Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

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I hide nothing. In truth, I find it the best way to hide things. I showed my mom some of my favorite hentai and she's never touched the subject again. As for my friends, we let each other know when he find something new that we really like.
My friends didn't know before April Fool's day...
got a friend into hentai by showing him this site. win for fakku
I keep it underground for as long as I can. Then again, I wouldn't really care if someone knew or not.
I say I keep it for myself, but my guess is that everyone just knows.
my parents don't like that i'm a FURRY, so i don't tell them stuff that they CAN'T and or WON'T understand!
my girlfriend knows.. actually we both enjoy hentai and porn.. ^__^
Yeah my friends and family know.... well my few friends are my stepbro and my ginger cousin... but consider them friends more then family lol. I even played Sengoku Rance in front of my stepbro and cousin lol.

Nobody really cares (though they do find it weird) but I have no one to talk to about hentai. Much less anime except my stepbro who only watches English dubbed anime since he reads really slowly so he can't watch subbed without stopping the video every line of speech... I tried to get him into hernia but he has zero interest in it unfortunately. My cousin on the other hand hates any form of cartoons.

Though nobody knows I like lolis. You know hard hard it'd be to explain that without coming off as a pedophile?
Mostly my friends knew I like hentai since they asked me whether I fap to real porn or 'cartoon' so i just answered hentai.
my friends knew I like hentai since we all love hentai and fakku
By random twist of fate, my friends now know. They think I'm a bit more of a faggot, but they don't care all that much. I just have to stop linking pictures with fakku in the link >.>
My friends and family know because my brother found out and brought it upon himself to tell everyone I knew. Good thing they don't really care all that much.
only tusted friends know :)
Guess I'm one of the lucky ones, my friends are into hentai as well so they don 't care, hell i got one who i discuss our favorite tags with, and another that i disscuss and suggest doujins to each other. my family on the other hand my mom cares and doesn't like it but as i keep my coms under lock and key she hasn't stopped me yet. the rest of my family knows i enjoy but even so i don't activity share with people when i watch or look at hentai or visit this site i try to be discreet and not get caught by any one.
my family tries to forbid me from watching any kind of porn whatsoever so...

meanwhile i have a few friends whom i talk to about doujins and the like.
superBlast wrote...

Though nobody knows I like lolis. You know hard hard it'd be to explain that without coming off as a pedophile?

I feel your pain. It is almost impossible to express one's love of Lolis without coming off as a pedophile. I, however, managed to do it. It took me several months to come up with this, but I use the description "cute, short girl without much in the way of breasts"

I don't feel that it encompasses all there is to lolis, but its as close as I can get
its only me and my sister. we both use Fakku. No one else knows. Our dad would kill us lol.
Skylotus wrote...
superBlast wrote...

Though nobody knows I like lolis. You know hard hard it'd be to explain that without coming off as a pedophile?

I feel your pain. It is almost impossible to express one's love of Lolis without coming off as a pedophile. I, however, managed to do it. It took me several months to come up with this, but I use the description "cute, short girl without much in the way of breasts"

I don't feel that it encompasses all there is to lolis, but its as close as I can get

Hmm... maybe I'll use that if anyone finds out. That might explain enough for most people. Thanks for the advice!
Yea I'm all over the board with this stuff my family know and sometimes gives me shit for it but with my friends it's become a joke about how I'm going to take over the world with my tentacles and on the subject of lolli real people are no where near as cute as in manga and anime
No one knows. My dad found a bunch of it on his computer when I was younger and didn't understand computers :p I think he thinks it was just a phase...little did he know >:D I wish I knew more people into it. :( That's why I join sites like Fakku :)
Monster Girl
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