfish" in a way too =X so its not so right to spout about the selfishness of other people.

Humans lead too comfortable a life. Animals had to risk their lives just to get food in their stomache everyday. If you are talking about starving humans, what about starving animals? what about farm animals? Dont you think that the more humanity develops, the more the world gets hurt? The world needs a form of a balance. So far the balance in this current time is skewed for sure, but its not extremely skewed on either side.

Humans are not bound to nature, we have passed several hurdles that have opposed us, many diseases are now a thing of the past (in the rich countries at least). Though we will fall prey to nature in the end, humans prolong their own lives. It is not a selfish view, as I have little to gain from this myself, and would gladly give up my life if my dream were to be realized. I care about animals, but I believe humans are able to feel pain on more levels and to a greater degree than animals.

I cannot see farm animals on the same level as humans as they are quite simply not. Human beings have a greater capacity for suffering due to their greater intellect. I want humanity to change. Once it has changed, other matters can be dealt with. Currently, humanity is doing a lot of damage to the environment and is not doing enough to preserve it. Right now people are playing down the danger of global warming because it is in their best interests to do so. This cannot continue, but it will if everyone follows your example, perhaps it will be too late? Human nature is to exploit other nature - how can you say that it's good??

Is it good because human beings have survived up to now? Hmmm well how is this - I kill everyone else in the world except my girlfriend and I. Does that sound good to you? It will solve a lot of problems! Don't you think? Also that way, no-one will kill me. I will survive. That is nature, and i will not cede to it.

Let us not forget that there are millions of humans living in misery, fighting a hopeless battle for survival, but never mind - lets make sure they stop whale fishing!
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