What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

Total Votes : 5,663
360 all the way, great games and great graphics; but i also love my pc
right now i only have a 360, but i'll go with a ps3
i own a pc, ps3, wii, and a xbox. its hands down pc all the way with ps3 a distant second with wii and xbox still on the starting line.
yup im a sony whore from my tv to head set to surround sound speakers allthough im no hater on any console do to the fact im a game programmer lol

yeah i know im the odd man out but i love the ds
my favorite genera(i know i spelled it wrong) are tactics games and any obscure or weird game
i love all the final fantsy games on it and advance war and fire elbum
and chro trigger and world ends with you are probily the best games ever made
but i have to say i love all the others to
i have all but psp out of those, love them all but have to pick ps3.
I voted for PC, but xbox 360 would be my second pick.
man pc what else. where would i play all my eroge?
Ps3 all the way, I've heard dozens of complaints about xboxes breaking and I've had my ps3 for a while now and it's never failed me. I also like all the exclusives we get and the blu ray player.
I have all of them but I def. like the PS3 the most since the graphics are the best. I do like the 360 online play because everyone I've played with was cool. Totally love my PC because of all my eroges though.
In all honesty, ALL consoles were decently disappointing. This obviously doesn't exclude PC as well! Games are games. No matter what the console/platform they all shine in their own way. Why isn't there an all button (>.<')
I went with the Xbox360 cause it's the console I use the most.

If mine hadn't broke though I probably would have went with the Wii.

The DS is a great handheld as well.

The PS3 is decent, but has no exclusive games I give to craps about that wouldn't involve me importing them.

The PSP is a load of crap and can go to the losers party with the N-Gage and the Original Xbox.

I'm not much of a PC gamer as I don't like the Keyboard and my online is a piece of crap anyway.
PS3 ! Cause i <3 Bayoneta :x:x
PSP... every time i travel i would always have my PSP with me... compact, convenience and wide selection of games and functionality all in one... and fits just inside my pocket to bring anywhere
PS3. There is a reason my PSN is ThatOneXboxHater.
I have both ps3 and xbox and though yes the ps3 is free online xbox has a better network. pretty much the only game I really play is bad company 2.

if you want to switch sides on the ps3 your screwd less theres a friend of yours on the other side. xbox you just find a player go to his name and click join session in progress.

the bluetooth headset is a great idea but everyone buys a POS thats so sensitive I can hear the neighbors conversation from accross the street then i get flooded with shit that has nothing to do with the game, half the time people don't even talk its just on like a fad thats gunna go out of style.

no party chat, sure you can do ingame chat for the 4 in your squad but what if you go 8 friends on your side you can only talk to 4 of em.

overall, xbox has higher skilled players or at least in bfbc2.

the PSN is flooded with foreign speaking players, not an issue on xbox majority speak english. plus the provided mic doesn't pick up so much background noise unless there tv is jacked up.

PSN likes to shut the whole fucking ship down to do maintenance while xbox rarely does for the most part you download something then your done.

I love the ps3 controller though xbox is the biggest POS the dead zone on the xbox is ridiculous and the inverted sticks my thumbs just slide around, the triggers squeak to what a pain.

bluray player, thats pretty cool let me tell you how many blu rays I got 0 so big woop.

the disc drive is better on the ps3 if you bump the system you don't get screwd out of your fancy new game. you bump the xbox and it scratches it, yay.

wifi sucks on the ps3 fat and slim. I really don't understand them the slim should be better but its not.

ovrall xbox is just better if you have friends ps3 if you do/don't have friends and love playing alone.
All the consoles are good, but recently ive found myself playing on my PC more.
Definitely the PC. I've built my own PC for $600+ and is definitely better than those computers you would usually buy from Best Buy or any other store.
I own a PS2,PS3,XBOX360, and a Wii.
Small consoles like DS and PSP.
Personally, I prefer PS3 the best.
Monster Girl
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