masturbation buddies.........

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echoeagle3 wrote...
I would have quoted Tegumi, but she scares me.

My face is currently full of fuck.
smashspite wrote...
I once stayed at a hotel with 3 guys and one guy ninja fapped in the bathroom while we were not even a good few feet away from the door just talking about random crap.
Does that count?

Your signature gave me a boner.
smashspite wrote...
ninja fapped

lol, ninja fapped.

OT: I feel stupider after reading the first post. I'd find the picture of kyon face palming but even that would not fully sum up the retardedness of the OP.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
Loner wrote...
I find White Chicks Black Dicks vol.3 to be my personal favorite.
If porn scenarios happened in real life the world would be a better place.
Why would any of you be scared of Tegumi. She's only really outspoken and irritated by stupidity. Oh wait. Gotcha. NEVERMIND.
What is this?
Leave because

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Black Jesus JC wrote...
Loner wrote...
I find White Chicks Black Dicks vol.3 to be my personal favorite.

I see you're a connoisseur of classy video material. I myself am partial to Deepthroat Sluts machines vol.7 myself

Ah, so I am not alone. I find your taste to be a bit declasse- my usual selection is Hobo Masturbates in the Corner to Condolezza Rice, Volume XCLVII. The price is steep, but the notes of street grime, pubic hair, and the daring lack of budget make this one well worth the price.
Ocelotcharlie wrote...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Loner wrote...
I find White Chicks Black Dicks vol.3 to be my personal favorite.

I see you're a connoisseur of classy video material. I myself am partial to Deepthroat Sluts machines vol.7 myself

Ah, so I am not alone. I find your taste to be a bit declasse- my usual selection is Hobo Masturbates in the Corner to Condolezza Rice, Volume XCLVII. The price is steep, but the notes of street grime, pubic hair, and the daring lack of budget make this one well worth the price.

Sounds like a deep character study exploring the issues of poverty and its affect on sexuality. I will have to add that to my collection, along with Messy Bukkake times volume II
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Ocelotcharlie wrote...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Loner wrote...
I find White Chicks Black Dicks vol.3 to be my personal favorite.

I see you're a connoisseur of classy video material. I myself am partial to Deepthroat Sluts machines vol.7 myself

Ah, so I am not alone. I find your taste to be a bit declasse- my usual selection is Hobo Masturbates in the Corner to Condolezza Rice, Volume XCLVII. The price is steep, but the notes of street grime, pubic hair, and the daring lack of budget make this one well worth the price.

Sounds like a deep study of the issues of poverty and its affect on sexuality. I will have to add that to my collection, along with Messy Bukkake times volume II

I've heard a lot about that one. Perhaps we can exchange tasting notes?
Ocelotcharlie wrote...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Ocelotcharlie wrote...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Loner wrote...
I find White Chicks Black Dicks vol.3 to be my personal favorite.

I see you're a connoisseur of classy video material. I myself am partial to Deepthroat Sluts machines vol.7 myself

Ah, so I am not alone. I find your taste to be a bit declasse- my usual selection is Hobo Masturbates in the Corner to Condolezza Rice, Volume XCLVII. The price is steep, but the notes of street grime, pubic hair, and the daring lack of budget make this one well worth the price.

Sounds like a deep study of the issues of poverty and its affect on sexuality. I will have to add that to my collection, along with Messy Bukkake times volume II

I've heard a lot about that one. Perhaps we can exchange tasting notes?

That would be most appreciated. Also looking to expand my cinematic horizons
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Ocelotcharlie wrote...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Ocelotcharlie wrote...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Loner wrote...
I find White Chicks Black Dicks vol.3 to be my personal favorite.

I see you're a connoisseur of classy video material. I myself am partial to Deepthroat Sluts machines vol.7 myself

Ah, so I am not alone. I find your taste to be a bit declasse- my usual selection is Hobo Masturbates in the Corner to Condolezza Rice, Volume XCLVII. The price is steep, but the notes of street grime, pubic hair, and the daring lack of budget make this one well worth the price.

Sounds like a deep study of the issues of poverty and its affect on sexuality. I will have to add that to my collection, along with Messy Bukkake times volume II

I've heard a lot about that one. Perhaps we can exchange tasting notes?

That would be most appreciated. Also looking to expand my cinematic horizons

I guess I should start, then.


An odd, muddy import. Hailing straight from the Third World, this curious port au jizz starts off with a deliciously badly scripted foreplay. My mind went white, always a good sign. The aroma of narwhals filled the air. Then I realized just how much I like gay hobo pornha;c ' ec2ir8cpc r crc'w rcpatooties llama artichoke aroostichoookphuckHIIIBLETYAREUGHASHIINAISMYWAIFUFRUITYBLERGSYELP!
Ocelotcharlie wrote...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Ocelotcharlie wrote...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Ocelotcharlie wrote...
Black Jesus JC wrote...
Loner wrote...
I find White Chicks Black Dicks vol.3 to be my personal favorite.

I see you're a connoisseur of classy video material. I myself am partial to Deepthroat Sluts machines vol.7 myself

Ah, so I am not alone. I find your taste to be a bit declasse- my usual selection is Hobo Masturbates in the Corner to Condolezza Rice, Volume XCLVII. The price is steep, but the notes of street grime, pubic hair, and the daring lack of budget make this one well worth the price.

Sounds like a deep study of the issues of poverty and its affect on sexuality. I will have to add that to my collection, along with Messy Bukkake times volume II

I've heard a lot about that one. Perhaps we can exchange tasting notes?

That would be most appreciated. Also looking to expand my cinematic horizons

I guess I should start, then.


An odd, muddy import. Hailing straight from the Third World, this curious port au jizz starts off with a deliciously badly scripted foreplay. My mind went white. (I can;t think of this.)

Here's mine


A tasteful, artful film. Uses shadowy cinematography to add a sense of mystery to the anal penetrations. The talent put into this shows
Porn is most definitely real life, sir.
Lollikittie wrote...
Porn is most definitely real life, sir.

Wow... Just wow...
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PrincessTristan wrote...
This is hilarious.
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