What's your favorite Star Wars movie?

Which is your favorite Star Wars movie?

Total Votes : 2,986
Revenge of da Sith all da way
The Empire Strikes Back. Dark Side all the way.
For me It would be
1.Phantom Menace- Darth Maul..most bad ass sith I've ever seen, went as him for Halloween. Cloak,horns, face paint,creepy ass contacts, and light saber, the whole sha-bang.
2.Return of the Jedi- Luke shows up all decked out in black and fucks Jabba's couch and who can forget the ewoks. I know I can't,and Lando redeems himself.
3.Revenge of the Sith- Mace Windu in action, the great duel with Obi-wan and Anakin was good too, plus everything was so emotional when Jedi were getting knocked off left and right.Obi-wan taking out General Grievous.
4.Empire Strikes Back- Luke loses a hand and gets mindfucked by darth vader, Lando turns out to be a traitor, Han frozen in carbonite.
5.New Hope- Meh...slow start for Chara building, Not much light Saber play, But gave us some of the best quotes ever.
6.Attack of the Clones- Okay...where to start. It just sucked. I mean Anakin's story drains all the life from the movie. Count Dooku did not seem all that important in the movie. You don't get to see the mandalorian's glory in this. Too campy. So much wrong...gonna stop.
The Empire Strikes Back.
It's made me want to recreate the Battle of Hoth ever since.
I love 4 and 5, really like 3 and 6, find 2 acceptable to a certain extent, but really dislike 1. So it goes like this:
1- Empire Strikes Back
2- New Hope
3- Revenge of the Sith
4- Return of the Jedi
5- Attack of the Clones

6- Phantom Menace
1. Empire Strikes back
2. New Hope
3. Return of the jedi
I refuse to acknowledge these so called "prequels" once they said that the force was a bacteria....still makes me so mad to think about
I love all of them; the original trilogy was a timeless classic, while the prequel trilogy expanded that universe and gave human flesh to the armoured robotic tyrant that was Darth Vader.

Haters gonna hate; real Star Wars fans gonna be real Star Wars fans.
I love all the Star Wars movies and I really can't choose a favorite, but I voted A New Hope because it's the first one and the one that got me into Star Wars.
most favorite: The Phantom Manace- The origins sure was quite good way back late 90's. Also, my first Star Wars film I've ever watched.

Least favorite: Attack of the clones- Never liked the clones, ever.

Have to give top marks to the Empire Strikes Back. Just everything going bad for the main characters, but leaving themselves a chance to make a comeback in the next movie. Creating enemies that are worth the main characters going above and beyond in order to stop.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Can't we pick them all? How do you decide between awesome...and awesome?
I sense a great disturbance in the Force. As if 229 people voted for Attack of the Clones over any of the movies.

Quick note: the only thing I learned in that movies was Lord Vader hates sand.
One poll that I don't know to do on. But I think more of EP 5.
Empire Strikes Back, pure nostalgia, and good memories for me ^_^
Empire is my favorite, its the little things in that movie that do it for me, i.e. the fact that they added the sound of spurs in as Boba Fett enters the room in Bespin.
Having gone back and watched the whole series as an adult...

Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope

And the rest I wouldn't bother watching again.

RotJ is the start of the downhill slope.

Clones is boring and slow.

RotS does it's best to remove any lingering hint of badassery from the character of anakin/vader. (Oh my god, the "Don't jump!" 'I'ma do it!' "Really don't do it!" 'I did it." fight scene was terrible. Also, Vader has this reputation for being a great warrior in the originals, but all he manages to do in the movie is backstab an unsuspecting jedi, beat an aging sith 2v1, kill some half-trained children, and then lose horribly to obi. Where's the uber-badass who hunts down and slays jedi? The friggin clone troopers kill more jedi than anakin. >_<)

Phantom is... hurg. It probably got more hate at the time than it actually deserves, just because it was the first star wars movie in years, but even with the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia gone it's a strictly aweful movie.

Return of the Jedi for me.
A New Hope, it was the first Star Wars movie I had ever seen and the one that made me fall in love with the series!

- On a side note I loved finding this out when watching the original trilogy over again; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBQaLuqwtl8
Return of the Jedi,,,
Nothing beats the original series
Forgot them already... But my favorite scene is "I am your father" thing and throws enemy like rugdoll, also the Master Yoda on swamp... forgot the title...
Monster Girl
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