How was your school years? (v2)

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How were you during your School Years.

Total Votes : 113
Various for both elementary and highschool.
In elementary school, I was the fat kid who was picked on by everyone...Felt bad man.
In highschool's 1st year, I was that average looking guy who was occasionly picked on for no reason, but generally ignored by everyone else. In the following four years though, it was a different story.
I picked up learning martial arts (Wing-Tsun Kung-fu) and defended myself, along this my body slimmed down and became a bit more muscular due to all that training. Got a few friends, a few girlfriends and a whole lot of fun.
Not that felt good.
Been popular my entire school life, but i prefered video games and drawing rather than spending time with my friends. So keeping a girlfriend was tough
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Because apparently text chatting is obsolete in the forums

Right hand side of the text editor wrote...

Here are some basics
Use spell check on all posts.
Use proper grammar.
Requests go in the request forum.

Yes, yes it is.

Warning: This is long. I have alot of fragmented memories from school.

Primary school

I remember my first day of school, I was clinging to my bed, crying my eyes out. Once I got there, I was shit-scared, but that's it. I remember that there were two classrooms, both connected by a mixed-gender toilet. To me at the time both the classrooms and the toilet were huge.

I remember assemblies were always much of the same thing. Singing Jesus-freak themed hymns with a projector and a piano, sitting on the floor and my arse going numb, and finding some beer on the field on the walk to school once because "my dad wanted the can" thinking it was empty (he's a hoarder), and I stunk of beer all day because of him.

Once I shat myself in the middle of class. Probably about Year 1. Actually did shit myself. Remember it being rather warm, but really uncomfortable. I was taken to the toilet to "clean up" but I can't remember anything after that. I'm guessing I got given a spare pair of underwear. It was also about the time that I first discovered that girls had vaginas, as this one girl showed us hers. But it bled. Signs of sexual abuse? Not sure.

After that, I remember I was stuck on how to do a quiz (I'd never done one before) and then getting taken to another classroom. I was a late bloomer in the speech department apparently, (but that's it) so I was sent to a Speech and language class, a class for pupils with learning difficulties or speech impedements. The class allowed any and all years, so it was a mixed group. It was also where I met my first friend Richard, who I was friends with until last year because me and my best friend Mike paid to go on a holiday we never went on. He told us we couldn't come because we were friends with a guy called Wayne. He still owes us, collectively, £110. Anyway, I was in "SL1" and later "SL2" as the two classes was named, up until year 5. One of the LSA's helping out was so hot. Don't know her first name, but her surname was "Bates". Wonder if she's a master in that subject? I would've loved to have found out if I was older.

I could've left Speech and Language sooner, but apparently I refused, although I don't remember doing that, much less getting offered. Although eventually I was allowed into a mainstream classroom, and I only had to register in SL2 and then could join a mainstream one and the first few weeks I was accompanied by an LSA (Learning Support Assistant) but she eventually buggered off and left me to my own devices. All this pleased me, because by the time I could speak properly I also read and spelt at a much higher level than my Speech and Language classmates. In fact I felt like a fuckin' genius compared to them.

A school story isn't complete without childhood crushes now are they? Well, this girl was in my Speech and Language class, a year above me. There were 3 of them, the other 2 were guys, but were just awesome. The classmates who in the same year as I was (there were 4 of us) all had a crush on her and we would always try to get her attention. Thinking back on it now, it was just pathetic.

The week before we had to leave for the Summer holiday (and to a new school) we were allowed to bring in anything we liked to entertain ourselves with and could do anything we wanted as long as we didn't break anything or disturbed other classes. Within school rules, basically. I brought in my Game Boy colour with Pokémon Gold. Some guy called Ben did Ice Path for me because I was useless at "Sliding floor" puzzles at the time.

One of the caretakers, who we only knew as "Mr. King", (although that was his surname), had a daughter in the school called Lisa. I knew of Lisa and pretty much grew up with her, but we have never struck up a conversation or ever spoken to each other. Yet we have each other on Facebook, and she's added me on various social networking sites.

Secondary School

Like Primary school, I was given alot of flak for my weight because I was and have always have been a bit on the large side. And, like Primary School, for the first 3 years I was pretty much forced to do "Reading Recovery" activities. Basically little tests to see how we're reading. I always read "off the charts", but found myself going back the next year, which really pissed me off. Again, off the charts. Year after that, off the charts. They kept calling me back because they "thought that I wasn't absorbing the information that I was reading", but I was just speaking in monotone. Eventually they left me alone, and I almost rejoiced.

I didn't stop being a goody-two shoes until my final 2 years, where I gained enough confidence to just loosen up, began snapping back whenever someone poked fun at my weight (which stopped many of the "jokes" because I was stucking up for myself), while not being a total prick to the teachers. In fact I had alot of respect for the teachers, and became increasingly aware of how badly they had it with many of my classmates.

It's also around the time where I began skiving P.E because I hated the subject, and most of my classmates were a bunch of pricks. THe small few of us who didn't like P.E escaped and hung out at a park. Our detention was quite fun, we played badminton. Since it was just the 6 of us and badminton was quite fun, there was no-one to take the piss or try and attention-seek. I hated P.E the most though, because I got rugby tackled by a guy pretty much twice my height and he went too low and tore the ligament in my left knee. It was so painful that night that I actually cried and it's still a bit buggered to this day. Eventually though, the teachers opted to take us to Club Q for both P.E sessions to play Billiards, otherwise known as American Pool. Me and my friend have been playing Pool on-and-off ever since, and visiting Club Q. Did last night, actually.

After the Rugby Tackle, despite being in obvious pain, I wasn't allowed to use the lift because I didn't have a "lift pass" and couldn't apply for one because I wasn't in a wheelchair. So I had to trudge up and down 2 flights of stairs if I was unlucky, which only made the swelling and pain a whole lot worse.

In year 11, the final year, I began growing my hair out and kept it like that until last year. It got down to my arse. Then I lopped it off with a pair of scissors and now it's about shoulder-length.

I had a crush on my French teacher, Ms. Baker (who later got married and hr surname changed to Hayes) but my god she had such a fine arse and her boobs were also a nice size. I got boners most often in French than any other class.

TL:DR - I was average.
Nerdy, as far as I can tell. I taught the librarians how to use computers with my buddies and played RPG's and video games.
So yeah, nerdy.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I probably would've been popular if I talked to people, but I enjoy solitude so most of my days in school were spent by myself. Just because I was alone doesn't mean I was lonely though.
I was one of the token Asian guys in school. I got along with everyone. Reputation was also boosted because of my older siblings.

K-4 (Elementary School):
Had a blasty blast. Had my first crush and did many fun things. I wasn't really bullied if anything I did a little bit of bullying. I feel terrible about it now. Overall I had a wonderful time.

5-6 (Intermediate School):
Found a new clique to hang out with, different from K-4. Joined band (Percussion). Had first real girlfriend. 9/11 occurred during this time. Raving with glow sticks was pretty popular.

7-8 (Middle School):
Still hangin' with the same group. Assigned my very first locker @ school. During this time I was being stalked by a girl (more on that later). Popularity status: Everyone knew who I was. People commonly say my full name when they addressed me excluding teachers of course. ie. Dan "Booty" (my last name vaguely sounds like booty).

9-12 (High School) ~2000 students:
Prior to school actually starting I had to attend band camp during the summer. Joined the school's Drumline (snare drum). Another popularity boost. Open lunch, no more cafeteria food. Starting to branch out and hang out with several different groups. Joined some clubs. Got me a sport compact (1998 240sx). Well known in school for that also.

The school had 5 different spots where people hung out around the property. I jumped in between 3 of them (includes jocks, Hispanics, and misc). The other 2 were outcasts and smokers. I was pictured in the year book around 20 times. Had a harem but nothing really developed. The (5) girls were average and my standards are high as fuck.

My high school years also contained the most drama of my school career. Long story short stalker-girl created a cluster fuck involving some of my friends.
I was moderately popular and friends with just about everyone all throughout my school life.
However, as I grew older, I realized that I don't like people.
Still hate people.
They were pretty fun, especially senior year of High School, I wish I could go back to those days sometimes.
I wasn't really too popular. I had a group of close friends and we hung out a lot.
How was your school years teehee
My school years were fine, except I was stoned for most of it.
Kouki wrote...
I was one of the token Asian guys in school. I got along with everyone. Reputation was also boosted because of my older siblings.

^ This...... till high school.

but more in depth, it was...ok... good times, bad times...high school was up and down, I was a fairly popular person, not like "popular popular" I just stood out and people knew me and were nice. I would hang out with a core group of people, but branch out now and again.

I would necessarily hang out with the "Popular" kids outside of school, but since I played sports, did a lot of club stuff, I ran into them a lot while at school etc.

It was a comfy middle ground I must say. Being the only Asian kid in my graduating class and playing a sport in all but the summer seasons, made me stand out even would be like "Hey, who's the tall Asian kid?" lol

The senior year hit and that emotional roller coaster to say the least, break ups, scandals, and death were the low points, having true friends, winning championships, and graduating were just some of the high points.

College....was/is a blur... it went quick...but now I'm going back WOOHOO!
In high school, I was not so popular and then I started hanging out with the wrong people so I turned nerdy.
I lived in a very small and remote town in south east asia, yeah..

In my high school, I was hanging out with many types of friend, I was well-known in my school because of my delinquency, I've been stealing food from my friends, did not pay when eating at the cafeteria, coming late, being caught up carrying alcohol, pull pranks and doing stupid stuff..

The most stupid things back then was I pour down a half bottle of a 70% medical alcohol solution to my coke, I drank it a little and ask my friends to drink it, they're being suspicious but finally I made to convince them, after a while they start puked and vomiting, I was in panic and ran away from them..

There's lot of memories back then, I was lonely too for some times, and hang out with nerdy people too, despite of being well-known for some groupies I am not very popular, and did not intended too, I just want to have fun that's all..
When I was in Highschool I was popular due to me being the vice captain of my basketball team and a general happy weird person which most find reason to talking to me. I had a few girlfriends, went to parties, vacations.

But when I got to college I stop playing sports and I became average. With stable friends, fewer girlfriends than in my highschool.

So I dont know if you plus my highschool to my college it would come out with Average I think.
it was good, but im excited for this coming year.
Shitty as Hell. Full of worthless rude people that deserves to suffocate because of eating lots of shit. I've became half crazy because of them.
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