Do you like to cook?

Do you like to cook?

Total Votes : 4,432
I love cooking especially over an open fire. I don't mean to brag but I make a mean T-bone steak on the barbecue.
Fullcaneli wrote...
Love to cook also figured its one of those things you should learn for those desperate situations you might run into

I agree that everyone should know how to cook at least a little.
I do want to learn, but I'm lazy so I haven't. I can still microwave stuff, at least.
until i move out, i only cook when im home alone
I only cook when I have to, or if there's really something to cook.
..but, I usually go outside and buy something to eat.

OR I watch Epic Meal Time and end up with something inedible...
I can't cook, but I like cooking, but I don't want to cook. Only if I have to.
Instant noodle all the way!
I don't like to cook, but my food is pretty tasty. Although I do look like a mad scientist when I'm in the kitchen...
I can't cook. If it was possible, I'd be the one to burn water.
I love cooking! Even though most of what I make tastes like shit.
too many dishes to wash!! its like a restaurant and there are only 6 people in the house. that's why I wanted to try on living on my own.
I lovr cooking but i don´t cook that often mainly because i´m use to going out to eat. That said i hate fast food so when i say go out to eat I mean that know quite a few restaurants that make 5 stars restaurant look bad
Would cook more if people I cook for paid for some of the ingredients for once.
W.O.C183 always fapping
It's really an art, a taste bud pleasing one if you put your heart in it, well maybe with a bit of finesse first! (-:=3
I'm a man and I cook only when i need to. I enjoy doing it too, but like a man I'm just too lazy to do it all the time.
I love to cook when I have the time, but I'm always nervous about making something people don't like.
It always makes me smile when someone tells me I did a good job on the few things I can actually cook well. Compliments like that usually make me really happy! ;A;
Ladies love a man who knows his way around a kitchen! Cooking couldn't be more enjoyable for me.
I rather enjoy cooking myself. I can make some complicated stuff too.
Tried making a Soufflé the other day... I don't think it came out right. :c
YEah I Do.....
"Give the man a fish, he'll eat for a day... Teach him how to fish and he'll eat for eternity". That quote alone is enough. If you don't know how to cook now is the time to learn~ Especially if you're married!
Monster Girl
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