Annoying people. What's your story?

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lupface wrote...
I live in a black with that being said I am not racist just very extremely annoyed with people being very narrowed minded. You wear a certain shirt that has two letters together that are from a gang and they are quick to ask who you represent even though the shirt is from a PC convention. I mean really? You can't see the word or acronym which spell gdgt (GD is a name of a gang). You see what you wanna see and think it is from a gang. Hell if someone wore an IGN shirt bet you people will assume you are from a new gang.

Another thing that annoys the hell out of me is saggy pants. Ya sag your pants because it is the fad without actually doing research on where it originated from but here you poking fun at others about what they wear.

(True story): I was at work wearing a Led Zeppelin shirt when this Puerto Rican walks up to me (keep in mind this guy is 20 years old and recently had a baby so you would think he would grow up and he's a cry baby) and asks me why I was wearing the shirt of L.Z. (one of the logos of Led Zeppelin for those who do not know is of a angel with wings without clothes or gender nor a face with long hair). So I told the boy I could and that I liked the band. But apparently workers were making fun of me about the shirt. One of my guys (who is older and black) asks me why do I wear a shirt of a naked man showing it's dick because according to everyone or society, that makes me gay. Just Google it, trust me there is no dick. So with him asking me why I wore a shirt of a naked man, and the fact that everyone thinks I am gay really annoyed the living sh*t out of me. So I asked him where's the dick on the shirt. There wasn't any because the angel is f*cking genderless. If it had nipples then why is it not classified as a woman and only a man. I also asked him why the majority of workers at my job (who are black/mexican/puerto rican etc.) are sagging their pants. And his response to that was "It's a fad". I'm like HHHHHEEEEELLLLL NNNNOOOOOO. This guy did not know that sagging your pants meant you wanted to get fucked in the ass! And the lower they are the more you want the D! He thought I was lying but I had someone who was able to back me up on that! Hell it's on the wanna say gangland or some show about prison, Idk. So he understood that I didn't care for those talking sh*t about me because they themselves don't know anything about what they are wearing or what it means. It's literally like watching the god damn discovery channel and seeing how apes/animals act around life or better yet watching a high school show. This right here is pet peeve of mines. Also know your sh*t first before you talk sh*t about others.

Also I don't like people who contradict themselves. If you say you're not gonna do what you said you weren't going to do then don't fucking do it. And even if you did what you said you weren't going to do then at least make effort to hide it from me. Ex. Girl: I'm not gonna talk to him, I'm done, he treated me wrong etc. *5 minutes later*...*flirts with guy she wanted nothing to do with*. insert Jackie Chan meme here.

I Lol'ed so hard
Laz wrote...
lupface wrote...
I live in a black with that being said I am not racist just very extremely annoyed with people being very narrowed minded. You wear a certain shirt that has two letters together that are from a gang and they are quick to ask who you represent even though the shirt is from a PC convention. I mean really? You can't see the word or acronym which spell gdgt (GD is a name of a gang). You see what you wanna see and think it is from a gang. Hell if someone wore an IGN shirt bet you people will assume you are from a new gang.

Another thing that annoys the hell out of me is saggy pants. Ya sag your pants because it is the fad without actually doing research on where it originated from but here you poking fun at others about what they wear.

(True story): I was at work wearing a Led Zeppelin shirt when this Puerto Rican walks up to me (keep in mind this guy is 20 years old and recently had a baby so you would think he would grow up and he's a cry baby) and asks me why I was wearing the shirt of L.Z. (one of the logos of Led Zeppelin for those who do not know is of a angel with wings without clothes or gender nor a face with long hair). So I told the boy I could and that I liked the band. But apparently workers were making fun of me about the shirt. One of my guys (who is older and black) asks me why do I wear a shirt of a naked man showing it's dick because according to everyone or society, that makes me gay. Just Google it, trust me there is no dick. So with him asking me why I wore a shirt of a naked man, and the fact that everyone thinks I am gay really annoyed the living sh*t out of me. So I asked him where's the dick on the shirt. There wasn't any because the angel is f*cking genderless. If it had nipples then why is it not classified as a woman and only a man. I also asked him why the majority of workers at my job (who are black/mexican/puerto rican etc.) are sagging their pants. And his response to that was "It's a fad". I'm like HHHHHEEEEELLLLL NNNNOOOOOO. This guy did not know that sagging your pants meant you wanted to get fucked in the ass! And the lower they are the more you want the D! He thought I was lying but I had someone who was able to back me up on that! Hell it's on the wanna say gangland or some show about prison, Idk. So he understood that I didn't care for those talking sh*t about me because they themselves don't know anything about what they are wearing or what it means. It's literally like watching the god damn discovery channel and seeing how apes/animals act around life or better yet watching a high school show. This right here is pet peeve of mines. Also know your sh*t first before you talk sh*t about others.

Also I don't like people who contradict themselves. If you say you're not gonna do what you said you weren't going to do then don't fucking do it. And even if you did what you said you weren't going to do then at least make effort to hide it from me. Ex. Girl: I'm not gonna talk to him, I'm done, he treated me wrong etc. *5 minutes later*...*flirts with guy she wanted nothing to do with*. insert Jackie Chan meme here.

I Lol'ed so hard

Looking back at is actually kinda funny.
Little kids, about 8-11 years old, cursing like a sailor and being disrespectful to their parents.

I want to slap them so hard.
People who smoke in a small enclosed area and young girls with heavy make up.
In middle school when ppl would shake their feet on the back of your chair.
When I watch movies with people and have to explain the plot.
They're everywhere...
People who
wrt lik tis nd hv a fl kbrd n thr fone.
People who pronounce robot "robit". Or roof "ruf". Not to mention the very act of poking. I will hit you if you poke me.
When someone doesn't come into work with a good excuse and having to pick up his slack.
Loner the People's Senpai
When people (especially females) multitask when you're trying to have a serious conversation with them.
when I'm eating my favorite food and someone appears out of nowhere to ask for a bite.
ryo55564 wrote...
when I'm eating my favorite food and someone appears out of nowhere to ask for a bite.

I know how that feels. I went to Arby's three days ago bought some cheese sticks. Family was over and one by one the Mozza sticks began disappearing.

Leave the food of the beholder alone you people.
Females who bob their head from side to side when their jimmies are rustled.
When slow drivers drive in the fast lanes and jam up traffic. Thank God I don't keep a gun in the car, I'd be reloading it constantly.
When people ask too many why's and how's. And also when they're pointing and laughing at me. God that's so annoying.
People who get mad for being corrected for their really REALLY retarded spelling and grammar.
People who get mad when others call them stupid rightly for their retarded threads/ posts.
People who try to fight people over the internet, because they want to prove they are tough, when they just look more retarded.
Girls who know nothing but how to gossip
People who like to cause drama
People who complain about drama, but keep causing it
Rude people

I could go on for days
Forgot my headphones today...
And because life's so funny the fag next to me had to listen to what he calls music louder than everything else in the train.
People talking in the movies.
Almost anyone born after 1995. I have no clue what the fuck happened but I find people like that to be really fake, especially the ones who wear the hats with shiny stickers. That's just my own personal opinion. My younger brother is lucky we are related so I tolerate his BS.
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