[Locked] Why isn't lolicon a tag yet xc

When I looked up lolicon I noticed there wasn't a tag called lolicon but a manga that was for traps not a single tag with lolicon on it makes u think don't it
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
The site managers banned loli from the site. This is to meet the demands of those giving them advertising revenue.
Hmmm...... I see but why not just make a tag for the base of lolicon just giving it a new name
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
... you honestly think the ad companies are that stupid?
A better question would probably be, where does one go to find loli hentai doujin like this anyway? (Gelbooru and Lolibooru are just one off pictures most of the time, I'm talking about organized manga like Fakku's)
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Translators' own sites are always a good place for finding these.
Translator's own sites, and loli does slip past the radar every now and then.
Yeah unfortunately, loli is banned >_<
I think that if a translator has one translated and ready though, they should let people know about it and make us come to their website or something :P I remember Soba-scans doing that once.
This doesn't limit to only loli though, it can be about anything that Fakku has banned or something. Just an idea.
PumpJack McGee wrote...

Translator's own sites, and loli does slip past the radar every now and then.

And when I find it, I report it.
You've existed on this site for 3 weeks. That's plenty of time to grow a braincell and do, like... any reading on the rules and regulations here. Every time you post, there are important links directly to the right of your message.
Gravity cat the adequately amused

Read and be all the wiser.
You touch yourself at night.

That's why.
I'm going to conclude

Forum Image: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/207/233/You-must-be-new-here2.jpg
Lollikittie wrote...
You've existed on this site for 3 weeks. That's plenty of time to grow a braincell and do, like... any reading on the rules and regulations here. Every time you post, there are important links directly to the right of your message.

You turning into a fine user.
Just go to exhentai, lots of loli there.
Tegumi "im always cute"
Reason: Lolicon is not allowed on the site.