US comics or Japanese manga?

US comics or Japanese manga?

Total Votes : 5,905
I really don't get why you're asking this on Fakku...
Manga! This is Fakku anyway.
I prefer slender girls over muscular, similarly thick lips, and square-jawed women :)
Idk y anyone would say US comics the US has Marvel and that's it there are hella good manga like the breaker or Madeka box there's a lot mOre but I dont have the time to post them all
Classic US comics and modern Japanese Manga
Manga! If I compare it to american comics they usually have more depth (at least the ones I like the most do), however I might not be the best judge since the only things I read were some mainstream marvel and dc comics... However I also read a great amount of italian comics and I must say that many of them are impressive!
Manga is defiantly my favorite, though comics will always hold a special place in my heart.
I've been collecting US comics for a few years now, but manga just seems to grasp my love a little bit more. I guess it's the exposure to a different culture that draws me away from home.
So hard to decide because comics tend to hard slightly move diverse drawing styles however manga is so weird and wonderful and has more popular genres.
Im 50/50 between them but also a sucker for the under dog so im going with comics.
Mangas, definitely, for the artwork, story, action, hentai...
Oh wait did I just say that out loud?
Yeah, I gonna vote for manga,,,
I do like the x-men for U.S. Comics.
The only US comic I still get is Sonic the Hedgehog, basically just because I've been getting it since such a young age and have almost every issue. Otherwise Japanese manga art is just too amazing! The only US comic artist I really like is Jim Lee and he basically doesn't even do much anymore.
i always love manga since i was small, but don't get me wrong i don't hate comics. But i will prefer manga over comics day or night
I'd choose Japanese Manga,but I do occasionally enjoy a good comic(favorites-Dr.Strange,Iron Man,Batman)
It's so simply, manga is way better! I't just have that "something"! :D
You're asking people on the wrong site about this one, but if I must answer... more comics from the US than manga nowadays. Plenty of comics of all varieties from Hellboy, to Executive Assistant Iris, to Way of the Rat, all the way down to reading the X-men or Runaways. And the bulk of what I read isn't even superhero stuff. I read manga too, but only a few core titles I keep up with like One Piece, Fairy Tail, and Oh My Goddess.

And from what I see in the thread, quite a lot of others like both as well, but the image of comics produced in the US has the stamp of the big two publishers on it. Hence the most visible being Marvel and DC, even though there are plenty of different things out there that have nothing to do with superheroes. They just seem to get the most publicity and sales because of their presence. Even though there are a hell of a lot more manga than Naruto and Dragon Ball Z some folks don't seem to pigeonhole the whole medium because of it. I wonder if it's the same on the other side of the line with purely US/European created comic fans.
British comics are my favorite such as 2000 AD :)
I choose manga. Read a comic, and then read a manga. You'll see a great difference in the quality of storytelling.
Kentaro Miura has educated me on storytelling qualities, and attention to detail in artwork.
Hmm, it's not my place to answer... I don't read enough US Comic to decide which one is my fav. By the time it goes till now, I still prefer to read Manga though.
What kind of question is this??? xD japanese manga all the way.
Manga number one!! cant beat the art fell in love with it since i first saw it :)
Monster Girl
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