Would you cross-dress?

I would like to try it out once and see if I like it or not.
Lol, why not.
oh god i want to meet alllll the traps here!!! ill admit i find them cute! the boy to girl types i mean hihihihi
I actually once went to cinnabon cosplaying as Hatsune Miku.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Actually... now I wouldn't... but... I just remembered something. Back home, some moms (mine may be included) have this habit of... dressing their infant children up in miniature "saris" (traditional Bengal women's attire). Like I said, now I wouldn't dare, but... dear God, I get the feeling there are pictures of me back home wearing...


*runs off*
Fruid Lurker of Threads
When I die I want the mortician to dress me up in school girl clothes. That way my relatives will be smiling during my funeral.
Maybe for Halloween.
I really don't do overly feminine clothing and feel really awkward in dresses and heels. It feels crossdressing, even though it isn't.

I have lots of men's shirts, unfortunately it's really hard to find fitting pants since I have really huge ass wide hips.

To go all the way, as in tape away tits and everything, would be lot of work though. Still, I think I would if someone wanted it for sexual or other reason, and I might even enjoy it.
I'll have to say no in this case. Just couldn't see myself doing it.
No. As a man, I'd like to see women's dresses on women only.
no i wouldn't and never will
Nope. I'm doing this because i have to.
I seen the fate of a person who did such an action.
2 of them in fact.
nope i will never do it.
For the lolz, I would try it out. Being quite slim and having as much facial hair as a bowling ball, it could work out okay.

Then again, I wouldn't do it on daily basis, although I'd love being a girl.
OH SNAP I DO IT ALL THE TIME ! I lied. Well I suppose it would depend on the situation. If it was for a event, I'm down for it, if not, then most likely no.
I have before, but not "seriously". I have worn dresses/skirts for Halloween, plays, and fundraising events where all the guys were girls and all the girls were guys. I must say the skirt...was very liberating, I still wore my boxer-briefs underneath but it still very breezy since it was during the winter. It was kinda fun and a little bit erotic but I would not see myself doing it in my free time or as a hobby...

Dress however...I despise those things. Mind you they were only like everyday "sun dresses" nothing extravagant, there are't really any my size......so its like squeezing into a tube that's 2 sizes to small.....I had a new respect for girls after wearing one since I couldn't breathe and I know some gals who squeeze into dresses.

But: I have before, but I don't think I would unless there is a situation calling for it.
i would.
Im not afraid to wear some girl clothes.
You only live once.
Try something new.
I would not loss anything as a guy if I cross-dress, at least for me.
I don't like the idea of wearing girl clothes. No real reason why, but I don't. No cross-dressing for me.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
never, but my cousin does...and hes gay, which is completely fine with me because I love the bastard. also as long as I get my hookup from his chick friends :D
Monster Girl
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