
Zakair Paizuri connoisseur
Huh... I definately would've went for that teriyaki burger...
600 emails in three days...
"ten hours talking with Denko’s mother"...
Let's not forget about sudden confession after that stalker-like email attack...

Now that's what I would call EXTREME.

I guess that's why OP doesn't have any friends. Poor girl must feel really horrified from such a behavior. I know I would.
Oh the lols XD
It's hard to even imagine being in a situation like that, on either side.
If there are any more parts, please post. It's like a cliff-hanger ending, I gotta know how it ends.
the other guy speaking to him is awesome and just makes this thread amazingly funny to read
Wow, that's one good troll or one guy who's really bad with people. Either way, I laughed. Now to see if I can find another of the threads.
That's one hell of a story o_O
I kinda want to know how it ends...
Damn it. Finished with a cliff hanger. But sending 600 e-mails would be creepy. Now im wondering how it ended...
LOL I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for him or take the side of the 2channers...
I'll probably take the 2channer's side. XD
3 possible way it could end
1. She comes home and he mans up not like he waz before worrying about her. Then they start dating. Good ending.
2. The girl already has a different guy. When she comes home she never replys to his emails or calls him.
3. He never gets any reply from her what so ever. Because she died in a car crash with her friends while they were coming back.

I have been watching way to much K-drama......
I just wanna know the ending and why the girl isn't home/hard to contact with given her excuse that she's busy.
At first, I'm thinking a tragic accident and later I believe the girl has another guy. Just my guess.

^ BTW Good summary!
Was thinking that too, but only the 2nd and 3rd option.
Sprite wrote...
2xj00eL_HM wrote...
whoa lol, i read a manga just like this, about a geeky guy getting advice over online forums on how to get the girl, except it ended well in the manga LOL, shows you the difference between 2-d and 3-d

Isn't that manga called Densha Otoko and based off of a true story?

Yeah, that's it. The name escaped me. It was a nice read, if I remember, and wasn't all that long anyways. Of course, the guy didn't send over 9000 e-mails or talk to her mom for 10 hours either, nor did any of his messages sound creepy, oh wait, he didn't (´・ωï½¥`) either...
people, the 600 emails might have well been an exaggeration on his part, even if this is real or not. (I suppose. Perhaps by 600 he means he sent hell-of-a-lot. Still too many, but not as many?)
i feel really bad for that guy somehow...
I don't think I've ever been so angry at something posted on the Internet. His total lack of any and all social skills, lack of common sense, and lack of any form restraint pushed my rage to the point of yelling at my couch. How could he of talked to her mom for TEN hours? I can hardly talk to someone about one subject for an hour, let alone ten. This guy has to be the greatest troll ever, because I refuse to believe this is real.
Forum Image: http://chanarchive.org/content/50_b/49644507/1199164065789.jpg
Loner the People's Senpai
Not sure if that's the saddest or creepiest thing I've ever read.
XxSaberxX wrote...
OP seems to be suffering from serious brain damage that overloads his feelings of optimism and pessimism. Apparently he doesn't quite act on common sense. The fact that 600 emails over 3 days doesn't appear to him as 'obviously stalking' and marks him as 'a very, very dangerous and psychologically unstable person' says it all.

That is my thoughts initially there some sort mental instability which is warping his sense of reality or "right and wrong"...clingy behavior, the constand need of approval from someone not interested also the need for advice on a board not wise choice or certified to give credible dating advice when he can just pick up a phone, make inquiries set up a meeting and baby steps from there. Zero common sense.
The immaturity level makes me feel this person is still in their teens or early twenties maybe. If much older than may the good lord have mercy on his overly optimistic soul!
Dose it make me a bad person to lol at this so hard I choked?
neon_white wrote...
Dose it make me a bad person to lol at this so hard I choked?


No it doesn't.
That was hilarious.

Obvious troll is obvious.
Monster Girl
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