Worth the try dating online?

Well I've been thinking about stepping out of traditional bounds for I am having no luck with meeting single women who I find ideal in personality.

All that I have met who I find attractive are already committed. Worse cases have been those with baggage, and no luck with connections through friends/family (most girls are too young for me in this area). It really is harder after the college days ended to meet new people with like-mind goals.

So I wish to ask what others would say about taking the online dating approach in a serious matter. I am a bit reluctant to try it due to the criticisms online personals get, especially if one has to put money towards the dating service.

Any insight is appreciated.
Although I can't say from personal experience or anything like that, in this era of technology and long distance communication, the world is a lot smaller now than it once was. Albeit online dating is not one of the conventional methods, its not to be taken lightly. There are pros and cons to online dating just as there is to any other method. For one thing, you got a middleman to match you up with people based on your personal profile and things of that nature. Although it's only effective if people represent themselves truthfully. It's hard to fake a profile pic when you meet them in person.

As for the price, doing a little bit of web searching will tell you that depending on the low end or high end, it can range from 10 to 50 dollars per month. You are paying them to sift through a ton of profiles and send you matches. If you go to a bar every weekend (fri,sat, and sun) and buy yourself (and only yourself) a 3-4 dollar drink for about a month and half, that's about 36 to to 50 bucks, but you'll have to sift through everyone and there's that human interaction factor as well.

So why not give it a shot. At any rate, judging from some base calculations, at most it might just cost you 4 or 5 weekends of going to a bar and buying yourself a cheap drink. But that's just me. I'm not that good at the whole dating thing in general so this is just from an economical standpoint and loosely at best.
In sociology2, learned that online dating is becoming quite popular. 1 out of 4 ppl meet online now.

Anyways~ it isn't that bad. I tried it, sometimes I wonder if looks plays as a huge factor (assumes it does). Ppl on the dating site are very serious in finding their significant others. Talk to them online for a bit, don't be hasty. If you both somewhat feel a connection, first date out for lunch or movies is always good.

*did free trial. About a week to get 1 successful one. Keep in mind, a lot of others are on free trial, so msging is limited (get their email if u go for trial). Work for it,and don't expect girls running to u. It isn't easy.
I belong to Match.com and a six month subscription is about $180. Been on it for three months, had a couple nibbles but no real sucess. You can't post nude photos, and you have to fill out your wall honestly or it it will never work. And if they see descrepencies in your wall they can cancel you for dishonesty. definately for people looking for long term relationships. Not swingers.
I was one of the kids that by the time I was born my parents had split up, hence parents dated other people. My biological dad ended up meeting someone online then about two years later he married her and he is very happy.

In all honesty it is up to you, be confident that you can get a girl whether you meet her IRL or online, though I guess online helps you meet people quicker.
Met my current gf online, though it was no dating side. Stuff like that can work out, but honesty plays the biggest role in this. Still, I would recommend dating the normal way. Just keep on trying.
I wouldn't recommend using any Onling Dating Sites. I've only ever been with one person whom I meet online, and it was though gaming, not some, paid-for search/match site...

We lasted a good three and a half years, and we split up becuase we had both agreed too do so. ( I still play with her about 4-6 times a month now'adays, So i guess we could still be 'friends'? )

Anywhat, If you can meet someone in real-life, you can meet someone online. Just don't depend on others to get you someone and that distance still puts a barrier between any couple.
Yes. I'd recommend it, but you just have to remember to does have to go offline at some point or you will have to cut your losses.
Might seem abit silly..

But why not try here?
Once you get abit more active and known youve got the same amount of chance as any normal dating site, also the fact that people here know what you are like and accept you for that because they are like that themselves xD
I knew a guy who did it once - met a really nice girl, pretty, smart, etc but he broke up with her in the end as he wasn't ready for a long term relationship which was what the girl was looking for. It's like what Winged-Fapper says, you've got to be in it for a long term relationship. People who turn to online dating are usually looking for a long term relationship so you should make sure you want one too.
Other than that, I'd say go for it! Online dating sites aren't that much different to meeting people offline.
im a bit of a skeptic when it comes to dating sites but they seem to be a very popular meet these days, maybe im just old school, but its worth a shot, IMO facebook seems to work just as well or better than any of those PAY sites.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I am a bit old fashioned hence why I am skeptical about entering the scene. But the major advantage I am being drawn to is knowing the fact the ones online really are seeking another.

I'm not looking to just date for the sake of it, for if that was the case I wouldn't be struggling (been approached by women just fine in this regard). I'm more interested in meeting the person for who she is and enjoy the moments of growing to accept and understand her.

I'll give it a little more thought. Any additional comments are welcome.
I found my soulmate online >_>; It wasn't a dating site. I personally think it's easier to find the person you're looking for, when in an environment that caters to your personal interests.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
If you can meet up so it isn't purely an online thing, then yes.
I'd recommend online dating. There are a lot of sites out there catered towards people looking for love, even if you don't have money (plentyoffish, okcupid, geek 2 geek... those are a few). Personally, I met my boyfriend on OkCupid, and we've been happily together for 2, almost 3 years now, so it can work! And trust me, it is becoming much, much more common, so there isn't as much stigma anymore. Whenever I was shy about telling people about it, I usually got replies like: "What? So did I!"

Online dating is useful, because you get to sort of "weed through" the kind of people you don't want to date. For instance, I always had trouble with getting attached in a relationship, and THEN realizing that we were completely mix-matched on our fundamentals and morals. What do you really do then? You're already devoted to a relationship that isn't going to work out! But, online you get to read profiles, exchange messages, and get a good idea who the person is before you start dating. And there's no awkward business of having chemistry with someone, and then finding out they're already dating someone and/or aren't interested anyhow. Everyone on a dating site is LOOKING TO DATE!

This is also helpful for those who get "friendzoned" a lot... in example, my boyfriend is a really nice guy. I think if we hadn't met online I might've made the mistake of pushing him in the friendzone - simply because he was a shy guy that took awhile to make a move, so I might've given up or stopped seeing him that way. What a shame that would've been! But if you meet up with someone, you know that they like you already and you're willing to hold on. There's no confusion.

On OkCupid especially, they ask TONS and TONS of questions from sexuality, to family values, hobbies, drug/alcohol usage, blahblahblahblah... so, if there is something you DEFINITELY don't or DO want in a partner all you have to do is compare your questions to see if you two would be compatible (although the nifty "match" percentage helps give you a bit of a guess).

Don't give up on love! Not all of us have an easy time finding it, and the person who is right for you might be closer then you think. Goodluck!
HappyDia01 wrote...
I'd recommend online dating. There are a lot of sites out there catered towards people looking for love, even if you don't have money (plentyoffish, okcupid, geek 2 geek... those are a few). Personally, I met my boyfriend on OkCupid, and we've been happily together for 2, almost 3 years now, so it can work! And trust me, it is becoming much, much more common, so there isn't as much stigma anymore. Whenever I was shy about telling people about it, I usually got replies like: "What? So did I!"

Online dating is useful, because you get to sort of "weed through" the kind of people you don't want to date. For instance, I always had trouble with getting attached in a relationship, and THEN realizing that we were completely mix-matched on our fundamentals and morals. What do you really do then? You're already devoted to a relationship that isn't going to work out! But, online you get to read profiles, exchange messages, and get a good idea who the person is before you start dating. And there's no awkward business of having chemistry with someone, and then finding out they're already dating someone and/or aren't interested anyhow. Everyone on a dating site is LOOKING TO DATE!

This is also helpful for those who get "friendzoned" a lot... in example, my boyfriend is a really nice guy. I think if we hadn't met online I might've made the mistake of pushing him in the friendzone - simply because he was a shy guy that took awhile to make a move, so I might've given up or stopped seeing him that way. What a shame that would've been! But if you meet up with someone, you know that they like you already and you're willing to hold on. There's no confusion.

On OkCupid especially, they ask TONS and TONS of questions from sexuality, to family values, hobbies, drug/alcohol usage, blahblahblahblah... so, if there is something you DEFINITELY don't or DO want in a partner all you have to do is compare your questions to see if you two would be compatible (although the nifty "match" percentage helps give you a bit of a guess).

Don't give up on love! Not all of us have an easy time finding it, and the person who is right for you might be closer then you think. Goodluck!

Youuuu.. would make an excellent spokesperson. O_o You almost have ME convinced, and I'm already happy with someone xD
Yeah, I'd give it a go now that OKCupid is stupendously free. Succeeding at it, however, is beyond me. I just chat people up and make friends, haha.
HappyDia01 wrote...
I'd recommend online dating. There are a lot of sites out there catered towards people looking for love, even if you don't have money (plentyoffish, okcupid, geek 2 geek... those are a few). Personally, I met my boyfriend on OkCupid, and we've been happily together for 2, almost 3 years now, so it can work! And trust me, it is becoming much, much more common, so there isn't as much stigma anymore. Whenever I was shy about telling people about it, I usually got replies like: "What? So did I!"

Online dating is useful, because you get to sort of "weed through" the kind of people you don't want to date. For instance, I always had trouble with getting attached in a relationship, and THEN realizing that we were completely mix-matched on our fundamentals and morals. What do you really do then? You're already devoted to a relationship that isn't going to work out! But, online you get to read profiles, exchange messages, and get a good idea who the person is before you start dating. And there's no awkward business of having chemistry with someone, and then finding out they're already dating someone and/or aren't interested anyhow. Everyone on a dating site is LOOKING TO DATE!

This is also helpful for those who get "friendzoned" a lot... in example, my boyfriend is a really nice guy. I think if we hadn't met online I might've made the mistake of pushing him in the friendzone - simply because he was a shy guy that took awhile to make a move, so I might've given up or stopped seeing him that way. What a shame that would've been! But if you meet up with someone, you know that they like you already and you're willing to hold on. There's no confusion.

On OkCupid especially, they ask TONS and TONS of questions from sexuality, to family values, hobbies, drug/alcohol usage, blahblahblahblah... so, if there is something you DEFINITELY don't or DO want in a partner all you have to do is compare your questions to see if you two would be compatible (although the nifty "match" percentage helps give you a bit of a guess).

Don't give up on love! Not all of us have an easy time finding it, and the person who is right for you might be closer then you think. Goodluck!

Congratulations on finding happiness that you wish to share that joy. I appreciate your efforts to encourage too.

I expect the search to be difficult whether you pay or not. So I'll consider giving a site like OkCupid a go then. Can't hurt to try when you have nothing to lose.

Can't say I ever gave up on finding love. Just unlucky I haven't found a person I can accept beyond that of a friend like many others. I'm open to trying many things anew, but do not go into wild spaces out of preference. Being old fashioned nowadays is rough for a male who doesn't seek the wild life, yet I'm not so fond of the "good church person" for more than often I find them too stiff with their beliefs.

Finding that true open-mindedness in a person...is a very rare thing.
Monster Girl
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