The feeling of nothingness

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echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Have you guys ever felt like you really didn't want to do anything? Not that your bored, There is lots of things for you to do and things you should be doing. It's just like you want just just lay on your bed and stare at the ceiling. I get those moods.They stop me from doing something worthwhile and I don't like them. What about you guys?
That's my default state majority of the time.

Though I find the sky more fascinating than the ceiling.

And it's also troublesome that I need to find something worthwhile for me to get out of that state, not productive. Productiveness is the part of the function, but it is by no means the whole or even major part of it.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
mibuchiha wrote...
That's my default state majority of the time.

Though I find the sky more fascinating than the ceiling.

And it's also troublesome that I need to find something worthwhile for me to get out of that state, not productive. Productiveness is the part of the function, but it is by no means the whole or even major part of it.

I edited the word productive just for you ^_^ now maybe you will get out of that nothingness mood. I would not want that to be my default
Been happening more often lately, just gotten bored of my daily routines in life and ready for the next big step like getting a degree and getting married now.
Sounds like a lull in life , we get them,It shows you that what your living is not your true desire.
There was a time when I feel like that.
Right now summer just arrived as the clocks went forward when it's time to get up I feel warm and cozy more than before that I can't help but just stay in bed for that bit longer and the heat it's self makes me feel even drowsier and I can't be bothered to do any thing. My sleep pattern instead of going ahead 1 hour has went ahead 4 hours.
That's happened to me a few times, me being pissed off at the world and reality and starving yourself on purpose, one of my friends told me I was most likely PMS-ing...
Damoz ~Not A User~
That is me all of the time, nothing seems interesting and i am indifferent to what i do. People call it a lack of drive but i call it a lack of interest in the world~
Welcome to depression.
I have experienced that, then I just start to masturbate because I get horny from thinking
ugh.... i'm sure everyone's felt it at some point, sorta me lately too, i was fine at the beginning of the school year and all but...
Damoz wrote...
That is me all of the time, nothing seems interesting and i am indifferent to what i do. People call it a lack of drive but i call it a lack of interest in the world~
it usually ends up with me listenign to a hundred songs. and my ears bleed after that
...... Always happens to me. Even for something that enjoyful for me, I find it very difficult to do every time.
Thankfully through Music and Art, I've been battling that. It's been pretty successful.
this only happens to me when i can't do the things that i want. like if the power goes out, and i was planning on getting online. there's other things for me to do, like read a book, but if i can't do what i want i just end up sitting around not feeling like doing anything.
I am also spending time doing nothing.
Well, yeah. Alot these days.

When that happens, fapping is the aftermath. ;D
gizgal wrote...
Welcome to depression.
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