What's the best hair length for anime girls?

What's the best hair length for anime girls?

Total Votes : 6,089
Down to the hips. More room for configurations. Could be put up into a ponytail, or semi-braided. And there's always the possibility of cutting it up to shoulder/neck length. Always looks smexy. Add Megane/Kemonomimi for a nice touch.
Lol I'm stating my preferences for anime girls, but I just sound like a gay hairdresser...
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Forum Image: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/37076489.jpg

I can't choose.
Down to the feet or longer. In my opinion, the longer a woman's hair, whether they be real women or anime women, is the better it is, but then again, I do have a fetish for long hair.

Essentially: The longer the better.
Took to the shoulders.

That said though it totally depends on how the girl looks, if she is tall, then I would probably prefer longer, as an example.

@GrayFullbuster: Nepgear is awesome! <3
I like it pretty long to balance out the far TOO frequent cowtits.

If the person in question is actually properly sized I like a tomboyish haircut a lot more.
long hair past the feet and neko ears so cute
I'll take anything aside from pixe cut or bald
For me It really doesn't matter as long as the girl is cute but the one I voted for was down the hips after all almost all cute anime girls I like has hair length like this...
Anything but bald is good.
down to their feet....

example Kan-U Unchou
I'd say it depends on the character, but I think I like halfway down the back the best.
Long hair is always the way to go and if you don't believe me check this out:

Shoulder length most of the time, but it really depends from girll to girl.
Long - Down to the knees. A woman's crowning glory is her hair (for me) and is a symbol of grace, diligence and beauty. To maintain it and make it look straight and beautiful everyday without fail is admirable.
I would say that medium length down to the hips. i'm not sure what it is but i have a thing for women with hair like that.... it should be light brown hair too i think that anime girls with light brown hair are Cute...
It all really depends. Case by case is best. Some ladies don't fit certain styles, in my opinion.
But in general I'm currently digging short hair :)
For me it's once it covers the the breasts fully I love when my girls are nude bud hide behind there hair
you should have left two or three choices ^^
I can't decide; they're all so good. I tend to lean towards the shorter varieties as they're less common, but as long as it's well groomed (less of an issue with anime girls), I'll take any of them.
Medium †’ About halfway down the back
I just think it's the perfect length, to the hips is also super cute too ^^
Super longggg hair like down to knees and feet seems like it would make things kind of awkward, in reality that'd be a lot of hair flying around, unless it's up (ponytail and braids are sexy when super long)