Cloning Good or Bad?

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Total Votes : 83
im for it a second me WOOO HOOO that woyuld be awwwsome or maybe 2 jacobs raze's and nicon's.thn fakku would be like.....uhhh i dont have a word.
I agree with cloning, could be a lot useful for mankind, scientific and medical purposes, of course i also think that regulations for this must exist. Cause you know always exist a stupid who will try to use this in a stupid way.
Cloning is really fine with me,

I'm just worried it might turn out like "The Fly".
Reinna wrote...
Cloning is really fine with me,

I'm just worried it might turn out like "The Fly".

The Fly never had cloning. The dude was trying to transport matter from one area to another.
cloning will lead to humans being harvested like in the Matrix. then armies will be made as in Star Wars.

hell, i'm all for it :D
I think that we would probably benefit from cloning but then eventually i think that the government wold use clones in the army or something close to that.

but still i think we should clone
I'm all for clonning some things. Like food because then we could produce it much faster and feed more of the world. Human organs as well so when people need transplants hospitals will have them on stock.

I don't apporve of full human clonning because they will just take over the world and kill all regular people. I dont want to be in some war fghting super humans.
GinIchimaru_09 wrote...
I'm all for clonning some things. Like food because then we could produce it much faster and feed more of the world. Human organs as well so when people need transplants hospitals will have them on stock.

I don't apporve of full human clonning because they will just take over the world and kill all regular people. I dont want to be in some war fghting super humans.

Is it possible to clone food? I honestly have no idea if it is or isn't.
Well I suppose to what degree cloning is being used for... If your cloning someone so you can kill them and harvest their organs for someone else who needs them... NO! Thats horrible... but if your cloning some livestock because the countries starving then thats fine by me. I suppose I feel its ok to clone humans to help the economy (free labor kinda like slaves ><) or protect your country (super soldiers) but not to harvest them of organs or do tests on them... but again cloning food and animals is fine by me. So long as you don't experiement on sheep

Pussies Don't Watch [size=10]or those who have pussies[/h]

Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I wasn't expecting that :? Put a spoiler tag on that for squeamish pussies like I.

I also did not realize Guests could post in the forums. If I try to post and not logged in I have to log in.

Cloning has its benefits and its major amount of negative side factors. As of now cloning has more negative then positive outcomes, and I couldn't even finish that YouTube clip to see if there was a point to that. The pulling out the intestine did it in for me.
Where is the "I can't be arsed" option?
Yeah you can clone food pretty much anything thats alive. But we would probably geniticly engineer it insted to make super food. Like those sheep were.
GinIchimaru_09 wrote...
Yeah you can clone food pretty much anything thats alive. But we would probably geniticly engineer it insted to make super food. Like those sheep were.

Food is alive?
Cloning could do the world some good in relieving food tensions and creating new advancements in the scientific community, but think of what a Hitler would do if he or she had the ability to produce the perfect race and warmonger with it.

It's a good (or bad) thing that cloning as we think of it in our sci-fi and fantasy realms isn't up to par with reality, because with cloning comes genetic manipulation, and that's really going to rile some feathers.

Speaking of cloning, has anyone read Akumetsu? (It's a manga) It's a fairly interesting read and it shows just how cloning can be used to achieve an end.
pro cloning........(i can clone my girlfriend and do tri-sex)
cloning is awesome.

i dont quite get moral arguments anyway, now if you come with the ethical arguments, i.e. you can clone organs and save lifes i dont see anything against it.

the most important question i guess would be if cloned humans are humans or if we can use them as cheap slave labor like any other cattle.

i bet though there would be some possibilities to inhibit their "humanity" (i.e. higher brain functions) by a great deal such as to declassify them from being human and human rights applying to them...
though i guess PETA would bomb the shit out of this labs.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Food is alive?


But if you were serious or for anyone who dosnt know. Fruit and veges are from plants and plants are considered alive.

[Sidenote] Did you know some people refuse to eat plants beacuse their alive?
GinIchimaru_09 wrote...

[Sidenote] Did you know some people refuse to eat plants beacuse their alive?

......what do they eat then if they dont want to eat live raws....???......(meat,fish? plant? are alive,)
GinIchimaru_09 wrote...
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Food is alive?


But if you were serious or for anyone who dosnt know. Fruit and veges are from plants and plants are considered alive.

[Sidenote] Did you know some people refuse to eat plants beacuse their alive?

I can understand plants being alive, but the products of the plants, as in the fruits and vegetables you take from the plants, being alive? I'm not sure. Then again, I'm no biologist, nor do I really care. It just seems strange that everything is alive. :lol:

discordia wrote...
cloning is awesome.

i dont quite get moral arguments anyway, now if you come with the ethical arguments, i.e. you can clone organs and save lifes i dont see anything against it.

the most important question i guess would be if cloned humans are humans or if we can use them as cheap slave labor like any other cattle.

i bet though there would be some possibilities to inhibit their "humanity" (i.e. higher brain functions) by a great deal such as to declassify them from being human and human rights applying to them...
though i guess PETA would bomb the shit out of this labs.

I think using cloned humans as slave labor would be unethical, but more than that, it would ruin the economy. There are millions of jobs that people depend upon to survive, jobs that a cloned slave human could do for no money. People are complaining now that Hispanics are stealing all the jobs; imagine how worse the situation would be if clones were taking all the jobs.

Also, even if the being is cloned, it would still be a human, and saying that it's okay for one kind of human to be a slave is tantamount to saying that it's okay for any kind of human to be a slave.
You can always conduct mass cloning for transplantations. Imagine how many lives can be saved that way. There are so many people waiting for donors to die to get transplants.

Also, new medicines usually take decades to develop because they need to test its effects on lab rats and predict its effect on humans. Why not use clones?

I'm sure nobody would complain as long as you don't give the clones a functioning brain.
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