Right Handers Rejoice!

Oddly enough, I've used Fakku long enough to figure out to still use my right hand, but I have a laptop, so using my left hand for the arrow keys isn't too bad, i just rest it on teh front of the laptop putting my index and ring fingers on the keys, I'm having a hard time switching to WASD.
im left handed, so ive never felt that wierd moment of reaching over to flip the page anyways.
*Raises right hand in admiration* O_O oh jeez *lowers hand*
I turned into a lefty years ago from...underlubrication sores, thus this has never been an issue for me.

Nonetheless, very nice.
This is awesome :)
veeeeeery usefull like it but cant use it need an second keyboard with an different collor of keys
this is great, but you guys got me lmfaol i almost pee with the description. kudos guys!
shin609 wrote...
OtakuGod wrote...
Funny enough I'm right handed but after being on this site for so long I've adapted to using my left hand for my..."fun time". In fact, it feels unnatural for me to try and use my right hand.

This is exactly what happened to me. Us humans are pretty good at adapting huh?

Indeed, indeed. Switching over to the left hand also permits full and normal use of the mouse, which means viewing multiple 'material'.

And as a side note, I originally started off with my left hand - which was waaaay back in 1999, and far before I had any internet access worth fapping off to; quite prescient of my dick-brain, eh? .... I did try doing it with my right hand, but it never does feel right ;p
This is brilliant and helpful when I'm on Fakku by myself, but my Girlfriend and I are both avid readers on Fakku, so I usually have both hands 'unoccupied'. ;D Life is good!
I think it's one of my only advantages to be left-handed in this world ;w;
I am right hand by birth, but when it comes to fapping I use my left :D (Never know when you have to quickly close that tab)
YES!! The work of God!! Jacob just take my reput...!
lolz i always use my left hand, but i write with my right hand, and it feel awkward if i use my right hand to do if you know what i mean.
Thank Jacob for this amazing improvement!
Damn it ! my keyboard is in AZERTY...
Thanks for the new tool, but over the years I just switched to my left, I've never gone back since.
This keys set is like playing FPS (First-person Shooter) like Battlefield and Call of Duty, TPS (Third-person Shooter), MMORPG, and other video games. But great idea. You're the genius for invented the keys setting with non-games. So when I looked at online comic, I switched the page with A key to the previous page and D key to the next page. Then press W key to scroll up and S key to scroll down. This is now really working. I'm feel sort like playing video game.
lolz im right handed but iv learned to do....things with my left :P