Good things come to those who wait

echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
So I was kind of bored and tried watching some porn. I wasn't enjoying it. Then I tried watching hentai, slightly more enjoyable. Then I went to playing an eroge/visual novel. I was a lot more into that one. This made me think about the theory that good things come to those who wait

Porn: Instant sex scenes, No waiting, But not usually arousing.
Hentai: A small bit of story, only a little waiting then sex scenes, more arousing then porn but not always really arousing
Eroge/Visual Novels: A lot more story and plot line then porn or hentai. A while till any sex scenes. Way more arousing then porn or hentai

Of course this is just my opinion, but I am wondering what everyone else thinks.
Generally speaking, I am of the same opinion. If I'm not in the mood, porn won't get me going at all, and mangas will start me off.

But in the case that I'm horny, any of the two suffice amply.
Is a plot that builds up something really considered waiting though? I would go as far to say that character development can be equated to foreplay.
I'm still waiting for a gf and i'm STILL waiting for the moment when I have to use integrals
Im not sure where I stand on this, I dont like waiting very much but at the same time I dont like reading doujins where there is a sex scene on the first page.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Arousal is arousal to me. It's pretty sporadic, what gets me off and when.
It depends on the character. The greatest story in the world in a VN with a character I have no desire for will just be boring when his/her H-scene arrives. Meanwhile a doujin of a character I like is something more enjoyable. If the character and story is the same however, a VN is preferable to manga because VN's provide a higher sense of immersion.
Well, for me it depends on the story, effective plot and characters makes it worthwhile.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I don't like waiting too long, but a good story definitely makes the sex scenes more worthwhile.
I agree with that completely. Also, VNs don't leave out details but capture every moment and last longer, making edging even better.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I never liked porn anyway.
I like the build-up. I prefer a story in my porn, which is the reason I prefer hentai over RL. The wait makes it even better.
My dick rages hard while the characters have a normal conversation when I'm playing a VN
if i'm tired i'm fine with porn, because if i try to do something with a story i think it wont have the full effect T.T
I don't jerk off to visual novels.
I enjoy a good story and background of why te sex is happening when reading hentai, but when I'm watching porn. The background information is so generic and boring that it sometimes kills the mood for me. I don't really read that many VN and the ones that I do. I don't really get aroused with.
Monster Girl
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