Ain't no homo gonna make it to heaven

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Shinji Ex wrote...
Get a new name OP.

Lazy People...

I don't get this generation!

At least it's better than xX_Xx newfaggotry
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Deftera Mirage wrote...
Damoz wrote...
Why would anyone want to go to heaven anyway?

Its full of pansy ass people and virgins who won't have sex with you. And you will be ruled over by some creepy old lecher, now seriously who wants that?

The shit teachers are forced to feed kids these days...... :/

Who wants to spend eternity watching their relatives and playing harps? At least Muslims have 72 virgins.

Aren't virgins, like, a hassle to handle and train, though? =3=
artcellrox wrote...
Deftera Mirage wrote...
Damoz wrote...
Why would anyone want to go to heaven anyway?

Its full of pansy ass people and virgins who won't have sex with you. And you will be ruled over by some creepy old lecher, now seriously who wants that?

The shit teachers are forced to feed kids these days...... :/

Who wants to spend eternity watching their relatives and playing harps? At least Muslims have 72 virgins.

Aren't virgins, like, a hassle to handle and train, though? =3=

Breaking them in is half the fun.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
artcellrox wrote...
Deftera Mirage wrote...
Damoz wrote...
Why would anyone want to go to heaven anyway?

Its full of pansy ass people and virgins who won't have sex with you. And you will be ruled over by some creepy old lecher, now seriously who wants that?

The shit teachers are forced to feed kids these days...... :/

Who wants to spend eternity watching their relatives and playing harps? At least Muslims have 72 virgins.

Aren't virgins, like, a hassle to handle and train, though? =3=

Wrong. The process to train them and make them evolve to sexual powerdrive is the thing that makes training virgins worthwhile.
well, that is if heaven exist . ..........
I'm sorry but I couldn't help laughing. I'm bi and this is funny.
On a serious note: that kid is going to grow up to be a dick.
Damoz ~Not A User~
jewjewbs wrote...
I'm sorry but I couldn't help laughing. I'm bi and this is funny.
On a serious note: that kid is going to grow up to be a dick.

I be thinking that your probably gonna end up in purgatory, but i have heard that place is kinda fun~

I should visit some time~
Damoz wrote...
jewjewbs wrote...
I'm sorry but I couldn't help laughing. I'm bi and this is funny.
On a serious note: that kid is going to grow up to be a dick.

I be thinking that your probably gonna end up in purgatory, but i have heard that place is kinda fun~

I should visit some time~

I hold you to it. Hopefully there's a bar there :P
Damoz ~Not A User~
jewjewbs wrote...
Damoz wrote...
jewjewbs wrote...
I'm sorry but I couldn't help laughing. I'm bi and this is funny.
On a serious note: that kid is going to grow up to be a dick.

I be thinking that your probably gonna end up in purgatory, but i have heard that place is kinda fun~

I should visit some time~

I hold you to it. Hopefully there's a bar there :P

They better not be selling cheap swill there~

I need LOTS OF LIQUID COURAGE to stay in a bar~
My gawd... What are they making kids singing... If 'heaven' is filled with those brainwashed peabrains, I sure don't want to go to heaven
I believe in more of a... "spiritual recycling plant"
So in my eyes, I'll be fine either way :D

This kid though. He's going to be a dick when he gets older. People shouldn't be teaching their kids to be so closed minded about things like this. He's going to think every "homo" in the world is a sinner.

visit this site it will give you a good laugh.
Coyotetrickster wrote...
khat31 wrote...
[quote="Mash Karas"][quote="khat31"]
i was writing with one hand(not in that way) what do you expect

Not in what way? *innocent eyes*

Agnostic Theist here....Since this seems to be turned into a religious discussion. I am really surprise that people don't wake up and realize how much religion is a bunch of crap to control you, herd you and drain money from you....I figured this all out at christian camp when I went there the first time. They had an athletic competition and for the first time I ran a mile race. Many kids dropped out but despite not being fit enough to run at any fast pace at all, I carried on at a slow and painful jog long after the winners have won. I came in last, the last to finish that is....I was very proud of my spirit to carry through....but the other kids thought it was meaningless, even the older one that I looked up to because he planned to become a missionary. None of the councilors congratulated me or even noticed my finish. I realized they are just like everyone else, God gave them no insight that wasn't already there. They claimed how great they are, how good they are, how this and that they are. And at 12 the veil opened and God inspired me in the right direction for the first time, you can serve God better just by being nice to people than being around these jokers. Since then I found my way to being an Agnostic Theist, I doubt religions because they say its only their way to get to a good place. And I doubt God has Gandhi in a bad place, or Vlad the Impaler in a good place. Religion is too much about control and God is often made into something that is unquestionable. My God goes undefined. I don't seek to disprove God and God never gets in the way of reason and thought this way. I am happy that God inspires me at times but I don't need it to be God nor do I need to have it not be. Atheist have a good point, so do the Theists. But I believe there is a foundation for God's existence, but its just not something humans are able to describe without failure as they have only their own language and experience to do so.

Sorry that was a bit long =)

(while I'm sure my fellow Americans won't know what I mean, I'm certain others will)

You, sir, are a word that rhymes with farce and barse.

You have no right to force your atheist beliefs down another's throat.

I live in a country that doesn't encourages religious freedom; where do you live?

[NOTE: I don't want to here stupid propeganda about ______ country, it's old and boring. If you have legitimate answer, feel free to present it.]
" Worship yourself and fap until you get to seven. Real people will not go to heaven. "

--- besides I hear Human Relations Department in heaven is too busy with requests for reincaration. ---

Please take a number.
Parents of the Year 2012
Deftera Mirage wrote...
Damoz wrote...
Why would anyone want to go to heaven anyway?

Its full of pansy ass people and virgins who won't have sex with you. And you will be ruled over by some creepy old lecher, now seriously who wants that?

The shit teachers are forced to feed kids these days...... :/

Who wants to spend eternity watching their relatives and playing harps? At least Muslims have 72 virgins.

Mash Karas wrote...
I live in a country that doesn't encourages religious freedom; where do you live?

I live in Canada. I don't know about other Canadians but I don't care what religion anyone is. Everyone has their own beliefs. As long as it helps them in a positive way, it doesn't matter what god you pray to (if any).

I believe god to be more of a string that connects all entities in this universe. A collective conscious in a way. I believe the world is what you make it. I believe it's up to you to make things happen. I also believe in science as a gateway to understanding the workings of the universe.
That doesn't stop me from helping someone when they're in need, not matter their colour or creed or sexual preference.

I know people from many different religions and when it gets down to it, we're just people. We may have different reasons for doing things but it doesn't change the fact that we're all the same.
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