Fewer Periods for Women?

I recently saw a commercial for some new birth control that not only prevents pregnancy but also reduces the number of periods a woman has a year. It (supposedly) doesn't make the period lighter; it actually gets rid of the period for months. According to the ad, while on the medication, a woman will only have four periods a year.

This is nothing new. I've heard about stuff like this for awhile. And it's never sat right with me. Aren't periods important? Aren't they part of nature? Aren't they supposed to happen? I can understand making periods lighter, because some girls just have heavier periods, due to their bodies doing whatever, but doesn't completely eliminating the period for months at a time fuck something up?

I don't know a lot about biology, period. (Pun intended.) I don't know a lot about human biology, let alone female biology. So I could easily be missing something. But I do know math, and going from 12 a year to 4 a year doesn't add up right, unless those 4 periods are super-heavy (like, you can't leave the house and have to wear a diaper, heavy). While I'm not often a "respect nature" kind of guy (the kind who believes that we shouldn't change anything about nature), with this, I am, simply because it seems that common sense is going out the window, in favor of not feeling pain. Like I said, I could be wrong, but to me, this medication is the equivalent of taking the cast off of a broken bone two weeks early because it itches a lot. Menstruation isn't a disease to be cured. I'm pretty sure women aren't supposed to be able to take a pill and say a big "fuck you" to something that's been going on since the dawn of mankind.
[I would have to agree on this. Having only four periods a year seems unhealthy for the female body, when it is used to a dozen. You have to think, when a simple drug does this, what the hell is it doing to the body chemically? Reminds me of the time they thought they had a cure for Bipolar. They gave it to some kid with Bipolar, and he died. The reason....the drug erased one of his chromosomes!! I, to this day, am in awe that something like that is even possible, and when I read about new drugs like the one Shaggy has mentioned, I am reminded of it. If women really want to use this drug, they should probably wait it out, and see how others are affected by it first. You never know, it could be harmless, or it could cause severe, irreparable damage]
I would have to agree with you both on this, but I'm sure there are many women out there that would disagree with you on this, but I'm almost sure it depends on which woman you are talking to.

ShaggyJebus wrote...

I don't know a lot about human biology, let alone female biology. So I could easily be missing something. But I do know math, and going from 12 a year to 4 a year doesn't add up right, unless those 4 periods are super-heavy (like, you can't leave the house and have to wear a diaper, heavy). While I'm not often a "respect nature" kind of guy (the kind who believes that we shouldn't change anything about nature)

I am unsure about whether having fewer periods really affects the intensity of the periods that are experienced 4 times per year. But you are right. Periods are supposed to happen, but the most sketchy part about these products are the side-effects, and long lasting harmful effects of the drug, because of the fact that women only have a limited amount of eggs, and if they aren't discharged normally, then who knows what will happen? Maybe the woman won't have menopause until late in their 70s?

At any rate, these drugs are a bad idea
alexanderthenine wrote...
. You have to think, when a simple drug does this, what the hell is it doing to the body chemically?

birth control itself is HELL on a womans body. i mean, its great because, in most cases, you dont have to think about protection or anything, but it basically just fools your body into believing that youre pregnant, which is bad enough, but i cant imagine the kind of havok 4 periods a year would wreak.

this might be their attempt at a more eastern form of medicine, which tends to have a "waste not want not" view of healing/medicine.

i have this awful image of periods building up until they explode... gross.
penelopesays wrote...

i have this awful image of periods building up until they explode... gross.

Don't tell Shintaro Kago...
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
My mom actually wouldn't allow me to get the shot because of this. She's been in the medical field for over 25 years and said if the blood doesn't shed from the uterus it can put a girl at a higher risk for uterine cancer if she's under the age of 40.
My aunt had uterine cancer too, so that was the biggest reason for the no. I'd be even more likely so.

So I'm just on the regular ol' birth control pill. It does really help with my period though, and it does make it shorter- but that's just with my body. The pill really works so differently on every girl.
i think youve all hit the head on the nail. drugs that are intended to cause a serious degree of change to a natural bodily function like periods just seem way to sketchy to deal with. i can understand why it sounds appealing to just about any woman, the convenience factors a 10 on paper. it sounds way to good to be true though and is bound to have huge repercussions, thats why im not quite sure how marketing these kinds of drugs is legal without thorough long term independent studies of the product.
if all the girls fuck themselves up, it could end up like Children Of Men
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
it could end up like Children Of Men

Off topic but...

Worst movie of all time... >:(

On topic...

I agree that even as a guy, it seems a bit unnatural to funk with your body systems that much. Regular BCP are gods little gift to men, but that new one just goes to the point of wacky body chemical mixing.

Also, that's nuts about the one drug destroying the chromosome o_o What an terrible way to go :/
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Also, they're bullshitting you with the whole shorter lighter and fewer periods.
I knew a girl who was on the shot when I lived in Indiana, she never got her period. It just stopped coming. Then one day she was bleeding for a month straight.

It's a natural process that just needs to happen, whether guys and girls like it or not.
Well, technology, especially biotechnology or pharmaceutical technology, always tend to dehumanize us, to make us "stronger" or "impervious" in the short run, but in the long one, and this means, your CHILDREN, not you, will get all the bad side effects.

PS: I loved Children of Men.
Um I know two women (one of which is my mom) who already have fewer periods and they aren't on anything, it's just natural. Periods are weird. One friend got on birth control to help with her cramps (which were so bad they kept her out of school) I, myself, only have 11 periods a year, no cramps, no sign but "HELLO THERE!!!" No change in mood, and no need for supers. My sister on the other hand has cramps from hell but her flow is the same as mine....like I said weird. I'm not really sure what the deal is with 4 per year, if it's bad or not but it is somewhat of a hassle (especially when you are a guys house and it just decided to come and you are without equipment, grrrr.... ) Though still I'd rather getting it as I usually due to being paranoid. Hell that four a year, if you forget that fact you will go nuts until you bleed, thinking you were pregnant and all.

Sorry for grossing anyone out.
You said the truth about periods and that cures didn't do anything useful
I imagine it works by tricking the body into believing it's pregnant, but for long periods of time...ie, a high enough dose of something to stimulate the production of the necessary hormones (the hormone levels are what regulates the cycle, I'm sure you know that :P). It's bad enought taking such pills for short term use, and irregular periods are otherwise a sign of bad health (associated with extreme eating disorders etc), so that can't be good.
Not all natural processes should be fucked with, especially regarding this matter.

Unless menstruation becomes fatal, there really isn't any need to take this drug. Safety over comfort, I'd say.

...although even then, it might not altogether be that comfortable.