[Locked] Fakku

Does Fakku Have a Strong Sense of Community?

Total Votes : 72
Would it be wrong if I said I wanted to like people?

Let's face it. If we don't touch dicks about the same fap material, most of us are going to turn out as mortal enemies.
Opens up IB.
Sees post about community.
*Commencing LOLgasm*

I've been a lurker for years, and I've seen a vibrant community throughout Fakku wax and wane. Often wished I could be more a part of it, but something (shyness? constipation?) always held me back.


That being said, I really like Cormac's post. And maybe Futanari's. Maybe.
The one thing I've learned is that this site sadly doesn't really have much of a
community. Sure, you have your choice users who are good people online and IRL
but you'll run into real assholes regardless of how nice you try to be. As for Waar,
Ya he's a bit of an asshole most times and he has the power to do what he wants as
Jacob and him are close from what I hear but when you get right down to it that's the
only power he has over one small aspect of your life.
Loner the People's Senpai
For me (at least a few months back) Fakku was the best site ever. Lately it's been meh. Hopefully things pick back up in the future.

As a whole - no I don't see fakku as a big love fest community.
As groups within - I think there are several tight knit groups that have come together through Fakku and particularly skype.
Chlor wrote...
the only time F! has a sense of community is when users are ganging up on some poor newfag and bully them into submission.

Tegumi "im always cute"
>Interactions over internet
I looking at you through the glass

I can see the world not the pass

I feel as though I'm loosing the future
The interactions over the internet are strong with this one. I shall make you my padawan. We will play checkers every waking hour.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I came here coz I have nothing better to do, but it's fun to be here.
I can't be fucked voting, but if I do I'd vote NO.
I'm only talking to some people here, and because they are on group chats.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Tegumi wrote...
>Interactions over internet

Do Skype and other chat mechanisms count as "internet"?
artcellrox wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
>Interactions over internet

Do Skype and other chat mechanisms count as "internet"?

It's still the Internets if it's a stranger you're talking to...
Waar FAKKU Moderator
How can I oppress you? This site isn't your right. This isn't a government body. You aren't a citizen of Fakku. I sell a product, you are my target consumer. You're unsatisfied with my product? Go find another one.

What exactly do you want? There has never been a real sense of "community", only through other means have real friendships flourished.

As always you're a bitter kid neo. Go outside or something.
Damoz ~Not A User~
We like each other in a hateful way~

devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
If it wasn't for my "friends", I wouldn't have been here longer than a week.
Admit it.
Waar wrote...
How can I oppress you? This site isn't your right. This isn't a government body. You aren't a citizen of Fakku. I sell a product, you are my target consumer. You're unsatisfied with my product? Go find another one.

What exactly do you want? There has never been a real sense of "community", only through other means have real friendships flourished.

As always you're a bitter kid neo. Go outside or something.

What's the return policy, or is this one of those shitty deals where you just give me store credit?

Anyhow, on to the actual topic here, i think the question kind of answers itself. If i'm correct thousands of people visit this forum every day. You can go years without even meeting another user just because he posts in a different forum. As with most things the internet and to a lesser extent Fakku is just a gateway that leads to actual social interaction. You probably won't get much if you only post on the forums.
I feel I've posted something useful in this thread
Haven't been using the Forums long, but I see some familiarity and friendly banter, as well as the occasional bout of stupid attacks back and forth. But Community is usually what you put in and get back. So far it has been mostly positive especially when I gave or helped. But just being part of the noise in the background hasn't been as much fun.

Sorry you are having trouble finding a community, perhaps finding just friends is enough? Seems you have a couple out there attempting to be a part of your circle. And that is usually the concept that most turn to in a large group that is too big to be familiar with everyone. You make your own circle of friends.

Its sorta the difference between being in a city, and a small town...A city attitude is keep your head down and meet up with friends if you have them, small town is waving and saying hi and such to everyone, because everyone knows you. Humans were used to small communities for nearly all of our existence. This new anonymous city thing is new and awkward at best, so we make our small community though family and friends, the rest we ignore and leave to the wolves.
I'll just say that I'm enjoying myself in this community. The internet isn't like your neighborhood, where people have to meet each other. On the internet, of course you can have a community, but then some people won't stay. Leaving a forum is much easier than having to change where you live. The sense of community - as long as people don't share any common interest/ have any common goal, will be weak. Friendships between certain users might still be strong, but altogether the community won't have strong bonds.

To me the internet is a place where you meet someone fresh everyday, kinda like playing a game. There are those people that show up and stay, and there are those that leave halfway. Of course, there are also retards and trolls everywhere around, but once you stay clear of them the place is still filled with interesting people. I'd rather enjoy the place while I'm still here.

To answer your question: Yes I do care. But then, bonds don't just appear, bonds have to be cut and torn, then rebuilt, strengthened and polished before they would last. Most of these things don't happen when human interactions are over the internet. I would like people to like the place and care for it, and I'm sure many others do too. But as long as most people don't, the whole community will still be as decadent as it is.
No, Fakku has never had a strong sense of community in itself but within the different forums and sub-forums.
Everyone at CTFG is pretty nice to eachother, since it is "CHAT TOPIC" you do talk quite a lot with people there and I myself know a few people from Fakku that I talk to atleast daily.

Fakku itself has no real sense of community, but as said the different forums and users do.
I am therefore going to agree with Cormac and Waar.

If people learned to behave, I think the community feeling would become a lot stronger.

Just because you're an otaku doesn't mean you have to call everyone around "fag" or other words.