The art of hentai drawing...

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Of course people condemn drawing hentai. hentai is an open expression of sex, considered in many cultures a taboo topic. however, they condemn it, not because they detest it, but because they have to put up that sort of facade in public. they have to comply with the "norm". but if complying with the norm gets in the way of your self expression, then screw the norm. i salute hentai artists because they create art without giving a fuck what other people may think.

and they are not useless. many can't get through a day without their regular dose of hentai, myself included :D
crimson875 wrote...
heres a sample of my work btw (i drew it when i was 15, kinda dirty, iv found it on my pile of junk under my bed)

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it could use some work but not bad considering you were 15 at that point. got any recent work? just to see how much you have progressed :D
Wish i would be able to do a hentai project at school for english but it would usually send me to the school shrink straight away. anyway, people who think hentai is disgusting dont know the true meaning of "hentai" or anime art for that matter. They are just ignorant of the hard work and sophistication the artist goes through to draw this.

Besides, what about all the countless so called "artists" who draws nude artworks? Does the public get disgusted by them? No.

Hentai is more artistic and tasteful then some of the other pornographic materials out their. This also reminded me of this thread.
udou_akira wrote...
got any recent work? just to see how much you have progressed :D

back then i use to use
To actually choose hentai as the subject for your English project is risque and only a person with guts could share their sexual fetish with his fellow classmates. I salute you sir.

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Wait, what hentai is hentai. What ecchi is ecchi.

And crimson, that's just a little bit ecchi, not fully hentai.
(but even me don't know how the border is)

Of course, if you say the art of hentai drawing, it will be depend on your drawing. How hentai is that. How the morality(yes, even hentai have morality). Some hentai meant to just fap to, and some hentai meant to beautiful, or understand what the drawing means(if that have meaning).

If you talking about consider drawing hentai as a serious job, then you're gone. It can't give you much money, if you don't have the quality itself.

@kinsake: as a person who experience this, i can say yes but no. Yes i feel great when people admire my art, it's normal. No, it's not leading me to get money from it.
didnt realize anyone there was this topic on the forum =D, yea i started drawing about half a year ago, sure is hard to draw good posture, any tip anyone can give me to draw erotic art specifically? thanks
clynefaction wrote...
didnt realize anyone there was this topic on the forum =D, yea i started drawing about half a year ago, sure is hard to draw good posture, any tip anyone can give me to draw erotic art specifically? thanks
ah thanks alot some of links seem to be dead, guess ill practise some drawing this weekend put back study this weekend.=D
there is no such thing as a useless hobby. If you're having fun with it and you are enjoying yourself, then F@$h the rest of those who look down on you.
wtf if people like hentai whats stopping me from drawing it just like some people like weird fetishes that you think are nasty whats stopping them from loveing it.
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