And so it turns out...

I didn't get drunk after all, lol.

The night was going good until a certain person had to show up and ruined everything, which left mostly everyone pissed wanting to beat him, me being the first, but got talked out of it D:. And I'm usually a calm guy, but dayuuuuuuuuma!! He just got me pissed to the max.

Afterwards, everyone faked leaving and I faked going to bed then the guy went home... then everyone came back and yay it's good again.

But all in all, it was a good night. There's still a lot of 21st b-days to attend to later this month and year so it's fine :D

And with this I'm off to sleep! :'D [size=4](hangover to tomorrow)[/h]
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Kadushy wrote...
Afterwards, everyone faked leaving and I faked going to bed then the guy went home... then everyone came back and yay it's good again.

That's so evil yet so awesome
what the guy do?
You guys should've gotten that guy drunk instead
have a good hangover!
I never had a hangover. I got blind fucking drunk but no headache or ill effects outside of a cottonmouth like a fucker.
I never get hangovers, but if you drink make sure to drink a lot of water before you go to bed.
winter55 wrote...
You guys should've gotten that guy drunk instead

Bad idea. He's already violent enough sober . . .

And when he's drunk he gets crazy and starts doing stupid shit.

And oh yeah, my neighbors woke me up 2 hours after I went to sleep threatening to call the cops on me if I don't go out and talk to them... I was sleeping, hello, stupid neighbors.

When I went outside, he greeted me, trying to be all nice. "Good morning, neighbor. Beautiful weather today.." Bitch! You just fucking threatened me with cops at 7am and now you're acting all nice now? I WANT TO KILL YOU.

Then they were trying to put the blame on me that one of my guests had hit their car and ran off... Says it was a black guy driving a gold car and I said I didn't know anyone who has a gold car, and there wasn't a black guy here yesterday. Afterwards he switched "gold" into "light colored" car and black into mexican. Yeah, I had a few mexican friends over, you're right. And I thought you said a black guy in a gold car. Why is it now light colored car and a mexican guy? After I said that, he said, "Well, it was pretty late too so it was dark and I can't really see."

He lives across the street from me and there's a light pole right there. I can see just fine at night.

Then I asked him what time did it occur? He said it happened at almost 2am. My guests left at 12:50am except for about 11 others who stayed with me inside the house until 3:40am.

I was pretty pissed since he woke me up from my beauty sleep and I was talking to him all that time in an aggressive tone :D

An hour later, he comes and ring the door bell holding a glass beer bottle he found on his front lawn and asked if we were drinking it. Psssh, I never even seen that beer before, nor did we have any glass beers.. well, 2 but that was it.

Better not blame me, dude. The whole damn neighborhood was doing their own thing that night too and my guests had to park like 3 blocks away since there wasn't any room left for parking.

Rant over.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Sorry about ruining your party Douchy.
cruz737 wrote...
Sorry about ruining your party Douchy.

Why you delete quizno?
animefreak_usa wrote...
Why you delete quizno?

you mean this?
Monster Girl
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