What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

Total Votes : 5,663
I say PC... simply because:
1. I don't own any consoles.
2. Most of Xbox's games are also available in PC.
3. The other old consoles had their emulator on PC.
4. There's no eroge in consoles...
I only own the 360, and I need to upgrade my pc, so I have to go with it, it fares pretty well. Although I've been wanting a PS3 for a while.
PC is supreme.
PC now and forever! The gaming rig that never goes old.
Has to be the PC! Because I can only get translated VN on them! Not to mention that steam is AWESOME!
Even though PC was my first gaming console I prefer 360 don't know why.
i can't decide because i haven't play all of these systems...but it be awesome if some was to happen to have them and give them to me :D then i can make a decision
both xbox and ps3 are great in their own ways but ps3 all day free online
I own both and like them. However my xbox has given lots of troubles, and hate to pay for that Gold membership shit. So I stick to my PS3. Unfortunately building a gaming computer here is pretty expensive, if not I would've chosen PC as my favorite.
Pc because I can play all my games in th highest resolution and it doesn't take an hour to load
Pc is better muhahaha
While I actually like all of these except the PS3 (never had that so no comment) I've got to give it to the PC.
for me its basicly a tie between pc 360 and ps3
I had to go with Xbox 360 because it's just what a vast majority of my friends had, so I usually bought a lot of big games on it just so I could play with my friends online. PC is a very close second, although, with the exception of a few college friends, I usually play all of my PC games alone. PS3 is third since its vastly superior for fighting games and has a few good exclusives, but due to the price (at the time), many of my friends don't even have one.

I haven't touched my Wii (lol) in months. I softmodded it a few years back, but it only put a little more life into it. I still have Wii games I bought but I haven't even played yet... lol.
I love there is a higher margin of people for a handheld device than for a Wii.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
PC guys nuff said...Extreme gaming rig thats overclocked to the max!
I'm a guy who really likes his PC but still I just wish I had a Ps3.....
I've always been a sony kind of guy so PS3 all day every day! and those asking why vita isn't on the list is because technically it's a next-gen hand held *playing one now as i type this XD*
PS3 All the way!

Been a ps fan ever sense 97. Never looked back.
I like to take my gaming where ever I go and I'm a big Pokemon fan so... A DS for me.
Monster Girl
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