Which genre is your favorite?

Which genre is your favorite?

Total Votes : 4,267
I would say comedy. No matter how bad the story is, or how bad the characters are if it makes me laugh it is alright by me.
I do like all of them but truthfully I like the cross type kupo. Like romance/action like Fishigi Yugi and Tsubasa just a few examples kupo.
Technically my favorite genre is Romantic-Comedy, but I could only choose one so I chose comedy.
My Waifu:

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Mio Sakamoto
Action, comedy, and romance. Mostly action, I like movies I can jump up and yell "FUCK YEAH" to.
Ive been on a love comedy binge for a few months now and there's not sign of it going away any time soon. I do like martial arts splashed in and maybe a little supernatural or magic here or there; something to move things along. But for the most part, if there's no romance, im not interested. except K-On! and Lucky Star, but i guess there are exceptions to every rule.

Thats just for manga and anime tho. TV mostly drama, cop shoes, mysteries, TV for smart people. Stuff like CSI, NCIS, Bones, is what gets me. Movies, however is all action. I don't do movies much (mostly only during the summer push when the Marvel movies come out --waiting for Avengers--) but when i do, i want shooting, killing, explosions, and hot chicks.

After looking at the replies and the voting, I'm surprised that actions is so far down the line, but then again this is Fakku!
I read everything other then comedy books and I watch most movies as long as it isn't a romantic comedy
Fruid Lurker of Threads
Comedy, anything else by itself doesn't leave much of an impact. When other genres are supported with a good laugh or smile then it's easier to get into those other genres.
movies i like psychological thrillers..like fight club, or inception. something that fucks your mind.

books probably fantasy

anime definitively action
i really prefer a good romance and comedy
I like all of the genre its just hard to pick one.
Comedy is everything
Fantsy person myself. I'm surprised romance is biggest O.O
Other then comedy i'd like some suspense and romance, action and drama wouldn't hurt either.
go go action comedy
Romance with a little bit of comedy
BROMANCE!!!!! no. i mean Romance.
Dang, I choose comedy (other is ok to me to )

Life need more those than REALITY SHIT around you . TRUST ME
anything space-y
Mostly action, but when they manage to make a good one, nothing beats a good mystery.
With friends comedy is the way to go, nobody ends being disappointed.
All I watch has comedy in some level.
Monster Girl
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