What is your Biggest Mistake in your life

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this niggah

Doesn't this thread already exist several times over?
losing 2 iphones and a bunch of money
Sneakyone wrote...
Not going to the dentist regularly, could have saved me a lot of bills.

i've been to the dentist only twice in my life time >.> never had a cavity. take care of your shit yourself and you'll be fine meh... (unless you got buck teeth and you have no choice but to go to the dentist lol) Seinfeld: pff.. dentists... who needs 'em? =P anyway i've had several big mistakes, and i'm nearly 30 lol one was not locking my door while looking at a playboy my friend left. my brother walked in 'nuff said. another was hot boxing the shit out of my car while smoking a blunt to the head.. in a car with no tints >.< and here comes my father. oh boy =\
flyguy45 wrote...
Please_don't_ban_me wrote...
Bri... Fuck that was bad... Then there was Kaitlynn, then Desiree, Demi, Kathleen, Megan, Joey, Kasey, those stood out as exceptionally big mistakes. Most of my relationships aren't that bad, but those 8, FUUUUUUUUUCK that...

I can go into more detail if asked.

I already know what you mean I don't have to ask.

Yeah... Those were dark days...
lol Ok Story Time.

About a year ago i had put together a amazing Magic: The Gathering deck. Which i was going to use in tournaments four years to come. The deck was a lot of blood sweat and tears to put together. Probably invested at least $300 straight cash into it, and gathered the rest. When i put together the deck it was about $1000. I had the deck for a month and was just getting into the rythem of it; but was confident enough to take it to a huge local tournament, about 400 people or so. End up doing sort of bad throughout the tournament. I had been watching this deck like a freaking hawk, keeping it in my bag on my back at all times or in my hands. Finish up my last trades, pack up, leave, go to bed that night. Wake up the next morning, can't find the deck. Freak out and call the tournament organizer and check everywhere. Nothing. Have never got it back. Got together a $1000 dollar deck and then lost it within two months.
Not sleeping early during my growth stages, I wanted to be taller.
I'd have to say the biggest mistake of my life would have to be letting my boyfriend at the time (now my current boyfriend again, thankfully <3) walk away from me because I still had feelings for my ex, then that escalated to getting back with and staying with that ex for almost 3.5 years which was stupid, then that escalated to me getting with someone else after we broke while on drugs, who after 7 months asked me to marry him, so I was engaged at 17... I clearly broke that off though. STUPIDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE D:

But it's okai now, because the one I let walk away, gave me a second chance and we're happily together again ^^ <3.
I tried some V8 today.
Psyboi wrote...
losing 2 iphones and a bunch of money

Shit bro, that's a lot of money.
Caring about my mistakes so much.
Yuuki wrote...
Psyboi wrote...
losing 2 iphones and a bunch of money

Shit bro, that's a lot of money.

more than $ 400
that the "26" year old I met in shibuya was 15. and not bringing enough funds for akihabara
Went to a christmas party where I met this cute girl. Chatted for a while and learned that we went to the same middle school (was in 7th grade at the time). She was extremely cute. Long brownish hair, beautiful emerald eyes, and light skin. Anyways for some reason I started to ignore her. She approached me once at school and I completely ignored her! I'm an idiot. Recently tracked her on facebook and she still looks amazing. This has been one of my biggest regrets in life :(
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Sticking with a major I lost interest in for more than 4 years.
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