So how would you plunge the world into chaos?

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Just take out electricity as a whole.
I would give people what they want in a way they would never expect.
Just like they way wishes are granted in Twisted Metal.


Create a bacteria that only eats oil really fast and digs deep and searches for it. Of course, I won't forget the part where I'll be spreading it.
Fruid wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Define chaos. The stuff about free porn and changing internet stuff is just an extension of trolling and recent internet legislation.

If you want to see chaos, remove all the petrochemical supply and reserve.

Also acceptable:
Create a bacteria that is air and water borne with symptoms of dementia and hemorrhaging that only appear 6 months after initial infection.

Poison all the water, everywhere.

Make it perpetual night.

Make life exactly like hentai

Well, we don't want to kill most of the population. Some deaths are inevitable, but we can't kill massive waves of people - we need to maintain our ethics afterall.

If we can't kill them all then I'll go with the petrochemicals and hentai one. Oh just thought of this to add. Proof of 100% of the teachings of any religion.

Example: The Christian God and Jesus show up and inform everyone that Christianity is right and everyone else is crazy and going to suffer in hell. How this will cause mass chaos, picture what happens if its some comparatively obscure thing like Haruhism.
I would attempt to find the reset button for the Cold War and press it.
I'd give everyone telepathy.

And just.. see how that plays out, first.
I would find a way to harness the powers of both nature an microbiology. On a daily basis, I will make it so something crazy happens that shakes up the whole world. For every 2 terrible event a wealthy nation'd suffer, however, I would do something nice to impoverished countries. To increase paranoia, I would make it so each catastrophe'd happen at 12, alternatively between night and day. Then all of a sudden, I would return resdources and favourable conditions to wealthy countries and watch all humans go to war.
RE-control the media < replay all My Little Pony: Friendship is Crack , on television and radio in reruns forever >
wait for the mindless screaming.
1. Find a way to hijack all radio transmitters, TV antennas and satellites in the world.
2. Have every Justin Bieber song and video play on the radio and TV's in one continuous loop.
3. To quote Lupe Fiasco, "Sit back and smoke and watch it burn down."
Burn mother fuckers, burn.

I would cause a nuclear war by sending one bomb to America, and blame it on North Korea.
Release ALL PEOPLE inside of prisons worldwide.

Or rather, a zombie apocalypse.
Princess Luna wrote...
Burn mother fuckers, burn.

I would cause a nuclear war by sending one bomb to America, and blame it on North Korea.

we have the same type of AVI , Luna.
FadedxLady wrote...
Princess Luna wrote...
Burn mother fuckers, burn.

I would cause a nuclear war by sending one bomb to America, and blame it on North Korea.

we have the same type of AVI , Luna.

Obviously, I got to snatch this name before anyone like you got it. :3 Plfl
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Define chaos. The stuff about free porn and changing internet stuff is just an extension of trolling and recent internet legislation.

If you want to see chaos, remove all the petrochemical supply and reserve.

Also acceptable:
Create a bacteria that is air and water borne with symptoms of dementia and hemorrhaging that only appear 6 months after initial infection.

Poison all the water, everywhere.

Make it perpetual night.

Make life exactly like hentai

miss butterfly i love ur ideas u define chaos as to be expected of an elder would the virus have strong aphrodisiac side effects like in the video here on fakku Kansen Inyoku no Rensa
Drop a colony on earth.
I'd give every person on the planet a superpower/s (except time and space control) of their choice and an attack-any-living-being-at-sight directive implanted in their mind. Feels good to just watch the world burn...
Darkhilt wrote...
say what! wrote...
I would create a new virus that has a 80% chance to kill someone and make it air born. When I tease the world of a cure for the virus I will tell them I hope you adapt fast and kill myself. Most of the world will either pray, start riots, and begin breaking laws as people begin to lose their morals since they realize they are going to have a slow and painful death. In the end only strong survive...

The virus would evolve to be less deadly to be able to sustain itself in more hosts.

unless u cross an skin eating virus,common cold with a cancer cell then force mutation with radiation u would have an super virus

or destroying every money in the world and making chopping part of your body a form of currency
An "Air Tax".
riera9900 wrote...
Darkhilt wrote...
say what! wrote...
I would create a new virus that has a 80% chance to kill someone and make it air born. When I tease the world of a cure for the virus I will tell them I hope you adapt fast and kill myself. Most of the world will either pray, start riots, and begin breaking laws as people begin to lose their morals since they realize they are going to have a slow and painful death. In the end only strong survive...

The virus would evolve to be less deadly to be able to sustain itself in more hosts.

unless u cross an skin eating virus,common cold with a cancer cell then force mutation with radiation u would have an super virus

or destroying every money in the world and making chopping part of your body a form of currency

Not really. So you want to mix a skin eating virus and the common cold with a forced cancer cell? Alright you solve for the cancer and then you destroy it's protein wall to prevent spread. Besides, why would virii need to eat? It's not like it's living or needs the nutrients. Also it would be impossible to mix our DNA with RNA.
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