Why I am endorsing Mitt Romney

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I understand that there are a number of Republicans (including Yours Truly) who are currently campaigning to become delegates to the Republican National Convention who have formerly expressed support for the presidential candidate, Ron Paul.
Like me, they may be running into some questions about their loyalty to the “presumptive candidate”, Mitt Romney.
For that reason, and others that I will soon explain, I thought it was high time for me to officially switch my support from Ron Paul and go on record endorsing Mitt Romney for President of the United States.
While I hope that my endorsement will help, in some small way, to promote party unity, I am also aware that there will probably be some cynics who doubt my sincerity. After all, it is public record that I have donated the maximum amount to the Ron Paul 2012 campaign. And my neighbors might have noticed the four foot “Ron Paul 2012” banner in my yard or the the eight by four foot sign that I bolted to an unused utility pole (lit by two floodlights and surrounded by twinkling multi-colored Christmas lights).
So to reassure any skeptics, here is a partial list of the reasons I am endorsing Romney for president:

1. Consistency - Mitt Romney has been unwavering in his public devotion to the principles and issues that would help to advance the political career of Mitt Romney.
2. Flexibility - Unlike Ron Paul who has been ridiculously rigid in his defense of the U.S. constitution, personal liberty, a balanced budget and the sanctity of life (so much so that he earned the nickname “Dr. No” in congress); Romney has shown that he is capable of rolling with the punches, going with the tide, changing with the times, and bending with the breeze.
3. Supporters - The top six donors to Romney’s campaign are banks (including Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, etc.). Who knows what is best for the average American? Why, multi-billionaire bankers, of course. Obviously Romney’s supporters have the kind of deep pockets that can not only pay for his campaign, but also buy the kind of congress that will make SURE that America will have another TARP bailout if we need it.

On the other hand, 97% of Ron Paul’s donations come from individuals. His top three donor groups are the active military in the US Army, US Navy and US Air Force. Many of his donors live paycheck to paycheck, are small business owners, or are even unemployed. No wonder a lot of them are running out of money. Ron Paul has only himself to blame. After twelve terms in congress, lobbyists from the big corporations don’t even bother to come to his office. They know it would be a waste of time.

4. Public image - With unrelenting national and international press coverage labeling him as the “frontrunner” (and now the “presumptive candidate”) Mitt Romney has tremendous credibility. He has pearly teeth, perfect hair, tailored suits and looks, well... “presidential”. Ron Paul wears suits that could have come off the rack at J.C. Penney, has kind of a squeaky voice, talks for an hour without notes (let alone a teleprompter), and looks like your favorite uncle. You would never catch Mitt talking about things like “monetary policy”. Borrrrrrring!
5. Freedom - Romney knows that the greatest threat to our freedom are the “Islamo-fascists”. Not the Chinese, that manufacture everything that we consume and that we depend on to finance our national debt. Not the politicians, that treat the constitution like a blank piece of paper and the U.S. Treasury like their personal piggy bank. Not federal agents, that can track us by GPS, tap our phones without a warrant, watch the books we read and websites we visit, and monitor the politicians we support. And certainly not the President of the United States who now has the legal authority to order the execution of any American citizen that he suspects might be a “terrorist”. Or the American-born underage son of a “terrorist”. Or the underage friend who happens to be standing next to the American-born underage son of a “terrorist”.
After all, Obama has promised not to execute any U.S. citizen within the borders of the United States without a trial and I am fairly confident that Romney wouldn't either. At least not without a darn good reason.
Ron Paul thinks the National Defense Authorization Act is unconstitutional. That’s just crazy. The Bill of Rights prohibits “unreasonable search and seizure”, it doesn’t say anything at all about “vaporization by a drone missile”.

6. Foreign Aid - Romney understands why we should continue to mortgage our children’s future to give foreign aid to ANY government of ANY country that isn’t actually at war with us; including countries that are run by a dictator or whose citizens have a higher per capita income than the United States. Romney knows that the only TRUE friends are the ones that you buy and the best way to foster economic independence is to GIVE a country hundreds of billions of dollars.That is why Afghanistan, where 97% of the gross national product comes from the United States treasury, is so loyal and has such a vibrant economy.
7. Foreign Policy - Here again is where Romney really shines. He knows that American exceptionalism means that we should police the world. He knows that in this age of global economy, there are no nations in which the United States does not have a “vital national interest”. And even if there were, we could always justify bombing them to “prevent a bloodbath” or “promote democracy” or “enforce a U.N. resolution”. That means that Americans can rest easy knowing that we are spending ourselves into bankruptcy paying for the defense of impoverished countries like Germany, Japan, and South Korea so that they don’t have to tax their corporations which can then manufacture inexpensive cars and flat screen TV’s that put Americans out of work.
8. National debt - Romney is against it. How do we know? Because he said so a whole lot of times in a very convincing tone of voice. And just as soon as he is elected president he will show us how we can eliminate the budget deficit without raising any taxes, eliminating any cabinet departments, reducing military spending, or cutting Social Security, Medicare, or any other popular program. How will he do this? Well he hasn’t explained his whole program but it has something to do with getting rid of all of those federal regulations that are smothering small businesses like Goldman Sachs.
9. Immigration - Romney is the only candidate who has had the guts NOT to come out with a firm stand on this thorny issue.
10. Charisma - Romney has tons of it. Almost as much as Obama. Why is this important? Because in 2016, when the national debt has soared to record heights and unemployment is still in double digits it will take a lot of “charisma” to convince the voters to put him (or any other Republican) back in office.

11. Economy - Romney is a businessman. That means he is an expert on “economics”. He is also in favor of “free enterprise”. That’s why he likes the Federal Reserve. They print all of our money. Then they GIVE it to Goldman Sachs, which LOANS it back to the U.S.Treasury and charges the taxpayer interest. How is this “free enterprise”? Because Goldman Sachs gets to take our money, for FREE!
But that isn’t the reason Goldman Sachs is the biggest contributor to the Romney campaign. Its because they know he is the “best man for the job”. And he knows a lot about the economy.

Romney had enough sense to know that the only way out of the 2008 crash was to give $700 billion dollars to the same guys that had caused the problem. Like Obama, he knew they were “too big to fail”, especially after Goldman Sachs and J.P.Morgan had bought them at fire sale prices. That is because Romney understands “free enterprise”.
12. Electability - Romney is electable. Everybody knows this because we heard it on Fox News. He knows that he doesn't need the support of the thousands of young people who have been attending rallies for Ron Paul or attending conventions or campaigning door to door or becoming delegates or GOP party officials for the first time. Why? Because he isn’t Obama. And he understands “free enterprise”.
Anyway, those are a few of the reasons why I am endorsing Mitt. But I saved the best for last. The main reason I am endorsing Mitt Romney is for my children.
You see, they need to understand the way the world REALLY works. My son and daughter need to see that their dad knows the score and why their hero should be someone like Mitt Romney. They need to learn from his and my example.
They need to know that it is never too late to learn from your mistakes, especially when it is politically convenient.
I want them to decide what is right, make a stand and never waiver,... until it becomes unpopular.
They need to learn that when the going gets tough, they should take a poll.
They need to know that if all of their friends want to do the wrong thing, it’s time to join the crowd.
Because after all, NOTHING is more important than getting along.
And that’s why I am endorsing Mitt Romney for president.

*cough* *cough* *cough*

Someone move this to random or IB.
As someone who lived in Massachusetts, the state he was governor of, I can assure you he is anything but consistent. Quite frankly, he is a pretty terrible candidate. I can only assume your entire post was being sarcastic (no one would ever actually endorse Mitt Romney), so I'll move this topic to IB.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
: |
And this thread is thrown into the pit of wolves.......

OT: I don't care about who I vote, since no matter who I vote for I'm always doing the same routine everyday
[color=#2e1a6b]I was a little worried about you at first, but then you started listing the reasons, and it became obvious.

I have met a few people that actually support Mitt Romney, on the basis that he's better than Obama. I ask them to explain how he's different from Obama, and NOBODY has said anything other than the fact that Romney's republican.
Pretty bad when jacob post first in your thread and contradicts your opinion.

Ot: Choosing anyone is going to fail. All the candidates are shit level fuckers.
Mitt Romney is a piece of crap, but people have been swimming in shit all these years.
Jacob wrote...
As someone who lived in Massachusetts, the state he was governor of, I can assure you he is anything but consistent. Quite frankly, he is a pretty terrible candidate. I can only assume your entire post was being sarcastic (no one would ever actually endorse Mitt Romney), so I'll move this topic to IB.

Jacob, the post is obvious sarcasm. Just so we're clear.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Who the fuck is he?
devsonfire wrote...
Who the fuck is he?

The embodiment of Satan.
As a Tea Party conservative these are my opinions.....

To OP: Your post could use some edditing to reduce size. Your scarcasm touches upon some major faults in Romney. You seriously liked Paul????

The major reason to get behind Romney is that at this point he is who we are stuck with as a republican candidate (because of an act of blind rage*), because he is not a hardline born'n'raised commy like Obama, and because it is unlikely that a strong third party uber-consrevative-candidate will arise that can actually beat both Obama and Romney.
Obama could care less about the economy or our capatalist system, and will do his best to force us deeper in to a depression, if he is re-elected, in order to try to kill capitalism thus setting the stage for the commies to gain power.

*The act of blind rage that stuck us with Romney was the act of Gingrich, whom had a feud going with romeny, and wanted to hinder Romney any way he could. If Gingrich had thoughtful rage instead of blind rage he would have dropped out of the primaries sooner and not sucked up/divided a needed portion of Santorum's base. By staying in as long as he did, Gingrich handed Romney victory(by impeding Santorum), instead of dealing Romney the blow that he wanted to(talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face).

All that said I really wanted Santorum to win the primary. He had great chrisma (asside from occasionally putting his foot in his mouth by touching stupid unecessary topics that he should have just not touched), discussed good policy based ways to fix the ecconomy(The darned media didn't give it enough attention though), and showed good foreign policy.

We really need a Scott Walker(I'm proud to say that I voted for him in both elections!) or a Sarah palin(I wish the damn media haden't gone after her so badly else she could have ran this time arround) to cut the fat(and BS) from the budget so it can be balanced(and the debt reduced), cut taxes and regulatory hastels to allow bussiness to recover/grow.

Paul was great on discussing the ecconomy(and I think would be a good head for the federal reserve), but he is REALLY bad on foreign policy, and between that and other things can come across as being totally left field/mental at times. Foreign policy is a major part of the presidential duty and Paul just don't look like a sane choice to mannage that.

Those who don't care about politics either don't work and don't pay taxes, or are leaving major parts their futures to be decided by the whims of the four winds IMHO.

[national anthom plays in background in staicy low-Fi mono sound while the american flag waves in the background with analog video smear] Monotone Voice: This is MasterBetamax WMBX siging of for the evening.......[30 seconds of SMPTE "color bars" test patern, followed by static(untill my next post)]
You typed all that just to be sarcastic?
Jacob wrote...
As someone who lived in Massachusetts, the state he was governor of, I can assure you he is anything but consistent. Quite frankly, he is a pretty terrible candidate. I can only assume your entire post was being sarcastic (no one would ever actually endorse Mitt Romney), so I'll move this topic to IB.

Forum Image: http://www.reactionface.info/sites/default/files/images/1287666826226.png
MasterBetamax wrote...
As a Tea Party conservative these are my opinions.....

To OP: Your post could use some edditing to reduce size. Your scarcasm touches upon some major faults in Romney. You seriously liked Paul????

The major reason to get behind Romney is that at this point he is who we are stuck with as a republican candidate (because of an act of blind rage*), because he is not a hardline born'n'raised commy like Obama, and because it is unlikely that a strong third party uber-consrevative-candidate will arise that can actually beat both Obama and Romney.
Obama could care less about the economy or our capatalist system, and will do his best to force us deeper in to a depression, if he is re-elected, in order to try to kill capitalism thus setting the stage for the commies to gain power.

*The act of blind rage that stuck us with Romney was the act of Gingrich, whom had a feud going with romeny, and wanted to hinder Romney any way he could. If Gingrich had thoughtful rage instead of blind rage he would have dropped out of the primaries sooner and not sucked up/divided a needed portion of Santorum's base. By staying in as long as he did, Gingrich handed Romney victory(by impeding Santorum), instead of dealing Romney the blow that he wanted to(talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face).

All that said I really wanted Santorum to win the primary. He had great chrisma (asside from occasionally putting his foot in his mouth by touching stupid unecessary topics that he should have just not touched), discussed good policy based ways to fix the ecconomy(The darned media didn't give it enough attention though), and showed good foreign policy.

We really need a Scott Walker(I'm proud to say that I voted for him in both elections!) or a Sarah palin(I wish the damn media haden't gone after her so badly else she could have ran this time arround) to cut the fat(and BS) from the budget so it can be balanced(and the debt reduced), cut taxes and regulatory hastels to allow bussiness to recover/grow.

Paul was great on discussing the ecconomy(and I think would be a good head for the federal reserve), but he is REALLY bad on foreign policy, and between that and other things can come across as being totally left field/mental at times. Foreign policy is a major part of the presidential duty and Paul just don't look like a sane choice to mannage that.

Those who don't care about politics either don't work and don't pay taxes, or are leaving major parts their futures to be decided by the whims of the four winds IMHO.

[national anthom plays in background in staicy low-Fi mono sound while the american flag waves in the background with analog video smear] Monotone Voice: This is MasterBetamax WMBX siging of for the evening.......[30 seconds of SMPTE "color bars" test patern, followed by static(untill my next post)]

So your only reasons for voting for Romney is because he's your only other choice then Obama? I won't even validate that communist ignorance or that pointless comment that he doesn't care about the economy as reasons as not only did you fail to present evidence as to why this is so but as to why Romney is better.
Personally,I think the whole government is a piece of sh*t.
I vote for uncle Scrooge cuz hes rich.
Darkhilt wrote...

So your only reasons for voting for Romney is because he's your only other choice then Obama? I won't even validate that communist ignorance or that pointless comment that he doesn't care about the economy as reasons as not only did you fail to present evidence as to why this is so but as to why Romney is better.

Look at all the folks the folks Obama associated with before running for president FOR GODS SAKE! Every one of them are raticals and or commys: Revenern Wright, Bill Airs(of Wheather Underground Bombing infamy, and I probably have his last name wrong), etc. If you listen to the opinions of those whom he has asscociated with their stance is clear, and Obama is tight with so many of them that you can't convince me that he does not agree with at least half of the unadulterated BS they represent and spew.

Lets look at what Obama has done so far for the ecconomy.......His stimulus: it cost around 3 Trillion Dollors, created a miniscule and grosly innefficient ammount of jobs for the money(he could have just taken the stimulus funds and sent every American 500,000$, and it would have been better spent), handed out obscene ammounts of cash to pork barrel crap, and his constituents(such as all those Green energy firms that have gone bust since).

It is way too damn late where I am for me to be posting, I need to sleep!

Damn it jim!...I'm a voter not a candidate, if that is not enough additional detail and reason for you, then either do your own F'ing research or do as my signature says.....
MasterBetamax wrote...
Darkhilt wrote...

So your only reasons for voting for Romney is because he's your only other choice then Obama? I won't even validate that communist ignorance or that pointless comment that he doesn't care about the economy as reasons as not only did you fail to present evidence as to why this is so but as to why Romney is better.

Look at all the folks the folks Obama associated with before running for president FOR GODS SAKE! Every one of them are raticals and or commys: Revenern Wright, Bill Airs(of Wheather Underground Bombing infamy, and I probably have his last name wrong), etc. If you listen to the opinions of those whom he has asscociated with their stance is clear, and Obama is tight with so many of them that you can't convince me that he does not agree with at least half of the unadulterated BS they represent and spew.

Lets look at what Obama has done so far for the ecconomy.......His stimulus: it cost around 3 Trillion Dollors, created a miniscule and grosly innefficient ammount of jobs for the money(he could have just taken the stimulus funds and sent every American 500,000$, and it would have been better spent), handed out obscene ammounts of cash to pork barrel crap, and his constituents(such as all those Green energy firms that have gone bust since).

It is way too damn late where I am for me to be posting, I need to sleep!

Damn it jim!...I'm a voter not a candidate, if that is not enough additional detail and reason for you, then either do your own F'ing research or do as my signature says.....

So he's a criminal by association? Could you have said the same of the democracy loving Americans who shared many of the same values and befriend communists Pre- cold war? Can't I say your affiliated with hate groups that also hate communists such as the KKK because you may share a similar tie under the same logic? If those around you who you are associated with are lunatics,such as family,, would that mean your stance is that of a psychopath or schizophrenic(although your allegiance puts that to question already...)? I don't need to convince you what he agrees on or not but perhaps bring to light that his actions are far from communist. And as for the economy arguments, taking everything come you with sincerity, obviously you need that sleep as sending every American 500,000 dollars even as a joke is nowhere as effective.
On stimulus
-Apparently you think 3.3 million jobs created, less than 20% of that being temporary or unsustainable for more than 5 years, is miniscule and the industry for continued induation is also worthless and that our 3.3 trillion would be best suited for an addition to our providers of hard power in the middle east, I.E the genocidal united states army, that would be reduced anyways in 2 years and supplementing trade offs happening currently in the DoD and DoI.
-You also disregard the raise of our GDP and protection of America's ability to compete fiscally with the European and Asian spectrums by meeting deficit qoutas.
On his constituents going bust
-Apparently you also forgot all the other constituents with this heated comment. His constituents in the development of infrastructure within the US seem to be still active, along with most of the Eco R&Ds, and medical facilities, and pretty much 91% of the united states... But then again you've been wrong with numbers before.
- Considering the status of the average American citizen fiscally and quality of life overall being better than around 65% of the world I guess we truly are going bust.

Even if your just a voter there's no reason for you not to know this even if your candidate does not.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Are you making fun of BigLundy?

Either way that was a bit lulzy.
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