Trollig copyright law - A proposal

Lately it seems governments around the world are trying to hijack the copyrights which the product creators themselves should be responsible for. They want to punish people without the approval of the original copyright holder whatsoever.

There for, I have an idea to troll the government.

Let's copyright something, put it up online for a few bucks, then let the CREATOR himself download it from an illegal file-sharing site! Report the creator to the authorities, and harass them to investigate, until unknowing to them, it was the creator himself who illegally downloaded the copyrighted file!

What do you think? And should I post this proposal on 4chan, in hopes Anonymous picks up the idea so that they can troll copyright laws, and pressure them to take action against the original copyright holders themselves for "copyright violations"?

It would be funny to see just how far it can go.
Too much effort.
Going back to bed.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
My brain hurts
Maeve wrote...
Too much effort.
Going back to bed.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I'm going to be "that guy" and say that I'd love to see this happen.

I'm sick of hearing about how the government wants to slap stricter guidelines on Copyright laws on the internet, even going so far as to propose multiple bills (SOPA, PIPA, ACTA to name the 3 more well-known ones) which all essentially do the same thing - violate privacy, harm online businesses and slap criminal records on people for downloading a file. You know, the usual.

Here's something interesting that I saw earlier;

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It made me giggle. Have mercy on the poor people who lose hundreds of dollars from piracy! They lose so much money~~~~~~~~~~
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iMuse wrote...
My brain hurts
Oh, it's quite simple. Simply create a successful project which you've copyrighted and sell online. After that, personally upload it to mediafire, despite selling it in the store. Proceed to download it the next day, and have a friend report your "download" to the FBI. There's no guarantee they would investigate,so they'll probably send some lower lackey. They will go out of their way to violate your privacy to check if you've pirated. HOWEVER, they will also investigate the uploader of the file, in order to take legal action against you. However, unknowing to them, you ARE the copyright holder, and you can sue THEM for harassment!
Loner the People's Senpai
I picture OP looking like this guy and making these gestures when he made that statement.

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Loner wrote...
I picture OP looking like this guy and making these gestures when he made that statement.

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You mean like this?

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Loner the People's Senpai
JamesonM wrote...
Loner wrote...
I picture OP looking like this guy and making these gestures when he made that statement.

Forum Image:

You mean like this?

Forum Image:

Did you make that or is it on the interweb?
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
JamesonM wrote...
Loner wrote...
I picture OP looking like this guy and making these gestures when he made that statement.

Forum Image:

You mean like this?

Forum Image:

You beat me to it..
Loner wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
Loner wrote...
I picture OP looking like this guy and making these gestures when he made that statement.

Forum Image:

You mean like this?

Forum Image:

Did you make that or is it on the interweb?

Made it.
Loner the People's Senpai
JamesonM wrote...
Loner wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
Loner wrote...
I picture OP looking like this guy and making these gestures when he made that statement.

Forum Image:

You mean like this?

Forum Image:

Did you make that or is it on the interweb?

Made it.

Well done old chap.
Loner wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
Loner wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
Loner wrote...
I picture OP looking like this guy and making these gestures when he made that statement.

Forum Image:

You mean like this?

Forum Image:

Did you make that or is it on the interweb?

Made it.

Well done old chap.

Thanks ^_^
Good idea.

The hard part is making something that will be instantly and immensely popular and copyrighting it, then getting a copyright infringement investigation to play out, then taking that to the media. If you can do all of that while the general populace still cares about the internet and copyrights then you will have made a strong point.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Good idea.

The hard part is making something that will be instantly and immensely popular and copyrighting it, then getting a copyright infringement investigation to play out, then taking that to the media. If you can do all of that while the general populace still cares about the internet and copyrights then you will have made a strong point.

Probably stupid idea hiding in my spoiler but oh well ^_^

Well, we could use THIS site for it...Okay, you know how in manga's and anime's there is usually the cutesy sidekick? Well, why doesn't someone make a character like that to go alongside Momoka, and that can be copyrighted. The rest can be done by various entities at Fakku
JamesonM wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Good idea.

The hard part is making something that will be instantly and immensely popular and copyrighting it, then getting a copyright infringement investigation to play out, then taking that to the media. If you can do all of that while the general populace still cares about the internet and copyrights then you will have made a strong point.

Probably stupid idea hiding in my spoiler but oh well ^_^

Well, we could use THIS site for it...Okay, you know how in manga's and anime's there is usually the cutesy sidekick? Well, why doesn't someone make a character like that to go alongside Momoka, and that can be copyrighted. The rest can be done by various entities at Fakku

Ask Jacob(Monoka's creator?) Unless things do a 180 from how they currently are I don't see anime getting that popular in the US. I imagine between all the members here that we could produce something that will be mainstream popular though. Aside from that, the paperwork and processing time for a copyright plus the legal investigation would take quite some time. Possibly enough time for the mainstream public to forget.
This is actually a very silly idea that'll end up costing the petitioner more than the government.

The U.S. Copyright Office is not a hotline. You do not just 'bug' the government for action. You have to go through the court system, which means you're going to have to hire a lawyer, especially given that the burden of proof for copyright infringement claims is on the petitioner.

You have to send in a lawyer to argue the case in front of a judge. This is obviously not a free process and the likelihood of getting a pro-bono job is pretty slim. Unless you're willing to spend money, this claim doesn't move through the system.

Also, it's not written in any code section, but I guarantee that stealing from yourself will just get a verdict with minimal deliberation. If there's no damages done, then there's no case to argue over. This hypothetical cat-and-mouse investigation actually makes the case easier to resolve, not more difficult.
JamesonM wrote...
Loner wrote...
I picture OP looking like this guy and making these gestures when he made that statement.

Forum Image:

You mean like this?

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Well now, you want to troll a government that is dumb as sh*t and would cause complete and total anarchy at a moments notice with their dumb ideas. So if I am reading this right, your proposal is trolling the legion of trolls that not only caused the biggest uproar in the 21st century so far, but went as far to say after most if not all the people in the US opposed their 2 bills that would take away our freedom of speech in it's rushed stage "Whoops. Our bad". Good luck with that.
Forum Image:<-- my reaction
Monster Girl
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