Mah Liver is exploding

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Papers to hand in for 3 courses, haven't been sleeping much the entire week.

this is the 5th day that I've been staying up until 4 and waking up at 6:30

I feel that everything is unreal when I'm awake. It's like the tipsy feeling you get after a few beers.

Or it might just be that I'm going to die of exhaustion soon.


Either way, am I still savable or is it too late?

Sleep properly.
i know that feel but i get that after 1-2 days of not sleeping properly... it's like you're drunk and hallucinations will be very common.
Happy Hallucinations!
Fuck sleep, play aion.... shit at this rate im gonna be 60 and fully geared by the next time you log on.

Also, my eyes usually start twitching when i dont have enough sleep, other than that i dont have too much problem going for a long time with only a few hours.
>Liver exploding
>3 beers.

If this is true then you should die via natural selection.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
As long as I get 6 hours of sleep, I stay up doing whatever it is I have to. Luckily I haven't had to write papers lately.
I finally finished the paper due tomorrow. Now I just have to edit all the citations and draw an abstract.

It's 3:30 in the morning already....To be honest though I feel super high right now. Not even sleepy anymore

Might just go catch some Aion....

There's only about 3 more hours anyways, might as well make it an all-nighter.
Sleep during the day?
Ryssen wrote...

Forum Image:
Heizan-Tr5 wrote...
It's 3:30 in the morning already....To be honest though I feel super high right now.

Contiune to live the words of Nate Dogg.
Sleep is for chaps.
Sleep! Don't become like my father... :( worst childhood memory...
Heizan-Tr5 wrote...
I finally finished the paper due tomorrow. Now I just have to edit all the citations and draw an abstract.

It's 3:30 in the morning already....To be honest though I feel super high right now. Not even sleepy anymore

Might just go catch some Aion....

There's only about 3 more hours anyways, might as well make it an all-nighter.

Uggh!, I can relate to you bro. I had to cover for one of my workmates who went AWOL and do multiple pages of coding just to make it to the deadline. The remedy I find most effective is to have a cold shower after such nights
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Go camping when it's drenched and windy. Last time I did that I managed to work with a grand total of 5 hours' sleep from 3 cold, damp nights. Will solve all your problems.
How long are they and what are they on?
I thought this was Freak's thread.
say what! wrote...
I thought this was Freak's thread.

That would be mah pancreas is exploding.
Cormac wrote...
How long are they and what are they on?

One is on post-colonial african literature.

Another is on Metaphysical poetry

These two are finished, now I have a formal research study for Business. When that's done and I'm still alive...I'll go sleep off my weekend.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Sounds like you are probably over working yourself. You shouldn't have take so many classes
Actually, abnormally high levels of stress can affect your liver functions, profoundly. Sleep deprivation can also, after extended periods of time, [week-ish], it can cause psychosis.

Sleep, your physical health should always be your #1 concern.
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