why are you alive?

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Recently I've been thinking that I don't really have that many reasons to live and I'm wondering what are your reasons for living? money,women,power,or simply to live?

for me my reasons for living are probably my lack of experiences I've haven't seen enough of the world to say it's not worth living here and my love for anime or simply my hobbies lastly for the people who care for me, that's probably the only reasons for being alive
I'm not sure if this topic has been done before, but I feel like it has since this topic is basically revolving around the "meaning of life" question.

Still, to answer your question, I have no idea to be honest. I live to live. That's all there is to it, at least for now.
I'm alive because one day about 27 years ago, my parents had sex. Nine months later I was born. I've avoided dying in the 26 years since then. That's why I'm alive.
[size=14][color=black][font=Times New Roman]I live because life is interesting.[/font][/color][/h]
I proceed to live because there are so many things left un-experienced.
So many sounds left un-heard, things left un-done, words left un-said, places left un-visited.
I don't think I can find that are new to everyone, but I want to experience all sorts of things that are already discovered.

I may be kind of frail and not the smartest, and I may not even experience all the things I want to...
But in words of a wise man, "Just take whatever life gives you, and play 'em".

I'm also alive because I figured how to breathe.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
I proceed to live so i can piss on the graves of my enemies.

Also its funny to watch how humanity shoots itself in the leg over and over and over again.
I am alive for one reason only: spread my genetic material and ensure the continuation of my family line.
See, one night when my mommy and daddy loved each other very much . . .
Being my parent's only son I want to be fulfill their dreams as well as mine in the process.
Dying is worse than living. That's all there is to it.
«Synth» wrote...
Dying is worse than living. That's all there is to it.

[size=14][color=black][font=Times New Roman]If that was a universal truth no one would commit suicide.[/font][/color][/h]
BagMan wrote...
«Synth» wrote...
Dying is worse than living. That's all there is to it.

[size=14][color=black][font=Times New Roman]If that was a universal truth no one would commit suicide.[/font][/color][/h]

You're right but, I never said it was a universal truth. That's just how I see it. People commit suicide because they think that life is harder than death. They couldn't handle it. Living means you can change that but, you can't change anything if you're dead.
Well, how about I continue to stay alive to find out that reason.
I was kinda depressed with that thought too especially to what ive learn about life from science but this quote kinda opened my perspective.

" a universe without a purpose should neither depress us or suggest that our lives are purposeless. through and awe inspiring cosmic history we find ourselves on this remote planet in a remote corner of the universe, endowed with intelligence and self awareness . we should not despair but, but should humbly rejoice in making the most of our gifts and celebrate our brief moment in the sun."-Lawrence Krauss

there lot of other people that question the meaning of life that you can find on youtube like Neil Degrasse Tyson.
Well, hello I' new here so I might give any good answer cuase i don't know you personally.
I think the questioner's question boils down to the search for the meaning of life. Well it really depends on what "worldview" you have. May it be naturalism, christianity, buddhism, agnostic.... etc. Worldview is the philosophy (or something like that) on which you try to use to answer the important questions of life. (I hope you follow cause I'm not that good in speaking English and I'm not that good writer.)

In the naturalistic sense, on which evolution and science dominates the worldview, there is no meaning in life. Cause how could there be a meaning if we are just a timeless, matterless chance of chance. There's no meaning because we just came from blub of some essential micro nutrients that by "mere chance" came to life.

I was once an atheist and a purely naturalist, having pride that I've killed God, and killed the notion of God. But then I realized that being an atheist gives MORE and I really exaggerate the word MORE questions that it answers. Also being one gives more contradiction in life. (I could answer why and what it gives contradiction but it will prolong my already long reply.)(1) First where did objective morality came from from an amoral origin. (2)How could we have consciousness from unconscious origin. (3) According to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (Believe me I'm an engineer. I really am.)There's NO CHANCE that a system will be more organized that it is now. It will always decay, putting evolution in question. (4) Why do we strive to answer the most existential questions in our lives?
Because those that wish to destroy me haven't cought up to me yet. I should be dead, but still I persist. Now if I could only find a woman in the same boat as me so we cover each others asses. Yea, I squeezed the Charmin, a real risk-taker ain't I?
This is a question that haunts me everyday, I spend countless hours pondering it and the "why's" accossiated with it. What keeps me living? Money? I think our fiat system of money is worthless and puts too much value on delusions of grandure. Power? I don't need power I did that shit, got shot, did things that I neither regret nor wish to remember. Women? I guess that is a reason, if I were gone she would try to join me, I cannot allow this to occur. Simply for the sake of living? That one sounds good to, I tried the whole suicide thing a fews times. I figure if I can't die while trying to kill myself then I'm not meant to. I think that my reason for living has changed throughout my life. I know that until two years ago it was to spite all of those around me, to not give them the satisfaction that I was gone. I wanted to remind them that I do exist and they can't stop me. Recently though, it has become more for her than myself. I need to be alive to make sure she is safe and happy. Really, it's not even just her, it's all of my friends. I need them alive just as they need me alive. When it comes to the idea of offspring I think that would be nice too, to have little monsters running around the house trying to pick anything and everything up.

I live to live.

(Sorry I try to answer things thoroughly ^^; )
i find life interesting enough to live. Well for now at least. And i cant kill myself because i dont want to hurt the people that care of me.
I think op needs to deconstruct his question or elaborate it further
to get more output and concise answer among the replies from the users

what do you mean by alive?

humans 'live' to pass on their genetic traits to the next generation; meaning? SURVIVE...

while on the other side of the coin, if a person continues to go on with his life to find meaning and deeper purpose, and continue to search for meaningful endeavors it means he is LIVING...

I remember a line from a movie sayin'
"I don't wanna survive, I want to live!"
«Synth» wrote...
BagMan wrote...
«Synth» wrote...
Dying is worse than living. That's all there is to it.

[size=14][color=black][font=Times New Roman]If that was a universal truth no one would commit suicide.[/font][/color][/h]

You're right but, I never said it was a universal truth. That's just how I see it. People commit suicide because they think that life is harder than death. They couldn't handle it. Living means you can change that but, you can't change anything if you're dead.

You know , it's not everyone that is the typical "omg i'm getting bullied at school or my wife just left me , let's suicide " . Some people just ask themself the same question OP asked , and after years of searching for an answer - and not finding one , the question change , you don't wonder why you are living , but why continue living ...
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