Do you ever want to get married?

Do you ever want to get married?

Total Votes : 6,328
I actually met my wife on a webcomic forums. We are such dorks.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
I laughed at final option so hard that i fell on my ass.

Using Android Phone ATM.
I have no room in my life for fairy tales.

I'd rather be fapping.

"Hey, I'm a child of divorce, give me a break." - Patrick Bateman
Married for seven years. Marriage is awesome, don't let the haters hate.
Medzy wrote...
Well, I Would love too...but...
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Yeah i know how you feel

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I would only ever marry the person I love, but I do not believe love exists any more; thus I will never be married.

Explanation for those who think I'm being pessimistic:

I am a man of science, I believe in what I see, experience, and learn. I have never seen or felt love in my family, not between my parents, my siblings, my relatives, my friends, anyone. I have seen plenty of hate, divorce, anger, lust, and break ups. Thus my conclusion is this: Love is gone. I have my theories on who this came to be, but they are not necessary to further explain my belief.
I'd love to find the right girl for me, and if I do I will someday marry her. But if I did, the marrige would be extremely anime/video game themed. XD woo Legend of Zelda! But hey, for all I know the girl who's right for me could be anywhere, my next door neighbor, some chick I meet on the street, lol it could even be one of the girls readin this post! XD well good luck for everybody's love life I s'pose. :3
...I will...when I find a person that I really loves me and I really love her
I need to find the right person. Somehow I feel its the ultimate quest that's gonna require me to go around the world or something. Lol.
I find marriage unnesecery.
I am only attracted to animed girls. kind of sad i guess but it works out for me just fine.
I highly doubt I will find someone like myself in this world.
If it comes to it, why not. Not necessary.
I want pictures of my wife in a wedding dress.
And that is the only reason I will get married!
That and the "no sex before marriage" thing... just kidding.
I'm a ready married.... and pregnant! Waiting for my first baby ^____^ (and loving Fakku everyday)
I guess i'll be forever alone...
Still keeping Hope for my one and only prince â•š(†¢âŒ‚†¢)╝
yes, i'd want to do that

as it's most recognized as the epitome of love which i find very romancing and ergo very alluring to do. while a feat in its doing, in its continuance is especially a goal (meaning to say, no divorce) i really want to do...
how can you say that love doesnt exist? dont you get that special feeling when you see "your" girl ?
Never getting married just because I think that marriage is too expensive, and I think it's unnecessary. If two people love each other they don't need to prove that they are going to be with each other forever to anyone, they just be together forever.

But, it's hard to get serious with a girl when they find out you plan on never getting married so I might have to change my way of thinking O.o
Monster Girl
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