How is USA and Japan different in Entertainment?

Which country catches your attention the most in entertainment?

Total Votes : 18
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I was just wondering right now, how is United States of America different in entertainment than Japan? Like here in USA, we have a lot of Entertainment like Las Vegas, Theme Parks, etc. But Japan has something that catches my eyes a lot, that is huge Anime/Manga Stadiums for Anime/Manga addicts AKA Otaku's. You can cosplay in Japan and nobody will tell you crap. Here in United States you cosplay, people will just stare at you like your some kind of alien, unless your cosplaying for some epic movie, ex: DBZ Evolution, thou i know it sucked but I did cosplay for that movie, and i took off the uniform during the movie...... that's how much it sucked. Anyways, i wish to know your opinions how both countries are different in entertainment.
hmmm,., there is one thing i know that differs USA from Japan. their game shows. japanese likes it when somebody is having a hard time going to the goal... you can search on you tube if u dont know what i mean.
mynameisJ wrote...
hmmm,., there is one thing i know that differs USA from Japan. their game shows. japanese likes it when somebody is having a hard time going to the goal... you can search on you tube if u dont know what i mean.

I know what you mean. :P
But it is true, USA differs from Japan in game shows.
More often then not, Japanese entertainment usually catches my eye.

Seriously, their Human Tetris show(not bothering to look it up) tops most other countries variations, since they use actual comedians. It's fuckin' hilarious!
I typically prefer Japanese entertainment.

...Wait, you mean besides Anime and Manga?

Definitely American, and Western in general. Japan knows shit about Live-Action Sci-Fi.
I think you might be wrong about the cosplay thing. I'm pretty sure if you dress up as Sailor Moon and walk down the street in Japan, people will stare at you and think you're weird. Because of the culture, they may not yell at you and call you a fag (like they would in America), but they'd still think you're strange. Being an otaku in Japan isn't a glamorous thing.

I actually think that being an otaku in America is easier than being one in Japan. There are a lot of people in America who understand why people like anime, even if they don't watch anime themselves, and it can be a popular thing even among people who aren't geeky. In high school, I was a nerd, and I talked to jocks about Dragonball Z. Nowadays, they probably talk about Naruto, but the point's the same.

Anyways, about the original topic, I'm not 100% sure, but it's been my experience that Japanese horror movies are very different from American horror movies. While slashers are big in America, paranormal things seem to be favored in Japan. America = unseen man hunting 19-year-olds; Japan = ghost haunting 25-year-olds. Plus, the Japanese seem to be very superstitious and easily creeped out by anything that has to do with ghosts. I've heard of Japanese people freaking the fuck out just because they took a picture with their cell phone, and some dust looked like a ghost or something. In America, you have people whose walls could bleed and they wouldn't give a damn.

2,000th post. w00t!
japan lol ftw!! :lol:
Yeah, I tend to sway towards Japan. I love some of their game shows.

here's a japanese game show that western game shows have nothing on.
Jonoe wrote...

here's a japanese game show that western game shows have nothing on.

Oh my god busted myself laughing at the punishment games, the reactions from girls is too funny. I don't think I'll ever see that happen in here. Kinda odd to see some of the stuff in manga being used in there too XD
I'll write this short comment rather than going into an analysis of differences in culture that attributes to differences in entertainment values.

The reasons why I watch anime than American cartoons and sitcoms and other shows are that anime has a plot and they end. To me, anime doesn't go on season after season, and the the effort that Japanese put into making these shows is nothing short of admiration. I've learned a lot from anime, probably moreso than watching sitcoms or MTV or SNL or whatever.

Maybe it's because I'm a person driven by plot, something with meaning. I find American shows kinda meaningless.
why you ask?
Movies, TV Shows Games.
Titanic, Scarface, Pineapple Express.
The Office, Robot Chicken.
We rock at entertainment.
We also got some games...
Gears of war, Counter-Strike, Call of duty, Halo.
Nice huh!
g-money wrote...
I'll write this short comment rather than going into an analysis of differences in culture that attributes to differences in entertainment values.

The reasons why I watch anime than American cartoons and sitcoms and other shows are that anime has a plot and they end. To me, anime doesn't go on season after season, and the the effort that Japanese put into making these shows is nothing short of admiration. I've learned a lot from anime, probably moreso than watching sitcoms or MTV or SNL or whatever.

Maybe it's because I'm a person driven by plot, something with meaning. I find American shows kinda meaningless.

Another nice thing about anime - you get half-hour shows that are serious. In America, if a show's serious at all, then it's an hour long; if it's half an hour long, then it's a comedy. That shit sucks.
Callonia wrote...
Jonoe wrote...

here's a japanese game show that western game shows have nothing on.

Oh my god busted myself laughing at the punishment games, the reactions from girls is too funny. I don't think I'll ever see that happen in here. Kinda odd to see some of the stuff in manga being used in there too XD

I wish I was that ecchi guy and played the pocky game with them.
Of course JAPAN
Monster Girl
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