Which of these character archetypes do you prefer?

Which of these character archetypes do you prefer?

Total Votes : 5,178
I'll go for Delinquent, those rough chicks know how to ride a D***.

Forum Image: http://static.minitokyo.net/downloads/47/38/544447.jpg
Other. I like the girl being assertive and open, but not so much that they're yandere. A little bit of delinquency mixed in is fine too, cause without being a little bit deviant, it would be boring. Having someone that always sticks to the rules 24/7 would be overbearing.

[size=6]... maybe I'm too damn demanding...[/h]
Tsundere is my favorite.
Because even though they ACT like they hate you and want you dead on the OUTSIDE......they want your dick on their INSIDES :B

And they cuteness of how they actually know what they like about you but hide it because their really to SHY to let their REAL feelings show.
Delinquent for me all the way XD
Eyepatch girls!
The first image that came up in mind when talking about Tsundere were
Rin Tohsaka from Fate/Stay Night
Fujibayashi Kyou from Clannad
Mio from K-ON
Ayatsuji from Amagami SS
Sylvie from Princess Lover (BTW, loved the OVA. fuhuhuhu.)

The first image that came up in mind when talking about Yandere were
Kaede from Shuffle
Kotonoha from School Days
Sakura from Fate/Stay Night
(Yandere freaks me out despite being loyal. Like they break all concepts of common sense to do what is needed such as killing your new girlfriend.)

The first image that came up for Shy were
Sae from Amagami SS (Her voice was overkill... my ears were raped... )
Fujibayashi Ryou from Clannad

For Dandere...(correct me if I'm wrong because I just learned this term today)
Rei Ayanami from Evangelion
Nagato from Suzumiya Haruhi
Yin from Darker than Black

What is Saber from Fate/Stay Night? I thought she was tsundere but I'm doubting it.

This is my ranking Tsundere>Dandere>Yandere>others>shy
Shy makes me want to slap them for being such indecisive morons.
Yandere, although they are extremely loyal, they gotta cool down their madness.
Dandere, I feel like I am talking to a wall sometimes, but they are so cute when they suddenly show a hint of moe~ nyaa~~~~
Tsundere, it's fun teasing these strong girls and make them look so weak and cute.
Can never go wrong with a Yandere. =-=)b
Favorite is still shy, despite my love of all the character types.
Can't think of other archetypes so I voted for Tsundere. Kinda common huh.
If I can, I'd vote all for variety :)
Shy is probably my preferance, but i do like tsun too :3
Can't stomach yandere. I was gonna go for delinquent, but then that might just be some bossy bitch like in GTO... not my cup of tea.
When the anime-girl I have cum most of the times is Asuka from NGE I am sure u can understand instantly what's my favorite type :P
I find your lack of a kuudere option disturbing. But yeah I love me them calm, cool headed older sister types. I'm not too keen on tsunderes probably since there are so many of them and I've gotten tired of (almost) the same thing done a thousand times.
i gotta go for the shy
Shy c: I love those submissive shy girls with a sick side x//u//x lol
Yandere, all the way!
I'm a shy guy,I love those shy girls. Tsundere is a close second though :3
shy is fun to watch, difficult to understand in real life, for some unknown reason Tsuns annoy the hell out of me(shana is fine, Louise? GTFO), Yandere is all fine & stuff, but when u get & own 1 pussy, guy engineering kicks in=2 is better than 1="nice boat" BTW i LOVE Kotonoha
I Likeeeee Tsunadeee so Muchhhh
Tsundere has got to be the best!
Monster Girl
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