[Locked] A true life tale of a shy guy's first girlfriend

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echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
I have heard that this is a cute story, but its a pretty long post so I put it in a spoiler. It's all true, just happened to me today. It might contain advice for others within it or It might just be a nice story. I hope you read and leave comments. Thank you.

so for nearly 2 months now I have been hanging out with this one girl. On my first day of college she saw me eating lunch by myself and then came over and started talking to me because I seemed lonely. After getting to know her a little better I found that she is really nice and accepting of people. I told her a lot about myself. Even things that I wondered if they would scare her away. Like how I watch hentai and am all around perverted. She did not run away she just continued being friendly and said she didn't care. Then after about a month she just started randomly hugging me all the time, and she always wanted me to sit with her and talk or whatever. At that did I did wonder if she liked me or not. But I don't have much experience in this so I decided to just go really slow. Especially since I wasn't sure that I liked her. Things went on like friends for a while until today. Up until now I was still deciding what my feelings were.

However I was forced to act. The girl I have been talking about she got asked out by another guy and she had yet to answer him. Normally I wouldn't have cared so much considering I wasn't even sure that I liked her. However this particular guy that asked her out is a huge jerk. Everyone else knows what a bastard he is except for her. She didn't see it for some reason. So she was considering saying yes. I felt like I couldn't let this happen. This guy would be so horrible to her and she doesn't even know it. So I told her not to go out with him. She asked me why, and then I said that he isn't a good guy. Then she said that she doesn't see that. He seems nice to her. Then two other girls that were sitting with us said "He doesn't want you to go out with him because he likes you." This was news to her. She said "What? No he doesn't. He hasn't said anything." The two other girls say "Oh come on, It so obvious just by looking at you two." This surprised me. I who wasn't sure of my feelings was apparently being very obvious with them. Then probably the most nervous and embarrassing moment of my life. The girl asks me directly "Do you like me?" I can't see my own face but Im sure I was blushing really badly. I didn't want to answer so I kind of tried not to. However all three girls kept pushing me to answer.

So after much nervous fidgeting I said yes. Then I asked her, "Do you like me?" she did not hesitate at all in saying "Yes, I just didn't think you liked me." I then said "So you can't go out with that guy ok." she says back. "So this is because you want to go out with me?" Again I was forced to answer when I really don't like rushing into things like this. I was still unsure of my feelings but there was no way I was going to let her go out with that asshole. I thought about it a minute wondering what I should do and then decided that I would say, "Yes, I want to go out with you." Now even though I was unsure I do believe that given more time I most likely would have grown to really like her. Things were just forced ahead. After that she said "Ok then. I'll go out with you." Just to be clear I even asked "So I can call you my girlfriend now?" to which she said "Yep."
Hey good for you scro, she seems really nice :D
Glad to here things went well for you.

She really did not care that you like hentai? So telling her the hentai thing went over well for you? I might have to tell a girl that tomorrow and I'm worried about it. Last time I did told the truth about that it did not end well.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
super scrub wrote...
Glad to here things went well for you.

She really did not care that you like hentai? So telling her the hentai thing went over well for you? I might have to tell a girl that tomorrow and I'm worried about it. Last time I did told the truth about that it did not end well.

well the reason I did it was to see if she could like everything about me. As a test to see if she would like the true me. I don't just tell every girl
echoeagle3 wrote...
super scrub wrote...
Glad to here things went well for you.

She really did not care that you like hentai? So telling her the hentai thing went over well for you? I might have to tell a girl that tomorrow and I'm worried about it. Last time I did told the truth about that it did not end well.

well the reason I did it was to see if she could like everything about me. As a test to see if she would like the true me. I don't just tell every girl

I told my ex about me liking hentai. At first she said she was fine with it. But then she started to think I liked fictional characters like chun li more than her which is completely ridiculous. in fact I stopped looking at hentai and going to Fakku the whole time we were going out because i was so in love with her and she still never believed me. She was just a super jealous, insecure person.

Anyways I've been talking to this new girl for about 6 weeks now and we have become good friends. She has a boyfriend but I don't think she is that happy with him. I have been writing a comic book about myself and it reveals I like hentai and she asked me to show her the comic. I'm just worried how she will react.
Grats on your romantic acquisition. I'm not going to lie, but at first I thought this was some NTR story. Glad you're not some limp dick fucker.
Lucky son of bitch! Congrats!
Winged-Fapper wrote...
Lucky son of bitch! Congrats!
Dude.... That made me "D'awwwww". Love's funny that way. You never see it coming, and sometimes it just hits you like a semi... but the ride is still awesome. Good job.
That is such a sweet story :D
Something like that happened to me too when I was younger, except it happened much faster. She was staying with a flatmate in the apartment I was living and all the flatmates kept pestering both of us that we must really like each other. I did not have a clue about my feelings and kept denying it, so did she. The thing was that she knew she liked me and were just lying, until she finally just kissed me and I realized that was the best kiss I had ever had :D
I almost married that girl!
Congrats. I didn't read, but I'm assuming you had a girl touch your hand for the first time.
Cute ;)
We dont normally get winning storys on this xD just people asking for advise and help xD
So its nice to see someone win for a change xD
Gratz friend :)
Drag0nf0rce wrote...
Cute ;)
We dont normally get winning storys on this xD just people asking for advise and help xD
So its nice to see someone win for a change xD
Gratz friend :)

lol... so true...
What a wonderful event. Nice job man.
[color=#2e1a6b]great story, wish that happened to me [size=5]lucky[/h][/color]
iyeSCREAM wrote...

[color=#2e1a6b]huh? it's just getting started. I do wish you a vanilla ending though[/color]
Aww, cute.
A little saccharine for my taste xD
in a situation like that, i think i would spontaneously combust, and if i didn't, i would want to~
Kinda wish that something like that would happen to me.. but no ;_;

If I were you I'd probably melt into a puddle and get myself outta there.. but that's just me good job dude :)
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Lollikittie wrote...
Aww, cute.
A little saccharine for my taste xD

good job Lollikittie, you made made me look up a word.

2xj00eL_HM wrote...
in a situation like that, i think i would spontaneously combust, and if i didn't, i would want to~

glad to know Im not the only one that found that to be a difficult situation.

pspkiller626 wrote...
Kinda wish that something like that would happen to me.. but no ;_;

You have to be patient that's all it is. I was depressed by everyone else having a girlfriend and not me. All you need to do is keep your eye out and be patient.
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