How do you feel about zombie fiction?

How do you feel about zombie fiction?

Total Votes : 4,223
at first i don't like it at all, but since i watch highschool of the dead
I proud to say i like it
Hate them, zombies have been done to death (no pun intended)
I don't mind zombies, but I don't understand what's so cool about them.
Zombies just wanna hug.
Paradox_- wrote...
Well come on now, everyone has the 'zombie dream' of waking up somewhere with a few other people that specialize in somthing- then being told they are some of the few survivors in this zombie apocolypse and have to survive till they find a cure...or is that just me?

Don't worry its not just you that is "preparing" for Z-day :D
I'd so bang Rea...I mean wherewasI?

Oh... It's Ok but nothing I'm too hyped up about.
I do play zombie/infected games but not to the extent where I don't play anything else. I'll watch a zombie movie/show if it's well done (like HOTD), and I've never read a zombie book.
Meh, depends
I tought this "zombie fiction" is some kind of game :DDD
sorry, my bad.
My friends have plans, routes, weapons and a soundtrack. Most of it is Irish punk, death metal and Hey Ya by Outkast.
Basically I enjoy the contents of zombie related themes like in movies, games, and manga.

Movies to speak of surviving the day with a horde of zombies lurking at almost any corner of the area is a heart ponder. I prefer comedy than others like "Army of Darkness" of Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, than Francis Lawrence and Will Smiths "I am Legend" which is suspense.

Games to say the "RE Series" is one of the games series that I still continue to play; "DMC"; "House of the Dead"; "Left for Dead", and a lot more games related to zombies english and japanese alike, well yeah I prefer shooting than bashing the zombies, hehehe

Manga well I have read a lot of manga not just here on FAKKU! I would have to say that one is Highschool of the Dead, not due to those giant sized breasts, but the interesting thought that all around the world, maybe, is infested with "Them" a rather unique term for zombies. Shikabane Hime having a zombie guard you is strange but an undead bodyguard much better, Blood+ their not zombies but still undead right, Sankarea is also good so to speak, taking care of a almost zombiefied girl making her live out a normal life, and some of the other mangas and novels related to zombies that I have read

All in all anything goes for me just that I do not want to be placed in the same situation, I am rather conscious to live beings than to spiritual once.
I'm somewhere in between love it and like it, but I went for love it anyway. Zombies are the only apocalypse that you have a chance of survival (lol we would all get owned anyway). As for zombies not being scientifically sound, it pretty much already happened in the case of 2 east pacific islanders who perished, and the next day were found up and moving. Autopsy showed that a neuro-parasite that is only found on certain fish had mutated and, instead of killing it's victim, it reduced the victims mental state over the course of several weeks down to a point where they were declared dead (only because modern medical equipment wasn't used so they didn't actually die). The near-lifeless bodies got back up and (really poorly) walking. The two victims died several hours later due to complications similar of that to extreme alcohol poisoning. This case is extremely odd and I am in no way saying they were zombies and were all gonna be overrun by the living dead. This happened like 45 years ago and I think we would know if the parasite had mutate to a point where it not only had fully adapted to the human body but had also.... Nevermind, even I know I'm starting to sound crazy. Happy mothers day
It's done to hell, like most things. However, when you get staple gems like Resident Evil and The Walking Dead they are usually done so very well that I can't help but love zombies for a while.
[size=10][/h] Meh... I personally used to be into zombie related fic. but now it's just overused and pretty boring.
Tyranosaurus_Secks wrote...
Forum Image:


Seriously, I like the way its going so far...I just hope it doesn't go overboard and have zombie girls biting off dicks and shit.

She is so hot. not realy a fan of zombies but i love sankarea.
i don't mind zombies but there too much of them.

I'm waiting for werewolves to get their spotlight D: Give the furry monsters some love!
No tentacles, but sure i have time to kill and i love blood and guns. Cheers m8's!
Nikon wrote...
I personally can't stand it. Overplayed and overdone. And not scientifically sound.

How about you?

Of course it's sound. Say a virus adapts to take over the brain. It can shut down most of the other functions while it rewrites the brain to help it reproduce itself. Example of rewrite, humans are always releasing pheromones even though they are unaware of it. These pheromones are used mostly for mating, but the virus, rewrites our brains to think instead of sex, food! The mouth is the most germ filled part of the body and so the bite makes the natural transfer of the infection from one host to the next. The virus is just found a way around all the drugs and such we have been using for years to kill it and adapts in a new way to spread itself. Sure the other affects are gruesome deaths and ravenous former humans, but that's what makes it sound. Also the pheromones are how the zombies find live people no matter where they go, you can't stop yourself from making them.
my answer is... EH?!
Paradox_- wrote...
Well come on now, everyone has the 'zombie dream' of waking up somewhere with a few other people that specialize in somthing- then being told they are some of the few survivors in this zombie apocolypse and have to survive till they find a cure...or is that just me?

agreed thats all i have to say