Valentines day! Any good stories?

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So, seeing as this year's valentines is winding down and I believe this is the most appropriate place for such a topic. How was everybody's valentines? Any good stories you care to share? What about from previous valentines days? I feel that with quite a bit of advice asking topics a lighthearted topic with stories would be good.

Mine was OK I suppose. I gave chocolates to a girl I like and even if I didn't think she would go out with me for varying reasons(which I won't list right now), but I tried. She turned me down of course and we remain friends but at least she enjoyed the chocolates XD. I am glad I asked so I could get her favorite instead of getting something she may or may not like since I can't cook chocolates. Also glad I said something now rather than bottling up stuff and waiting. I have no other good stories from past valentines sadly.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I was Forever Alone, but went to the cinema with 3 other friends to see Die Hard.

Being typical guys that we are, we joked about having an orgy with the only girl there at the back of the cinema where we usually sit. She wasn't amused, but we certainly were.
ehh never really celebrated valentines day i stayed home hoping to not get hit by a car last year on the day before valentines day
Valentine's day is the most depressing day of the year. Never have anything to do on it.
Went out for Korean food and then Sweet Frog with the ladyfriend. And then we just sat around browsing internet stuff and talking. We made each other cards, but didn't exchange gifts or anything. It was a nice night. A good excuse to go out to eat, and to fuck like rabbits. She had an 8 AM this morning though, so she had to go to bed around midnight. Plus she's still sick. Fortunately I already caught it and my immune system stopped me from getting sick.


Also, damn, ya'll are depressing.
stormrifle wrote...
Valentine's day is the most depressing day of the year. Never have anything to do on it.
Took her to a steakhouse
Couple of drinks
When to the car garage
I play with the nagical bean
Censored for your brain
when home.
Nothing interesting happened.
Gravity cat wrote...
I was Forever Alone, but went to the cinema with 3 other friends to see Die Hard.

Being typical guys that we are, we joked about having an orgy with the only girl there at the back of the cinema where we usually sit. She wasn't amused, but we certainly were.

Man that stuff only happens in porn. Or does it lol :P.

To be honest I wouldn't want to do anything like that even if I could. Bros do not enter a devils uh...# here some.

Lots of nothing/don't care for the holiday, that's totally fine. I haven't had any luck but I suppose I can get over that and always just hope for next time. I'm honestly unsure why I haven't just straight out given up.
stormrifle wrote...
Valentine's day is the most depressing day of the year. Never have anything to do on it.

> Valentines day is depressing
... I... what?
It's not depressing at all. I don't care if I see a couple near me making out or what not. There's no point complaining about it.
If I'm single, I make it out as a huge joke (Buy myself presents, will bring up Mrs. Palmer jokes)
If I'm in a relationship, I'll make it all about my partner, and get them presents/ take them out to dinner, etc.

ot: I bought myself a new phone, and then saw a friend and his waifu/ gf. Then got home, and went to town on Mrs. Palmer.

For reference: Mrs. Palmer is a joke name for your hand. The joke can be used in any manner, but an example is: 'Are you in a relationship?' 'Yeah man, with Mrs. Palmer and her 5 daughters... One's a bit chubby, but eh'
[color=#9D0A0A]One of my female friends called me and asked if I wanted to watch Safe Haven with her. She likes those types of movies and she just broke off with her boyfriend. She was down because she had plans to watch it with him. The movie wasn't that bad. A bit cheesy but touching too. After that we relaxed at her house and talked about the movie while sipping down a cup of tea. Thats pretty much it.[/color]
[color=olive][size=10]Haron and I spent our second Valentine's day together, and I gave him chocolates (not the homemade kind because I don't know how to, but I swear I'll make a homemade one next year <3) which he liked. We just spent the day being together, talking and being lovey-dovey, despite him having a stomachache that day. But nevertheless, it was a perfect day because I'm with him. ^/////^[/h][/color]
Drifter995 wrote...
stormrifle wrote...
Valentine's day is the most depressing day of the year. Never have anything to do on it.

> Valentines day is depressing
... I... what?
It's not depressing at all. I don't care if I see a couple near me making out or what not. There's no point complaining about it.
If I'm single, I make it out as a huge joke (Buy myself presents, will bring up Mrs. Palmer jokes)
If I'm in a relationship, I'll make it all about my partner, and get them presents/ take them out to dinner, etc.

ot: I bought myself a new phone, and then saw a friend and his waifu/ gf. Then got home, and went to town on Mrs. Palmer.

For reference: Mrs. Palmer is a joke name for your hand. The joke can be used in any manner, but an example is: 'Are you in a relationship?' 'Yeah man, with Mrs. Palmer and her 5 daughters... One's a bit chubby, but eh'

To be fair it is understandably depressing for some who haven't had much luck. I am generally hopeful even though I have no reason to be.

Oh I forgot to mention that I did get myself some pocky. Yum. Nothing wrong with getting your own chocolate and chilling out with a hobby or something (fire emblem woo!).
Did my usual chores and went to see Safe Haven on my way home. Bad idea because I had to sit next to this super giggly couple (no offense, couples...)

Then I went home and made dinner for myself and one of my male flatmates who was alone on VDay too. We had our own fun starting from the chocolate cake I made and, then well, you know what I mean :P
Nothing special happened seeming as i couldn't see my girlfriend, fortuntely we were talking over FB.
I had recently seen an image of another two people having a convo, and i wanted to see if i could pull of the same thing.
I'm happy to say it worked and it made her 'Daaaaaawwwww' whilst i felt ill from the amount of cheese (I fail at being romantic at all xD)
The convo
Her: Bored at work...
Me: xD
Me: Thats my 3rd favorite face
Her: and?
Me: :3
Me: Thats my second
Her: Whats your first?
Me: Yours

I normally only do and say stuff like that for the laugh and not the geniune meaning behind, fortunately they get as much laughs as they deserve
Me and my husband went to the Poconos, was pretty great.
[size=12]my valentine's day this year...

present boyfriend with this poem:

lizards give [color=red]red[/color],
golems give [color=blue]blue[/color].
i love you and stuff, let's play league,
i will carry you.

... lol. u v u)/ was too sick to do anything that i wanted to do this year, sadly. for me, valentine's day is nothing more than an excuse to do more for someone and have more heart-shaped stuff to choose from. although, i did make homemade chocolates for him and wrote a song. ; u ; pretty sure we rented a movie, too, and just relaxed in bed goofing off and playing games.
alex-kun came over. we had fun as I remember it.

I think he made pasta.

it was a work day during and after so nothing outdoors, which was fine anyway
I covered her whole body on chocolate and started to picture for my concept...
menolly-hime wrote...
[size=12]my valentine's day this year...

present boyfriend with this poem:

lizards give [color=red]red[/color],
golems give [color=blue]blue[/color].
i love you and stuff, let's play league,
i will carry you.

... lol. u v u)/ was too sick to do anything that i wanted to do this year, sadly. for me, valentine's day is nothing more than an excuse to do more for someone and have more heart-shaped stuff to choose from. although, i did make homemade chocolates for him and wrote a song. ; u ; pretty sure we rented a movie, too, and just relaxed in bed goofing off and playing games.

Sounds like fun times, had to reply cause of the league poem lol. I actually play as well but rarely due to college. And I'm pretty bad anyway so I suppose there is that XD.

There wasn't many good movies out during valentines although some(probably) good ones are coming out now.

Drag0nf0rce wrote...

I'm happy to say it worked and it made her 'Daaaaaawwwww' whilst i felt ill from the amount of cheese (I fail at being romantic at all xD)

At least you get the chance to try though :P. That is more than I can say for a few people I know+myself. Although sitting around doing nothing is it's own reward. (sleep or games yay!).
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